A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 30: Life on Trial)

Jul 18, 2009 00:21

Still working on the next part to this, but I think this one is better. -Grins sheepishly-

AlexAngst ahoy!

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: I think my AlexMuse enjoys these plot twists even more than *I* do. Any resemblance to The Fink's Identiverse is unintentional, and after spending a great deal of time studying the courtroom from Ransik's trial, I have changed the way the judicial system works in the future. It shall (eventually) be completely explained. This takes place about six months after the Rangers return to the future.

Warning: Extreme angst and hinting of torture ahead. I apologize for nothing! -Cackles-

"We're gonna be late!" Ben hissed at him as they raced up the stairs and into the building. "I *told* you you should have just let me stay home today!"

Alex rolled his eyes. "Benji, you've missed fifteen years of a normal life already. I'm not letting you miss out on any more."

"It's just *one day*! And *don't* call me Benji!" Ben huffed.

He rolled his eyes again, pushing his brother in front of him as they skidded around a corridor.

The other Rangers were waiting for them outside.

"Where have you two *been*?" Katie demanded.

"It's A's fault," Ben said quickly. Katie had a tendency to intimidate him for some reason, even though she rarely tried to. "He was late picking me up from school 'cause he had his head stuck in another one of his stupid texts." He shot a glare at his brother. "I *told* him he should have just let me stay home today, but he said no."

"School *is* important," Trip pointed out.

Ben scowled at him. "You're only saying that 'cause you've never had to go," he argued.

Lucas glared fiercely as Trip visibly wilted, and Ben winced. "Sorry, Trip," he muttered, looking slightly guilty.

Trip tried to smile. "It's okay."

Jen shook her head, stepping closer to Alex with a look of concern. "How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

"I'll be fine."

She raised her eyebrows skeptically.

He sighed. "I'm petrified," he muttered, keeping his voice too low for anyone else to hear.

Her expression softened, and she reached up to touch his cheek in understanding. "Just remember why you're doing this," she reminded him softly. "And remember that no matter what, we're all behind you."

He closed his eyes for a moment, relishing in the feeling of her hand. You say that now, he thought distantly. But you're about to learn how much I've been keeping from you, and you'll never look at me the same way again.

She was right about why, though. If he didn't do this, Ben or Trip would be forced to. Or worse yet, Blakemore would walk. And under no circumstances could he allow that to happen.

He was going to see the man burn, no matter how much it cost him to do it.

At last he opened his eyes to meet hers, nodding solemnly.

She sighed a little, reaching up to straighten his tie. "Maybe one of these days you'll actually believe me," she muttered, pausing to lean up and kiss him briefly.

He smiled a little when they separated again. "Maybe," he teased softly.

She rolled her eyes, smiling back reluctantly.

He hesitated. "Promise me something?"


He almost smiled again, but what he needed was too important. "No matter what I say up there, I need you to keep Ben and Trip quiet," he requested. "No matter how upset they get, I don't want them to get involved."

She frowned a little, but finally sighed and nodded. "I promise."

The intercom chimed. "Day two of The People versus Jonathan Blakemore will commence in five minutes. All participants will please take their seats."

They glanced at the door instinctively.

"Good luck, Alex," Katie spoke up, and he turned to see her giving him a supportive smile.

"Keep your head," Lucas advised, reaching out to grip his shoulder.

Ben was still frowning. "A, I can - "

"No," Alex interrupted, glaring at him. "You can't, and you're not."

Trip offered an uncertain smile. "We'll be here." He hesitated before moving to give Alex a swift one-armed hug. "Don't lose yourself, Alex," he murmured as he pulled away.

Alex swallowed hard, looking over each of them. At last he took a deep breath. "Let's go."


"The court calls voluntary witness Alexander Collins to the stand."

Jen's hand gripped his briefly beneath the table as Alex moved to stand. He didn't dare look at her now, let alone the others. If he thought too much about what he was about to do, he'd never be able to actually do it.

He felt cold, already starting to distance his emotions on instinct alone. The Rangers would be upset with him for it later, but that wasn't now. Now he needed whatever advantages he had to get him through this testimony.

"I know you, Alex. I know how you grew up, I know what you've been through, and I know how hard you've fought to get where you are now. It's all ... jumbled up in my head, but I *know*."

The words ran through his mind without warning, but he was surprised to find comfort in them. Wes knows, he reminded himself. Wes knows everything, and he loves me. He's proud of me.

He focused on that memory as he took his place at the podium, looking to the holojudges calmly. He pictured Wes' smile, warm and understanding. "I love you, Alex. And I am very, *very* proud, to call you my son."

"Please state your full name and occupation for the court," the center judge commanded.

Wes knows me, and he loves me.

He firmed his chin. "Alexander Collins, civilian historical consultant for the Newtech City Library, and Time Force Red Ranger."

A soft chirp from the court recorder's station confirmed his match in the system.

"From this point on, you will be monitored for signs of dishonesty and fabrication in your testimony," the judge informed him. "You may proceed."

He was silent at first, taking a minute to gather his thoughts. He closed his eyes briefly, drew a breath, and began.

"My name is Alexander Collins, codename Subject A of the Morpher Project. I am one of two projects created in the year 2980, using DNA taken from Wesley Collins, Red Time Force Ranger, and Eric Myers, Quantum Ranger."

He heard the soft gasps and murmurs throughout the courtroom and ignored them, keeping his eyes trained on the wall across from him.

"The purpose of the Morpher Project was to create the Red Chrono and Quantum Morphers for Collins and Myers as listed in historical recordings, using the closest possible biological subjects for testing and development. The project has records of using time travel to procure the genetic material necessary to create both myself, and codename Subject B. Further investigation into the travel logs of the Time Force Time Travel Division has shown no record of request to make this journey."

He paused, taking a moment to steel himself. It took effort to open his mouth again, and he had to force himself to speak. "Subject B and myself were born May 1st, 2980. For the first three years of our lives, we were kept under close observation and given a basic education. At age four, we began physical conditioning and training. At age five we were given our morphers for the first time and requested to morph. It was discovered that while the Quantum Morpher did not have the ability to give a child the power to become a Power Ranger, the Red Chrono morpher could be adjusted to force the transformation. However, the results were ... undesirable." Don't think don't think don't remember keep talking just keep talking ... "A new program was developed to increase our training as well as teaching military tactics and history. From that point on, each year as we aged, we were required to attempt to morph once again, with varying results."

He paused just long enough to swallow. "I first achieved the ability to morph at ten years of age, at which point it was discovered that only one on the verge of puberty could handle the transformation. At that point, I began to undergo testing to determine exactly how much physical trauma the morpher would compensate for." He hesitated briefly. Don't think it wasn't you just keep talking. "A Power Ranger may withstand an undetermined period of time without food or water until the moment they are forced to demorph, at which point the body is sent into immediate shock and goes into cardiac arrest. A morphed Ranger is impervious to illness and temperature change, and can go without sleep as well as sustenance indefinitely. While morphed, they may withstand up to 1000 pounds of pressure without injury, however a bladed weapon will cut through armor at a mere quarter of that amount. They may receive damage to non-vital internal organs, as they will eventually regenerate, but damage to vital organs will cause what is termed a 'forced demorph' and send the Ranger into cardiac arrest. At standby mode, the form in which the Ranger remains morphed but the helmet is removed, these results are reduced by fifty percent. When not morphed, a Ranger will only receive the benefits of regeneration at a greatly reduced rate."

He cleared his throat, adjusting his grip on his wrist behind him. He didn't remember when he'd come to parade rest, but it kept his hands from visibly shaking. "Subject B achieved morphing capability at eleven years of age. Our program was changed once again for the purpose of testing our capabilities against one another. Testing ranged from physical attacks, to weapons capability, to endurance. Fighting between us was both encouraged and frequently gambled upon.

"Shortly after we reached twelve - "

He stopped, swallowing hard. Keep talking. It's just a story, it's not important just keep talking. "Shortly after reaching twelve years of age," he began again, "The Quantum Morpher began to show signs of failing. Subject B began experiencing moments of physical weakness and emotional instability, which later developed into seizures and mood swings. Continued use of the Quantum Morpher left massive nerve and tissue damage. Six months later, Subject B became paralyzed from the waist down."

-- "Hey ... A?"

"What is it? You should hurry. They'll be here soon."

"I want to. But I don't think I can ... "

" ... What are you talking about?"

"I can't feel my legs." --

He shook himself harshly out of the memory, clearing his throat again. "The next four months determined that it is possible for a morphed Ranger to compensate for loss of mobility, but as with other studies, it left the subject in a great deal of pain afterwards." Ignore the screaming it's just in your head it's not really there just keep talking. "In addition, the Ranger becomes dependant on the ability to morph to avoid pain, a condition that may be likened to substance abuse. Subject B's body continued to deteriorate until finally losing consciousness on March twelveth during a standard blaster test. He was removed from the facility after proving to be in a comatose state and placed in cryogenic containment for later study."

His eyes were burning. He blinked once, and the sensation faded.

"Immediately following Subject B's lapse in consciousness, a secondary project was added to the program, codename Subject X. History shows in the wake of the fall of the planet Xybria of the Tamarin System, many members of the Xybrian race were sent into space in stasis pods, in hopes of the survival of their species. Time Force managed to find one of these pods, which possessed the body of a ten-year-old Xybrian male. The members of the Morpher Project split into two teams, one to continue the original project, and a second to study the physiology of the alien specimen." Forgive me Trip I swear I don't mean it.

"Three years after the discovery of Subject X and the loss of Subject B, the laboratory was raided by members of a separate faction Time Force. All scientists involved in the experiments were arrested, and Subject X and myself put through several courses meant to integrate ourselves into society. Eventually we were given the option to join the Time Force Academy." He paused. "As I was fifteen years old and knew only what I had learned from the Morpher Project, I accepted. Subject X entered the Academy as well, citing that he did not wish to be separated from me, as I was the only person he knew. Time Force created documentation to prove our identities, officially giving me the name of Alexander Collins - "

He paused, his eyes flickering to Trip's almost on instinct. Trip's eyes were filled with tears, but he nodded once.

Alex swallowed. "And renaming Subject X to Trip Regis."

Another wave of murmuring swept through the courtroom.

He took another breath. Halfway through just a little more don't stop or you'll never start again. "After graduating from the Academy, I joined Time Force under the recommendation for the new Morpher Project, which was to develop and train five Power Rangers in the defense of Newtech City. I was accepted into the project by Commander Blakemore himself." For the first time, his eyes went across the room to where Blakemore sat in handcuffs, watching him with almost passive amusement. "I immediately recognized him as the organizer of the first Morpher Project, but all data linking him to it disappeared shortly before the laboratory raid." Say it say it now or you never will. "Despite this, I agreed to join the new project."

"I was returned the Red Chrono and officially promoted to active Ranger status. As an active Ranger, it became my duty to bring in any and all criminals deemed too strong to be brought in by normal means - namely, mutants. I spent another three years cleaning the streets until I was able to bring in the criminal Ransik, who later escaped with assistance from his daughter Nadira, and struck me down in combat shortly before retreating through a time hole to the year 2001."

He paused once more, gathering all the willpower he had left.

Wes knows. Wes knows, and he loves me.

"What was unknown at that point was that I had a secondary mission."

Forgive me, Jen.

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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