A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 25: Rebellion)

Jul 08, 2009 09:10

This chapter sucks, but it's one of those necessary ones I can't get rid of and can't seem to fix. -Grumbles-

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: The only thing I like about this chapter is making fun of Alex, and the chance to use the phrase coup d'état. (How I love you, Gundam Wing. ♥)

The atmosphere was grim by the time the two time ships emerged over Newtech City as Alex surveyed the equipment to make sure they'd arrived in 3002. They had a plan, but it was hard to be sure that it would work. There was Ransik to consider, too: his safety was now their highest priority. He could *not* go back to Time Force.

They needed to land at Time Force long enough to ditch the time ships and get to the police department as fast as they could. At that point, they would have Jen's father put Ransik and Nadira in protective custody, and file charges with the NCPD against Time Force for crimes against humanity. From there - depending on how things went with NCPD - they would be bringing in the long list of names they'd gathered from Ben's datapad list.

Alex reluctantly reached for the com switch to check in with Time Force. He hesitated, then forced himself to hit it before anyone could ask. "Time Force Landing Dock, this is Time Ship 2335 requesting landing clearance."

He waited, and frowned. "Landing Dock, this is Time Ship 2335."


He glanced back and found everyone watching him worriedly. "Comms must be down," he said calmly, despite the fact that his heart was beginning to pound.

Jen nodded. "Can you land without clearance?"

He gave her a dirty look. "I can land *anything*."

She snorted, fighting a smile. "I'll try to remember that."

Landing without confirmation was more difficult than he wanted to admit. There seemed to be a great deal of rubble on the landing strip, and more than one abandoned time ship. The commentary behind him wasn't helping, either.

"What do you think happened? Why isn't anyone answering?"

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

"Whatever it is, it can't be good. Trip, are you getting anything?"

"Sorry, Jen. It's ... it's like there's no one even here."

"Do you mind?" Alex snapped finally, turning to glare at them. "I'm trying to concentrate here!"

"Alex, look out!" Katie shouted.

He jerked back around just in time to veer sharply to the left. The person he'd nearly hit fell to the ground. His distraction cost him; the Time Ship landed abruptly, skidding along the pavement.

The second ship slammed into the ground behind them and bounced, hitting the back of the ship they were in. Alex cursed as everyone behind him screamed, struggling to cut the slide before they ran out of room. Thinking fast, he killed the power and slammed on the all-stop. The ship slid a few more feet before at last shuddering to a halt.

"Land anything, huh?" Lucas wheezed after several moments of silence.

"Shut up," Alex growled.


"Are you all right, Sir?" Katie asked as she pulled the man to his feet. "I'm so sorry, our pilot's skills need work - "

Alex glared at her.

"Fine, fine, just startled," the man muttered, despite the fact that he was actually shaking. "I ... I need to - " Then he looked up and froze, his eyes widening as he looked around at each them. "You - you're the Time Force Rangers! Oh, thank god!" he burst out.

They exchanged looks.

"You have to stop them," he babbled on. "That - that Quantum Ranger and those rebels. They've started some sort of revolt and they're - "

"What?" Lucas demanded sharply as Alex paled. "Did you say the *Quantum* Ranger?"

The man nodded enthusiastically. "He's crazy!" he insisted. "He's trying to make some sort of ... coup d'état. But you're Time Force, aren't you? *You* can stop him!"

"That's not possible," Alex interrupted, barely aware of what he was saying. "The Quantum Ranger is gone. I was *there*. I *saw* it happen."

The man shook his head. "No, no it's him!" he insisted. "He looks like some sort of evil version of the Red Ranger, right?"

Alex growled softly. Lucas and Trip grabbed his arms before he could move forward.

"Freeze!" a new voice shouted.

All five of them turned, reaching for their blasters as Katie instinctively pushed the trembling man behind her. Further down the landing strip stood a girl who couldn't have been much older than Trip, her own blaster level as she stared coolly. "Who are you?" she demanded.

"The Time Force Rangers," Jen returned, narrowing her eyes. "Who are *you*?"

The girl looked suspicious now. "Cadet Salinas. Who do you serve?"

Katie started. "What?"

"Who do you serve?" she repeated.

Jen stared at her for a long moment. "We serve Newtech City," she said at last.

Cadet Salinas smiled, lowering her blaster. "Sorry Ma'am, but it's hard to be sure who's on which side right now," she said apologetically.

"What's going on?" Trip asked worriedly.

Salinas looked startled. "You mean you don't know? I thought you were with the Quantum Ranger."

"We are," Alex interrupted before anyone else could correct her. "But we've been on a mission. What's the situation?"

She smiled grimly. "We're taking down the old Time Force, for good."

The man behind Katie shivered. "You don't know what you're doing!" he shouted at her, still cowering at Katie's back. "This city would fall apart without Time Force! We keep it alive!"

"Tell that to the people you've hurt," Salinas snarled at him, her eyes darkening. "We don't need a Time Force that treats us like cattle!"

"That's not - "

"That's enough," Jen cut in firmly. "Why are you trying to arrest this man, Cadet?"

Salinas seemed surprised by the question. "He's on the list wanted for questioning, possible warrant, Ma'am." She eyed the man as he glared at her from behind them.

Jen nodded. "Katie, cuff him."

The man started, backing away as Katie turned toward him now. "What? But ... but you're the Time Force Rangers! You're supposed to be *Time Force*! What are you doing?!"

"That's where you're wrong," Katie told him with an unpleasant smile as she caught his arm, twisting it up behind him. "We're the *Power* Rangers." There was a sharp click as she snapped the handcuffs in place.

"Where's this list?" Lucas asked Salinas, frowning.

She removed a datapad from her pocket, offering it to him. "There's the higher ups, the warrants, and general questioning," she explained. "We've got groups assigned to each type to make sure everyone's brought in."

"This seems awfully organized," Trip commented, looking worried.

Salinas gave him a grin. "Captain Logan's been recruiting for months now, Sir. When he and the Quantum Ranger made their move, we were ready."

Alex clenched his fists anxiously. "Where is the Quantum Ranger?"

"He was sent after Commander Blakemore," she told him. "He insisted. Someone said he was supposed to be a high security risk. Last I heard he was somewhere on the upper levels."

He didn't even realize he was moving until Jen called his name. He paused just long enough to glance back at her.

She stared back, her eyes worried. "Be careful."

He nodded once, and ran.

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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