A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 24: Goodbye)

Jul 06, 2009 14:23

-Yawns- Considering the next chapter I just got conned into writing, -Eyes BlackCrimsonLight- a nap is starting to sound like a really good idea.

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: Wes and Alex bonding is starting to be fun. When did that happen? o.O

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Alex muttered, staring at the object in his hands.

"Come on, it's not that big a deal," Wes argued cheerfully, smiling at his own photo strip. "Everybody who's seen us today thought we were brothers anyway."

"That's because they don't know you," Alex reminded him with a sigh. "Anyone who *does* know you and sees that is going to ask questions."

Wes threw an arm around his shoulders. "Alex, relax. I'm not going to go around showing this to the whole world, okay? It's just for me. No one else is going to know about it. So don't worry so much, okay? You'll give yourself an ulcer."

Alex rolled his eyes. "That's a myth. And the disease rate of the thirtieth century is almost non-existent."

"Humor me."

He resisted the urge to inform him that's what he *was* doing. Instead he shook his head, slipping the photo strip into the pocket of his newest pair of borrowed jeans. "I need to contact Jen and find out how close we are to being prepared to leave."

Wes frowned, and his arm dropped. "Right," he muttered.

Alex glanced at him, reaching for his morpher. "Alex to - "

"What are you doing?" Wes hissed, grabbing his arm. "You can't just turn on your morpher anywhere you like!"

He stared back blankly. "Why not?"

Wes sighed, shaking his head. "Because people don't know who the Power Rangers are around here besides me and Eric. And if they see you using a morpher, then they'll *really* start to ask questions. Now come on, there's a place over there where we should be safe."

The twenty-first century was *weird*, Alex thought with a sigh of his own as he let Wes drag him along.

He waited until Wes had them practically hiding between the wall of the shopping mall they'd just exited and a wall of hedges before raising his eyebrows. "Now?" he asked, forcing himself to sound polite.

Wes rolled his eyes. "Stop channeling Eric. Yes, now you can."

"Alex to Jen," he told his morpher, pointedly ignoring yet another comparison to Eric.

"This is Jen. Alex, where are you?!" Her holographic image looked positively furious.

He frowned, worried at her tone. "With Wes. Is everything all right?"

"Which part of 'don't leave Eric's house until we come to get you' did you forget?"

Wes leaned in over his shoulder. "It was my fault, Jen. I'm the one who dragged him out."

"Don't think you're off the hook either, Wes," she warned. "Eric told me you weren't feeling well and that you were supposed to be resting. Where are you two?"

"On our way to meet up with you," Alex answered smoothly. "How's our progress?"

She hesitated. "We're ready to leave any time," she admitted reluctantly. "The reports are finished, Trip's gone over every inch of the datapad, and we're ready to - " She paused. "We're ready."

Alex nodded. "We'll meet you at the time ship. Alex out."

There was a look on Wes' face he couldn't interpret, but Wes wouldn't meet his eyes for some reason. He reached for his own Chrono Morpher. "Eric, this is Wes. We're meeting at the time ship now."

"This is Eric. I'll see you there."

Wes looked up, and the smile on his face was obviously forced. "Well, let's get going."

Alex frowned. "Wes - "

"Jen hates it when people are late," Wes continued as if he hadn't spoken, pulling out the keys to his bike. He walked off without another word.

Alex sighed irritably and followed.


They were hesitating, and they all knew it.

Alex had checked and double-checked the equipment that the others had gone over multiple times already. Their evidence to confront Time Force was already prepared and ready to be taken directly to the Newtech City Police Department. Nadira and Ransik waited patiently inside the ship for the Rangers to say their goodbyes privately. All they had to do was say it, and leave.

But no one was moving.

Finally, Wes swallowed and tried to smile. "I really don't know what to say. Last time I thought it was goodbye forever, but this time ... I don't think it is."

Jen frowned, looking worried. "Wes, we can't - "

He shook his head. "I'm not saying I'm expecting any of you to just pop in once in awhile. It's just ... " He shrugged. "It doesn't feel like this is the end. I think we'll see each other again some day."

"The odds of any of us meeting in the first place were astronomical," Trip pointed out tentatively, looking distinctly hopeful.

Katie started to smile. "We make our own destinies, right?"

"Exactly!" Wes agreed, smiling back brightly at them both. "So this isn't goodbye. Just ... goodbye for now. See you later, more like."

"See you," Eric muttered, shaking his head. He looked amused. "Only you, Wes."

Katie moved to throw her arms around Wes. "See you later, Wes," she told him, pausing to stick her tongue out at Eric.

Wes laughed, and suddenly Trip and Lucas were both moving in to exchange their own goodbyes with him. Alex remained slightly behind and to the side, feeling awkward. He'd never been good at goodbyes, namely because he'd never taken the time to know very many people enough to miss them. And the ones he did know tended to end up leaving him.

The sound of someone's throat clearing startled him, and he looked up as Eric offered a hand. "Thanks for the game."

The corner of Alex' mouth twitched, and he reached out to accept the handshake. "Same to you."

They nodded to one another, and Eric moved back without another word. It wasn't much, but somehow Alex still found himself feeling more relaxed. Eric may not have known, but he was a good man, and Alex would miss him. Time Force had never given him enough credit.

Wes was waiting for him when Eric moved aside. He smile was gone now, and he watched Alex with an expression that was almost longing. Alex stepped forward with a quiet sigh, and found himself pulled into a hug so tight Katie would have approved.

"Don't forget what I said, Alex," Wes said in his ear. "I love you, and I'm proud of you."

He swallowed. "Don't forget your promise."

There was a moment of silence, and Wes squeezed him tighter. "I promise, Alex," he whispered, sounding pained.

Then he released him, and Alex found himself struggling for words as he stepped away. "I don't hate you," he said abruptly.

Wes shook his head with a faint smile, tears shining in his eyes. "Yes, you do," he corrected. "But that's okay. I understand why now."

Now Alex was the one shaking his head. "No, I - I mean, I do. I hate you, but I ... " He swallowed, and found himself blinking back tears of his own. He wasn't sure if it was from frustration at being unable to express himself, or something else. "I also ... "

"I love you too, Alex," Wes interrupted gently. His smile was warm.

Thoroughly uncomfortable now, Alex swallowed again and gave a sharp nod.

"Alex ... ?" Jen ventured hesitantly.

He looked at her and felt himself smile at her concern. "It's all right, Jen," he assured her.

"Hey, Alex?"

He glanced back at Wes. "Yes?"

Wes gave him a grin. "Say yes."

He blinked. "What?"

"Tell her yes," he repeated.

Alex flushed slightly, hoping Wes wasn't insinuating what he thought he was. "I - "

"And take care of them for me," Wes added, giving him a look he couldn't read.

"Always," he said immediately, wondering why Wes would even bother to ask. He turned and headed for the ship.

"Hey, Alex!"

He turned back again with a sigh. "What is it?"

A strange expression had come over Wes' face. "You should listen to your brother. Have faith; it'll be okay."

He stared at him for a moment, then slowly nodded. Ben had always had an uncanny ability to know when something bad was going to happen. And from the scattered memories he had now, he knew that Wes had it, too. If they both believed that everything would work out, then he had no choice but to trust them.

He began the start up sequence as Jen remained outside, saying her final goodbyes. For the first time, he felt no jealousy at the sight of Jen and Wes embracing tightly just outside the window, followed by her startled expression by something he said to her. He knew better now. He *knew* Jen loved him, and he knew that while she and Wes loved each other, and *could* have had a relationship together if time had allowed it, she had chosen Alex instead.

And Wes, he knew now, had chosen someone else himself.

He shook his head as he entered the command code to link his smaller time ship with the bigger one they were using to return home. Wes Collins and Eric Myers were on the verge of becoming a couple. Time Force would *never* believe it.

"Hey ... Alex?" Trip asked hesitantly, coming to lean over the back of his seat.

He glanced up. "What is it, Trip?"

Trip bit his lip. "Are ... are you and Wes okay now? You seem ... different."

He was silent for a moment. There was nothing to prevent him from telling them what he'd asked of Wes, but he knew they wouldn't like it, and most like wouldn't agree. He wasn't sure if he could even explain what had happened between the two Red Chrono Morphers. He wasn't sure if he wanted to, either; it was something between him and Wes.

"We understand each other," he said finally.

"Did something happen?" Katie asked, looking concerned. "I mean, are you all right?"

He chuckled quietly. "Yeah, Katie. I'm fine. I'm ... " He paused, searching for the right word. "I'm at peace."

A hand squeezed his shoulder as Jen slipped into her seat. "Good," she said softly, and her expression hardened. "Now let's go home and take down Time Force once and for all."

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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