A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 33: A Life so Tragic)

Sep 05, 2009 05:58

For some reason, I thought I posted this already. Apparently I was wrong.

Wes and Alex father/son snuggling to come in the next chapter. -Bounces in anticipation-

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: This chapter is mostly flashbacks of events from Bright Skies that Alex wouldn't know about, but the two new moments Wes flashes to make me want to write the stories behind them. Someday, I actually might.

-- "You have to promise me that you won't tell *anyone*. Not even Eric."

"Alex ... "

"Please, Wes."

A long silence.

"All right. I don't like it. But I promise I won't tell." --

-- What were Alex and Ben doing now, he wondered silently. He knew through what the Chrono Morphers had told him that they would never have a true childhood. They were too small right now to be able to morph. Were they being taken care of? Were they aware enough of their surroundings yet to know that they weren't home, that these weren't the people who loved them?

He rolled over and buried his face in his pillow. "I'm sorry," he whispered. --

-- "Are you being deliberately dense?"


"What? I say I wanted Sky to be able to talk to his brother, they tell me Alex is busy, and then ask what Sky's brother has to do with anything. Is there some sort of secret code you're all using that I don't know or something?"

"What does Sky have to do with Alex?" --

-- "My dad and Eric weren't the first to wear their Ranger uniforms - my older brothers were. Alex was Time Force Red, too. He lives with my dad's team, in the future. He was nearly destroyed trying to protect people, just like my dad. And Ben was the Quantum Ranger. He ... he gave his life in the line of duty." Sky took a deep breath, sounding choked. "My father, my step-father, and both of my older brothers were all Red Rangers. All I ever wanted was to live up their legacy. I did *everything* S.P.D. told me to! I followed orders to the letter, no matter *what* I thought of them. But for some reason, whatever I did wasn't good enough. I'm not good enough to be Red. I'm *Blue*." --

-- "I knew ... that Alex is our son. Genetically. What I learned when our morphers merged, was that Alex was born from DNA created from you and me - and so was his brother, Ben. I didn't know that Time Force would actually kidnap our boys because they *were* Alex and Ben."

He heard Eric suck in his breath sharply, and looked up with moist eyes. "I thought, that I was going to protect them from *hurting* the boys - not take them away from us completely. I thought about it, but I didn't think Time Force could actually do that without damaging the time stream." He swallowed, and knew for certain that he was crying now. "And when I was thinking earlier, I realized that Alex doesn't know that he's our *son*. He thinks he's just a DNA experiment."

Eric was staring at him, sitting so still he barely looked like he was breathing.

"He doesn't realize he was born because I love you," he finished, his voice cracking. --

-- "E-Eric?" He swallowed again, silently wishing he didn't sound so pathetic. "Look, I ... I know ... it's been awhile. I just ... " He closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the wall of the lounge. "I have another son," he said at last, trying to sound happy and failing. "I don't know if you ever read that letter I mailed you to try and explain ...

"Vanessa uh, she finally had the baby. It's a boy. I'd ... I'd really like for you to see him. Me. Um ... you still have my cell number. I haven't changed it, or anything. We're at Newtech City Medical Center, room 503. It's listed under Vanessa Tate." He paused. "Please call me. I miss you," he whispered. --

-- "I haven't done this in a long time," he murmured, tugging the blanket a little higher on his shoulder.

"I haven't done this *ever*," Justin retorted. "And if Zhane doesn't move his hand *right now*, we're never doing it again," he added warningly.

"But it's comfy where it is!"

"Zhane ... "

"Spoil sport."

"You know, no one is ever going to believe that I spent the night in a bed with five guys and absolutely nothing happened between us," Tori remarked, sounding amused.

"It's too cold for anything to be happening," Chip told her, shivering.

"And three of us are married, and one's in a committed relationship," Dax pointed out.

"Thanks, Dax," he grumbled, mostly good-natured. "You always know how to make me feel better about myself."

"Sorry, Wes."

"You think you'll ever be ready to talk about it?" Tori asked softly, and somewhere under the blanket he felt her hand move to touch his arm.

He sighed quietly. "Maybe someday. Just ... not now."

She squeezed his hand. "Just remember we're here when you need to talk, okay?"

He smiled weakly, shifting closer for warm as he felt Dax burrow in closer against his back. "I know."

Eric ... I miss you, he sighed to himself, trying to ignore the strange sounds in the night and close his eyes.


"*Ow*!" --

-- Their eyes caught again, and he could see the agony in Eric's. "I *want* to forgive you," Eric repeated, looking tortured. "But I don't know if I can." --

-- "Sky? You can stop now. It's okay, I promise."

Sky looked up at him, a tear slipping down his cheek. "It's never gonna be okay again," he whispered. The wall dropped, and both boys fell forward, unconscious. --

-- The cords never seemed to end, and working by feel was pointless. Every time he thought he'd finally gotten *one* strand free, he'd find a new giant knot holding it in place further down. The longer he worked, the worse it got, and no matter how hard he tried, it just seemed useless.

"That's *it*!" he shouted at last, throwing an entire wad away from him. There was a loud smack as it hit what he vaguely hoped was the wall, but he didn't particularly care. He kicked furiously at the few remaining strands at his feet, at last burying his face in his hands. He scrunched his eyes shut, trying desperately not to cry. Why was he even bothering? He wouldn't be able to see the results anyway. What did it matter?
Why should he care?

"Dad?" Sky's hand brushed his shoulder hesitantly. "Dad, it's okay. We don't have to have lights on the tree this year."

There was a pause, and Sky's arms came around him as he leaned in close. "Please don't cry, Dad," he pleaded softly. --

-- "Well, well, well. Look what we have here."

"Mirloc." His voice came out surprisingly even.

"If it isn't the Ranger who wouldn't die. Tell me, is it difficult to live with the knowledge that you failed to protect your friends?"

"Every day," he returned calmly. "Is it difficult to live with the knowledge that if I threw away my S.P.D. badge right now, I could destroy you without a second thought?"

Mirloc laughed at him. "You wouldn't dare. That badge is your life."

"That's where you're wrong," he hissed. "My *family* is my life. And you have no idea what I'll do for family." --

-- "You want *me* to lead the team to Aquitar?" he demanded, his voice nearly cracking in shock. He stared at Tommy and Cruger in disbelief. "Why me?"

Tommy sighed. "It came down to a decision between you, Andros, or Jason. And to be completely honest, your Squad will be easiest to cover while you're gone." He looked up with guilty eyes. "This mission is going to be sending you straight into a war zone. The few specifics we were able to get from Aquitar were, well ... " He hesitated, then passed over a file.

He read silently, feeling the blood drain from his face. This was .... He fought the urge to grab for a chair.

"You do of course, have the right to refuse," Cruger informed him.

He was already shaking his head. "No. I'm a Power Ranger. I can't just leave those people to die." --

-- "Talk to me?"

"It doesn't feel like it's over," he admitted softly. "I know it really isn't, because there's still all the legal work and trials, but ... it doesn't feel real."

"But it is. We did it, Alex. The old Time Force is gone. And now we can build a new Time Force, one that's honest and good."

He swallowed. "I don't know if I want to be part of that Time Force, Jen."

He felt her looking at him, but he couldn't meet her eyes. "I mean ... I'm not saying I don't want to be a Ranger anymore." He looked down at the morpher on his wrist, touching it absently. "I couldn't give that up even if I wanted to, and for the first time in my life ... I don't."

He paused for a moment to marvel at that statement. For the first time in his life, he *liked* being a Power Ranger. Was proud of it, even. It was a bizarre feeling.

He wondered what Wes would have thought of that. --

-- "Sounds like things at S.P.D. have changed a bit in your time," Jack commented.

"You have no idea," Sam laughed. "Some things are still the same, but there's definitely some difference between here in the past, and where I come from."

"Like what?" Z wondered.

"Sorry, but I really can't tell you. The commander made me swear not to alter the timeline any more than necessary." The teen sounded genuinely regretful.

He frowned slightly, glancing at Eric again. For someone who was sent to change the past, why would Sam be worried about changing the timeline? If he was supposed to stop the future he came from, it shouldn't matter what he told them ... right? --

-- "I can't believe we did it," Blue Overdrive breathed. "I mean ... Broodwing's gone ... right?"

Blue Turbo crouched down for a moment on the pavement, finally raising a small silver card. "He's in my hand," he said almost wonderingly. "After all these years, and I've got him *sitting in my hand*." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Can I hold him?" Yellow Zeo asked tentatively. "I mean ... Just to make sure it's real?"

Blue Turbo passed him over without question, and Red Time Force rose slowly to his feet. "Broodwing is out of our lives for good," he said softly, hoping saying the words out loud would make it feel more real. He smiled a little as he still felt numb. "He can never come after us or hurt our kids again." There were tears in his eyes, and he blinked them away rapidly.

A hand settled on his shoulder, and he looked up at Quantum Ranger with a faint smile. There was something in the way the other Ranger looked at him that he could tell even through the helmet, and he found himself laughing, hugging his husband and leaning into his shoulder. Because he knew. He knew what Eric was thinking, and he knew that Eric could tell he felt the same way.

"We have really got to work on our timing for these decisions," he chuckled.

"Us? Timing?" Quantum Ranger snorted, even as a hand came up to touch his back. --

-- There was another knock on the door. "Are you *ever* coming out?" Eric demanded as he leaned against the frame. "R.J.'s been giving me funny looks, and it's starting to creep me out."

"He does that just because it bothers you, you know. Hey, does this look straight to you?"

Hands closed over his. "It's fine. Stop fussing." He paused, studying his face for a moment. "This was *your* idea, you know."

"I know." He managed a weak attempt at a smile. "Just ... I guess now that it's actually happening, it feels a little weird."

Eric frowned. "No bad feelings?" He eyed his morpher meaningfully.

He shook his head. "Not bad feelings. Just ... " He shrugged a little, and this time the smile was pained. "I'm not used to getting a happy ending, you know?" --

-- Her expression softened, her eyes turning serious. "I'll be there for you both, you know. No matter what you decide, I'll do anything I can to help you."

"You mean that?"

"With all my heart. I'm not letting you go again, Alex. Not for anything, or anyone."

"Even though - "

Her free hand pressed gently over his lips as she shook her head. "I know you, and I love you," she said softly. "That's enough for me."

His answering smile was hesitant. He reached into his pocket almost automatically, trying to keep his hand from shaking as he found what he was looking for. "Does that mean ... you'll take this back?" --

-- When he saw them, déja vu hit him hard. Yet again, a wave of endless robots marching toward him, a clear blue sky above, and no one standing behind him. I'm not alone, he reminded himself, blinking harshly. I'm not alone. My team is with me. We'll get through this.


He started, turning to look at the Quantum Ranger as he crouched down behind Sky's motorcycle. "Don't forget!" the other called. He raised his left wrist, displaying his morpher.

Slowly, he smiled to himself. Somehow Eric always knew him better than he thought he did. He raised his own morpher in response, whispering "Partners," to himself.

Because he wasn't alone. His team was all around him. --

-- "I already learned my lesson about not trusting people when I should have, Ben. I'm not going to make that mistake again." Katie held out a hand.

Ben stared at it for a moment before his eyes darted back up to her. "But ... I don't ... I don't understand."

"It's a hand. You shake it," Katie teased him gently. Her expression softened. "You're a Power Ranger too, aren't you? That means you're our teammate."

He blinked, looking back at her hand again. Slowly, carefully, he reached out to shake it. "I ... guess so," he admitted, peeking up at her shyly.

She stared at him. "And I thought Alex looked like Wes." --

-- "Why do you keep calling me, Alex?" Sky sighed.

There was a long moment as they looked at each other again.

"Because I had no idea that you existed, and I want to know why," he answered finally, his voice quiet.

Sky stared at him. "What?"

He sighed, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "We discovered recently that Time Force has been hiding historical data from the public. I never heard of Sky Tate or any S.P.D. Rangers until you called us. What I don't know is *why*." --

-- "Something isn't right." Kat spoke up with a frown. "These readings are off the charts. The energy output should be contained within the morphers."

Billy's head snapped up. "The morphers aren't containing the energy?" he demanded.

She shook her head as Justin turned to peer over her shoulder. "The energy is everywhere. And it's ... rising. I - "

"Everyone duck!" Justin shouted suddenly, shoving Kat to the floor. --

-- "How long have you known about this, Sky?"

Sky shrugged a shoulder. "I dunno," he muttered.


Sky just nodded.

"More than a year?"

Another nod.

They sat in silence for several minutes. "Why?" he asked finally.

Sky started to shrug again, then hesitated. "I ... You don't ... like it," the boy said finally, frowning at the opposite wall. "When Bethie does stuff, or when Bridge acts up."

Wes felt his chest being squeezed, and it was suddenly hard to breathe. Sky had noticed. Sky had *noticed*. His own son was afraid to talk to him because he was prejudiced. --

-- "I know you, Alex. I know how you grew up, I know what you've been through, and I know how hard you've fought to get where you are now. It's all ... jumbled up in my head, but I *know*."

The words ran through his mind without warning, but he was surprised to find comfort in them. Wes knows, he reminded himself. Wes knows everything, and he loves me. He's proud of me.

He focused on that memory as he took his place at the podium, looking to the holojudges calmly. He pictured Wes' smile, warm and understanding. "I love you, Alex. And I am very, *very* proud, to call you my son."

"Please state your full name and occupation for the court," the center judge commanded.

Wes knows me, and he loves me.

He firmed his chin. "Alexander Collins, civilian historical consultant for the Newtech City Library, and Time Force Red Ranger." --

-- "You can call me Nova, since I'm technically not supposed to tell you my name," she informed them. The smirk turned into a grin. "The commander would kill me."

"You ... " Sky stared at her. "You looked just like Eric."

She giggled. "Yeah, I get that a lot," she admitted, tossing her hair. --

-- You already own most of the board anyway. Why are we still playing?"

"Because it was Time's night to chose, and it's better than Dungeons and Dragons," Tori replied.

"There's nothing wrong with Dungeons and Dragons!" Chip objected, pouting.

"I thought it was fun," Dax agreed, frowning in confusion.

Tori snorted. "I rest my case."

There was a pause.

"Hey!" --

-- He wrenched the other man over, hauling him up and onto the ground. A pale face with glazed eyes gazed up at him blankly. "No!" he shouted desperately, frantically pushing down on his chest before trying to feel for a pulse. "Come on! Dax, come on!"


His head snapped up at the horrified scream to see Blue Wind frozen directly across from him. She stumbled toward them, reaching out for their fallen teammate. "Dax?" she whispered.

"Tori! Move!"

"I never lost to Lothor, and I'll never lose to a monster like you."

"Tori, run! What are you doing?! Get out of here!"

"Power of Water!"

"Oh, that's priceless. You think you can destroy me with *water*?"

"Watch me!"

"Tori no!"

"*No*!" --

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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