A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 37: Missed Time)

Sep 26, 2009 21:43

I have come to the conclusion that Bright Skies now has *two* themes: Blind, by Lifehouse, and Even Angels Fall, by Jessica Riddle. Which was totally unplanned, but they just ... *fit*. Now if I'd only get off my butt and actually make the trailer for Blind, and plan one for Even Angels Fall ...

And now after that random statement, I bring you more Wes Angst, and OverprotectiveAlex!

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: Fitting BroodyBrightSkiesWes into the Time Force group is a lot harder than I expected it would be. -Glares and kicks him- He's all awkward and ... non-cooperative. So I don't necessarily like this chapter all that much, but I can't seem to write it any other way. >.<

"So there's no lawyers," Wes murmured beside him as they waited for the trial to begin.

"Lawyers were removed from the judicial system when it was updated in 2562," Alex explained quietly. "The courtroom is open only to those with influence in society or directly involved in the trial. They're allowed to ask questions of the witness' testimony directly."

"My brother is such a geek," Ben muttered on his other side.

Alex bopped him upside the head without thinking, only marginally surprised when Wes leaned across him to do the same.

Ben stared at them both, scandalized.

"That was for Sky, too," Wes informed him. "Don't pick on your brothers."

Further down, Alex heard Katie snicker as he fought down a smile. Don't pick on your brothers. For some reason, the words left him with a warm feeling.

The intercom chimed. "Day three of The People versus Jonathan Blakemore will commence immediately. All participants will please take their seats."

For the first time, Alex would have found the trial boring if not for one thing: Wes.

The Wes he'd met last had trouble sitting still for long periods of time, and constantly fidgeted in his seat when he had to. His attention would constantly wander if he wasn't completely interested in the topic at hand, and while he'd look guilty if he was caught, he'd never admit to daydreaming. It wasn't that he didn't *want* to be part of what was going on, so much as he just couldn't focus on it.

The Wes sitting beside him today paid rapt attention to the proceedings. His eyes took in every detail, except for the moments when he would suddenly stop to close his eyes, listening almost more intently than he'd been watching. When something in the witness' testimony caught his attention, he would sit up straighter, his eyes narrowing as he waited patiently for some silent signal. Then at the oddest moment, he would key a request to speak, standing up to ask a single question that would drive holes in at least half the witness' statements.

Needless to say, getting Wes out of the room for their lunch break was harder than it should have been. Reporters were everywhere, eager to get a moment with the legendary Red Time Force Ranger. Wes was surprisingly unphased by the attention, keeping his head down and letting the others surround him without complaint.

"Let's bring lunch up to Ranger Tower," Katie suggested. "It's quiet up there."

'Quiet' was code for 'we can talk in private'.

Wes smiled, shaking his head as he turned away from yet another reporter trying to catch his eye. "Quiet, huh?" he murmured as Lucas stepped in closer, preventing the reporter from approaching him. "Do we have to eat in The Closet?"

Jen chuckled. "Not anymore," she promised him.

The elevator ride up to Ranger Tower was silent. Wes had a distant look in his eyes as he petted his dog absently, something Alex had noticed he did often. Then Ben was leaning into his side, trying to steal something from his lunch container, and he was forced to turn away from Wes long enough to defend his meal.

There was a brief moment where he'd wondered if they needed use the guest code for the computer, but Wes had already moved to send the recognition code on his own morpher. The computer let out a happy chirp, letting them pass without complaint.

Ben gave Wes an odd look as they each grabbed a place at the meeting table. "Shouldn't that have sent a warning into the system? I mean, with two Red Chrono Morphers?"

"Not really," Wes said absently as Trip opened his mouth to answer. "It's essentially the same morpher, just newer. It's either acknowledging both of us, or it thinks Alex accidentally sent the code twice."

Trip blinked at him, looking surprised. "That's right," he agreed. "How'd you know that, Wes?"

Wes blinked back, finally offering a shrug and a self-deprecating smile. "Two of my best friends are Techs. I learned a long time ago it's a good idea to pay attention to what they're saying."

"Techs?" Lucas echoed, frowning.

"Technology Department at S.P.D. Earth. We call them Techs," he explained, slipping a piece of meat out of his lunch and holding it out to the dog. He smiled when she took it from his fingers with surprising care, patting her head. "Well, technically Turbo's ... something between Technology and Vehicle Design."

"What department are you in?" Trip asked curiously. He paused to arrange his sandwich, rubbing his hands together gleefully before he reached for it.

"I'm a Drill Sergeant for Ranger Squad - Training Department," Wes answered, holding out another piece of food for the dog to take. "I used to be H Squad, but after Grumm everyone kept insisting I'd taken over B Squad, and well, it wasn't fair to keep B Squad and A Squad separated any more after that."

"And Sky is Ranger Squad ... right?" Katie asked tentatively.

"That's right," he confirmed with a nod, looking proud. "B Squad Blue."

They ate lunch quietly for awhile, Wes alternating between eating and feeding his dog, while everyone else watched him and tried to pretend they weren't. From what Alex could tell, Wes was perfectly aware of the attention; he just chose not to acknowledge it. He was used to being stared at now, after all.

"Alex said ... " Jen's voice was hesitant as she finally broke the silence. "You were ... in a coma?"

Wes paused.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly, seeming to realize how uncomfortable she'd made him. "It's just ... there's so much we've missed."

"That's true," he agreed slowly, staring down at his plate. "It's ... "

"You don't have to talk about it."

Alex was barely aware he'd spoken until he realized everyone was staring at him in surprise. He frowned back at them, his hand tightening slightly around his fork.

Wes looked up at him, his expression softening, and smiled a little. "It's okay, Alex. I don't mind."

"Yes, you do," he snapped back, feeling defensive for reasons he couldn't explain.

Wes sighed, shaking his head ruefully. "Okay, I mind *talking* about it, but I don't mind being asked." He hesitated. "It's ... it's not a question of not wanting you to know. It's just ... That was a very ... difficult time," he explained carefully.

"Then you don't have to tell us," Jen promised him gently, reaching out to squeeze his hand with a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry I asked."

Trip looked slightly crestfallen, and Alex kicked him lightly under the table with a warning look.

Wes stared at his lunch again, and something clenched in Alex's stomach at his expression. When he smiled, there was no happiness in it. "How do you sum up your life?" he asked quietly. He leaned back in his chair to stare up the ceiling as one hand drifted down to pet his dog again. At last he let out a slow sigh. "It's not that I don't want to tell you. I just don't know how anymore," he admitted. Almost unconsciously he began to rub his wedding ring with his thumb, staring at it as he continued to stroke the dog's back.

"You're married?" Ben burst out, staring at his hand.

Wes looked up, seeming startled, then smiled faintly. "Yes," he answered, and this time his voice was full of affection. "Just over three months now." The smile turned wistful as he stared down at his ring again.

Alex winced. Three months and a week of marriage and Wes was kidnapped by Time Force. And Grumm had only been gone for barely two months. No wonder Eric always insisted Wes was a trouble magnet.

"It's not fair," Ben spoke up suddenly. His sounded sulky and irritated as stared at the table.

Wes looked up at him, tilting his head. "What isn't fair?" he asked, and his voice seemed even softer then before.

"Alex already knows everything about you," Ben complained, and now he was visibly pouting. "He doesn't even have to ask anything. He just ... *knows*."

"You're right, it isn't fair." Wes agreed, looking sympathetic. "And it's not fair that I already know about *you*, because Alex told me."

Ben looked up sharply, his eyes widening. "He did?" he asked warily.

Wes gave him a lopsided smile, tilting his left wrist so they could all see his morpher. "More or less."

Ben considered Wes for a long moment. "Do you hate it, too?" he asked abruptly.

Wes was quiet. His eyes landed on his morpher. "Sometimes," he said finally. "But more for you two than for me."

Ben frowned. "Why not for you?" he wanted to know.

Wes hesitated for briefly, slowly lifting his hand from the dog that had somehow managed to work its way halfway into his lap, and pressing a key on his morpher. An image popped up above it.

Alex leaned in slightly closer to see just as everyone else did, trying to remember from his scattered memories what it was exactly that Wes was showing them.

The holopicture was of six people, one of which included Wes. They were all huddled together, shoving and looking irritated at the lack of space. Eric was half underneath a haughty-looking blond woman, who had her arm around the only other woman in the picture as they both looked smug. Wes was laughing, leaning on Eric with one arm around a younger man at his side, while the final man had perched on Wes' back with an arm around his neck.

The Newtech Rangers, Alex realized. The current team. The one that had formed since Grumm was defeated. When had they had time to take a picture like that?

"Because as much as this morpher has made so many people suffer, it's brought me a lot of joy, too," Wes explained softly, his eyes on the image in front of him. "I've made and lost a lot of good friends because of being a Ranger. I'm not even sure who I'd be any more if I didn't have it." He paused, his eyes darkening for a moment. "Everything I am now ... it's happened because I was a Power Ranger."

He cut the image abruptly, leaning down to ruffle the dog's ears again. When he looked up, his eyes seemed slightly brighter than usual. "I think I'm gonna take Jen for a walk. We could both use some air."

The human Jen frowned slightly. "I can - "

Wes shook his head as he stood, offering a smile that seemed forced. "I know my way around, but thanks. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit. Come, Jen," he commanded, slapping his thigh.

The dog bounced to her feet, following obediently as they headed for the door. It was the first time Alex hadn't seen Wes immediately grab on to her leash.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Katie asked after several minutes, biting her lip.

It took a moment for Alex to realize she was addressing him. "I don't know," he said after a pause. He shook his head slightly. "He ... Eric tells him he broods a lot now."

"Wes broods?" Lucas looked skeptical.

"You'd be surprised," Alex murmured, looking after where his father had gone.

alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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