A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 28: Finding Freedom)

Jul 13, 2009 13:10

I watched my Bright Skies trailers that jadetate and BlackCrimsonLight made for me today to get inspiration for this. Don't ask me how, but it's actually working.

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: It looks like things are finally coming together and wrapping up for Alex.

... Yeah, right. This story is *so* far from over.

He looked over Newtech City with a soft sigh, dozens of thoughts whirling though his head. Eventually his gaze fell to his sleeve, and he sighed again as he played with it. It felt strange to be wearing a uniform again. Confining.


He glanced back, offering a wan smile. "Jen," he greeted.

She moved to stand beside him, leaning against the railing. "Talk to me?"

His smile widened a little. It seemed like she was always asking that these days. "It doesn't feel like it's over," he admitted softly. "I know it really isn't, because there's still all the legal work and trials, but ... it doesn't feel real."

Her hand slipped through his arm, squeezing gently. "But it is. We did it, Alex. The old Time Force is gone. And now we can build a new Time Force, one that's honest and good," she insisted.

He swallowed. "I don't know if I want to be part of that Time Force, Jen."

He felt her looking at him, but he couldn't meet her eyes. "I mean ... I'm not saying I don't want to be a Ranger anymore." He looked down at the morpher on his wrist, touching it absently. "I couldn't give that up even if I wanted to, and for the first time in my life ... I don't."

He paused for a moment to marvel at that statement. For the first time in his life, he *liked* being a Power Ranger. Was proud of it, even. It was a bizarre feeling.

He wondered what Wes would have thought of that.

"But ... ?" Jen prodded gently.

He sighed, looking out over the city again. "But I've never had a chance to be anything *but* Time Force. And now ... " He shrugged a little. "I finally have the chance to be something else. To do something with my life that *I* want to do."

There was a long silence as he wondered what she would say. Would she be hurt, angry that he wanted to leave? All the work they'd put in to bring down Time Force, and now he couldn't stand the thought of being part of it anymore. Would she hate him for that?

Her hand squeezed his arm, and she laid her head against his shoulder. "Alex, I'll *always* support you," she murmured. "Whether you stay with Time Force or not, I'll be right behind you." She hesitated. "Would ... would you hate me if I said I wanted to stay?"

He turned to look at her at last, a warm smile lighting up his face that he couldn't stop. "Jen, you're the *first* person I want behind the new Time Force," he told her.

She beamed at him.

It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to kiss her then, and he did it without hesitation. She turned, moving to wrap her arms around his neck. He pulled her close and silently gave thanks that *this*, at least, could be saved.

She leaned against him when they separated at last, and they held on to one another. "So what do you want to do?" she murmured eventually.

"I don't know," he admitted. "I've never had the chance to think about what *I* want before. At first I thought about traveling but now ... " He hesitated. "I think, more than anything, I want the chance to be normal. I've never had that."

"And you deserve it more than anyone," she promised him softly, leaning forward to kiss him again.

He frowned in thought as she pulled away. "There's a lot to do still," he mused. "Ben, most of all ... It's going to be hard to register him as a legal citizen when I can barely prove how old he is. And even then, he's not really old enough to live on his own - not really."

"You're going to file for custody of him?"

He nodded despite the fact that he knew it wasn't really a question. "He won't like it, but I don't want anyone else taking responsibility for him." He hesitated. "I want ... I want him to go to school," he confessed.

Jen smiled, reaching up to touch his cheek. "I think that's a great idea," she agreed. The smile turned into a grin. "But he's going to hate you for it."

He laughed without meaning to, giving her a rueful smile. "Yeah. He will."

Her expression softened, her eyes turning serious. "I'll be there for you both, you know. No matter what you decide, I'll do anything I can to help you."

He swallowed, his heart pounding. "You mean that?"

She smiled again, reaching out to intertwine their fingers. "With all my heart," she promised. "I'm not letting you go again, Alex. Not for anything, or anyone."

"Even though - "

Her free hand pressed gently over his lips as she shook her head. "I know you, and I love you," she said softly. "That's enough for me."

His answering smile was hesitant. He reached into his pocket almost automatically, trying to keep his hand from shaking as he found what he was looking for. "Does that mean ... you'll take this back?"

Her eyes widened as she stared down at the tiny box he offered. "Alex ... " She looked stunned as her eyes finally raised to meet his. "Have you been carrying that around all this time?"

"Well, not the whole time," he muttered, feeling stupid now. "But ... for a while now. I was just ... waiting to find the right moment."

There were tears in her eyes. "You know, the last time you gave me this I almost lost you," she said finally.

He flinched at the thought. "I'm sorry."

He didn't even realize he'd been pulling back until her hands closed around his, trapping the box between them. He looked up at her in surprise and found a watery smile in return.

"We're been through a lot in the past two years." She took the box from him, opening it carefully and smiling down at the glittering ring inside. Then she turned, offering it back to him and holding out her left hand. "And I know now, there's no one else else I'd rather spend my life with."

He let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. This was more nervewracking than the first time he'd asked, and back then he'd been so nervous and trying not to show it that he hadn't remembered to wait until she said yes to put the ring on her finger. Speaking of which ...

He shook himself, taking the ring and sliding it slowly onto her hand. "I love you, Jennifer," he said softly as he met her eyes.

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. It startled him, but he responded without thinking.

They were both slightly breathless by the time they broke apart.

"I love you too, Alex," she whispered, leaning close. There was a pause, and she laughed softly. "Ben is going to *love* this."


-- "Are you absolutely certain about this Alex?" Logan persisted.

Alex nodded solemnly. "I've never been more sure about anything in my life," he said calmly.

"I can't say I'm not disappointed," Logan confessed, flashing an almost guilty smile. "But I do understand. If there's ever anything, and I mean *anything*, that I can do for you, just ask."

Alex nodded, forcing a smile. "Thank you, Sir."

Logan shook his head, because they both knew that was a habit Alex would never be able to break. "Do you have any idea what you're going to do now?"

"Honestly?" He shrugged. "I'm just going to enjoy taking the time to think about it." --

He leaned against the wall of the elevator with a sigh. His resignation had gone better than he thought it would. Logan had been shocked at first, but he hadn't tried too hard to persuade him. If anything, he seemed genuinely disappointed that Alex wouldn't be staying on.

The Rangers had also been surprisingly accepting of his decision - once they'd known he wasn't giving up his morpher. It surprised him how vehement they'd been that he keep it, even if he wasn't going to stay with Time Force. After that there had been the usual questions of what he wanted to do know, and where he would live once he gave up his apartment with Time Force Housing. They hadn't pushed when he said he didn't know much of anything yet.

Trip was glad to see him happy. Lucas had advised him to take his time and think about things first. Jen offered to see if her parents would lend him and Ben a room if they needed it. Katie had suggested getting a house large enough for all six of them to share.

Ben asked when they were leaving.

The corner of his mouth quirked upwards. He had no job, no plan, a temporary place to live, and he was in the process of applying for guardianship of his twin brother who technically didn't exist anymore. And he'd never been happier.

The decision to leave Time Force had taken a great weight off his shoulders. There was still the Rangers to be concerned with, but Jen and Logan had already begun working out an agreement that put the Rangers under a separate jurisdiction from Time Force, to ensure that they would never be forced to answer to them again. He would have to deal with the investigation and trials for most of the old Time Force in the coming months, but even that wasn't something that would consistently require his presence. He was, for all intents and purposes, a free man.

His smile widened.

He almost started whistling as the door opened, keying the recognition code on his morpher. He smiled again when the computer chirped at him, and entered Ranger Tower with a bounce in his step. Katie was showing Ben around Time Force today to see the things he'd been 'protected from' under Blakemore's care, but he couldn't wait to tell the other three how well his meeting with Logan had gone.

He found Jen waiting for him, looking pale and uncertain.

His eyes flicked automatically to Lucas and Trip. Trip was working on a computer, but his gaze seemed unfocused. Lucas stood next to him, staring out a window as he rubbed Trip's shoulder absently. He'd been a bit possessive ever since Trip's injury that had finally forced him to ask the younger man out.

He looked back to Jen, who swallowed as their eyes met. "What is it?"

She bit her lip. "We just received a call ... from Wes and Eric."

He stiffened, even as he silently cried out in protest. When would it end? "More escaped mutants?" he demanded sharply.

She shook her head. "Actually, Eric said that he was looking to talk to you." She paused and swallowed again. "Well ... he wanted ... He said he wanted you to talk to Wes' son."

He stared at her for several minutes as he tried to process what she was saying. He couldn't seem to wrap his brain around it. "He what?"

"Eric said he wanted you to talk to Wes' son," she repeated, looking worried. "Sky Tate. Eric said he was S.P.D. Blue. And ... " She hesitated again, looking worried now. "He called him your brother."

He blinked as everything around him seemed to blur. "My ... brother?"

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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