A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 27: Home)

Jul 09, 2009 22:22

The last chapter got long, so I made it two chapters. Which means more to post! Whee!

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: I adore Ben. Possibly too much. But he and Alex are my tortured little boys, and I wanted them to have somewhat of a happy ending. Even if this isn’t actually anywhere *near* the end of this. ^_~

Xybrian: Lias - Brother
Layos - Sister

He couldn't have said how much time passed. All he knew was that Jen was there, that she was holding on to him as if the world had ended, and he was clinging to her like she was the last lifeline he had left. His head stayed buried against her shoulder as she stroked his hair gently. He thought she'd started humming at some point, but he couldn't have said when or what it was.

Eventually he was aware that there were others around them, and distantly considered raising his head to see who it was. But it seemed like too much effort for now, so he remained where he was.

At last he let out a long sigh, turning his face against Jen's neck.

The hand in his hair paused. "Alex?" she asked softly.

He mumbled what he hoped sounded like an acknowledgement.

Lips pressed gently against his temple. "Talk to me," Jen requested.

He shrugged a shoulder.

There was a soft sigh, and a faint chuckle. "Say anything. Just let me know you're still alive."

"M' alive," he rasped.

"Do you need a doctor?" It took him a moment to recognize that the soft, concerned voice was Katie's. "Should we get someone?"

He shook his head.

"He probably needs a doctor," he heard Lucas murmur, but he had the impression it wasn't him he was referring to.

His head snapped up instantly, eyes wide. "Ben!"

"Easy," Jen soothed, reaching up to catch his shoulders. "He's right here, Alex. He's just resting."

He turned, panicked, to find his brother stretched out on the ground with Lucas and Trip watching over him. "Is he ... is he ... ?" His voice trembled.

"M' in *pain*, not unconscious," Ben groused, cracking open an eye to glare over at him. "And you look awful, A."

A choked laugh escaped him before he could stop it. "Not as bad as you," he managed weakly, trying to smile.

Ben snorted. "Doubt it," he muttered.

"You *both* look awful," Katie humphed, shooting a glare at Alex. "Didn't Jen tell you to be careful?"

He shrugged a little. "Don't remember."

He felt Jen roll her eyes. "I did," she confirmed. "And we're going to have a long talk about what that means later."

He smiled a little, closing his eyes. "I look forward to it."

She snorted. "I'm sure you do."

There was something he was forgetting, wasn't there? He tried to think, but it hurt.

Oh. Right.

"You ... ?" He tried to rouse himself a little.

"We're fine," Jen assured him, stroking his cheek again.

"How do you do that?" Lucas asked, sounding bewildered.

"It's a girlfriend thing."

There was something wrong about that statement, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Later, he decided. He could figure everything out later.


The next thing he was aware of was the bright, rainbow-colored ceiling of the medical lab.

He vaguely remembered that it had been white once. But Katie had complained that anybody waking up in a patient bed wasn't going to want to stare at a white ceiling, and had all but demanded they paint it. Trip had been immediately on board with the idea, while Jen and Lucas had reluctantly agreed. Alex still wondered if she'd only wanted it painted for his sake, now that they knew about his past.

Either way, the actual painting had been somewhat of an adventure. For some bizarre reason, Katie and Trip had decided it should be colored after the five of them. The four walls had each been painted in a solid, bold shade of pink, blue, yellow, and green. The floor alternated between bright and darker red tiles, and Alex had half-heartedly complained about being the one who's color got walked on.

The ceiling was the best part of the room though, even if he'd never admit it. For the ceiling, they'd painted a giant rainbow from all five colors - six if you counted the darker shade of red. It had taken longer than he liked to admit for him to realize what the second shade signified.

"Alex?" a voice called tentatively as he contemplated the ceiling.

He turned just enough to see Circuit on the table beside him, watching him anxiously. "Rangers!" the little owl burst out, flapping his wings in excitement. "Rangers, he's awake!"

"And now so is half of Newtech City," grumbled another voice.

He was surrounded before he could find the speaker, all four Rangers peering down at him anxiously.

"How are you feeling?" Trip asked worriedly.

"Do you need anything?" Katie put in.

Alex blinked at them for a moment. " ... Sit up?" he croaked finally. His throat felt dry.

Lucas was the one to find the remote for the bed, slowly raising him up to meet their faces and offering the cup of water that had been resting near Circuit. "Better?" he asked after a moment. He eyed Trip and Katie. "You two want to give him some air?" he added dryly.

They both inched back, looking sheepish.

Jen chuckled softly, moving to sit on the side of the bed. Her hand reached out to brush Alex's hair from his eyes. "How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

"Do I have to answer that?" he groaned, reaching up to rub his head. "What happened?"

"You fainted," Trip told him.

He paused with one hand on his forehead, raising his eyebrows.

Jen tried to hide a smile. "You passed out," she clarified. "You've been under so much stress recently that it finally took its toll. You've been unconscious for awhile now."

He frowned. "Blakemore?"

"In custody." There was fierce pride to her voice at the words.

He looked over the four of them automatically, frowning again as he noticed the sling Trip wore. "What happened to you?" he demanded.

"He caught someone while they were trying to run," Lucas explained as Trip looked down in embarrassment. He slipped an arm around the other man's shoulders, squeezing carefully. "The guy tried to shoot him to get away, but Trip didn't stop." He frowned down at him.

Trip looked sheepish now. "I couldn't let him get away," he protested meekly.

Alex stared for a moment at Lucas' arm around Trip, at the way Trip leaned into Lucas' side. Lucas was frowning at him, but it was more concerned, almost fond, than anything else. And ... was Trip blushing?

"There's supposed to be a speech," Alex muttered, more to himself than anyone. He looked up at Lucas with a glare, pointing at him. "He cries ... I hurt you," he growled warningly.

Katie snorted. "Great speech there, Lias."

He gave her a look. "My head still hurts, Layos," he retorted irritably.

Trip somehow managed to look mortified and delighted at the same time.

"You want an aspray?" Jen offered, looking concerned.

"I'll live," he told her with a sigh. He didn't want to admit it, but he still didn't like taking any form of drug - even something as simple as a pain reliever.

Something just over her shoulder caught his attention, and he turned to look. Ben was stretched out on a bed on the other side of the room, one hand on his chest as he stared up at the ceiling. His eyes were open, but he was pointedly not looking at them.

Alex frowned. "Ben?" he called.

His brother shifted just enough to glance at him briefly. "A," he greeted.

Alex tried to push himself up a little higher to get a better look at him. "How are you feeling?" he asked worriedly.

Ben shrugged a shoulder.

"He's on bed rest for now, and hating every minute of it," Jen informed him, looking amused. "His heart was strained from the electric shock, but it's been taken care of. He'll be fine in a few days."

Ben sighed. "I'm right here, you know," he informed the ceiling. "And I don't *have* to stay here. If you'd actually let me leave, I'd already be out of your hair."

Alex frowned.

"Why would we want you to leave?" Trip wondered, sounding bewildered.

*That* caught Ben's attention. He rolled over to look at them, frowning in confusion. "Why would you want me to stay?" he demanded.

Alex opened his mouth to say something, but Jen caught his arm, shaking her head silently with a warning look.

Before he could protest, Katie walked over to Ben, frowning at him. "Why would we want you to leave?" she countered, echoing Trip.

Ben looked startled. "But ... after ... after everything I - "

Katie reached around for the control to lift his bed, raising it until they were nearly eye-to-eye. She offered him a warm smile. "I already learned my lesson about not trusting people when I should have, Ben. I'm not going to make that mistake again." She held out a hand.

Ben stared at it for a moment before his eyes darted back up to her. For once, his expression showed just how young he really was. "But ... I don't ... I don't understand."

"It's a hand. You shake it," Katie teased him gently. Her expression softened. "You're a Power Ranger too, aren't you? That means you're our teammate."

He blinked, looking back at her hand again. Slowly, carefully, he reached out to shake her hand. "I ... guess so," he admitted, peeking up at her shyly.

Katie stared at him. "And I thought Alex looked like Wes," she murmured, and Alex barely caught it.

Ben frowned, then oomphed in surprise as Katie abruptly hugged him. He flushed. "L-Lieutenant Walker?" he stammered.

Katie pulled away to scowl at him, swatting his shoulder. "Do *not* call me that," she warned. "It's Katie. Got that?"

Ben nodded, wide-eyed. "Yes ma'am."

She scowled, but Lucas was already moving around her to offer a hand. "Lucas," he stated, giving a faint smirk.

"Ben," he returned warily, still seeming somewhat lost.

Trip moved forward then, giving Ben a shy smile. "I, um ... I know ... it's gotta be really weird, with everything that's been going on," he began hesitantly. "And I don't want you to think I'm trying to steal Alex from you or anything!" he added hastily. "It's just ... " He faltered, gulped, and looked up hopefully. "I was ... hoping maybe we could be friends?"

Ben stared at him. " ... How do you *do* that?" he demanded.

Trip blinked. "Do what?"

"Your face." Ben pointed at him. "I don't even like you, and I want to hug you. Stop it."

Everyone, even Alex, burst out laughing as Trip looked confused and Ben scandalized.

Jen squeezed Alex's hand gently before moving to stand. She approached Ben with a warm smile. "It's nice to finally meet you, Ben," she greeted. "Alex talks about you all the time."

"He does?" Ben looked startled.

She nodded, still smiling. And before Ben even realized what she was doing, she leaned forward and gave him a hug. "Welcome home, Ben."

Alex smiled.

Ben blinked when Jen pulled back. He looked at each of them for several moments before at last turning to stare at his brother. "They don't give you much of a choice, do they?" he asked.

Alex laughed, giving his brother a grin. "No. They don't."

Ben considered this for a moment before at last looking at Jen. "So ... when are you and my brother getting married?" he asked brightly, blinking up at her innocently.

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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