A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 12: Understanding)

Jun 20, 2009 11:50

Wow, how long has it been since I updated this?

I was going through old files, and realized I actually had several chapters already written and beta'd that I'd forgotten to post. So ... here's one. Finally. x.x

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: I can't remember what I was thinking when I wrote this chapter, but I like it anyway. For once. ^_^;;

He woke up uncomfortably hot and smothered. Glancing around revealed Trip half-buried under his left arm, Katie wrapped around him with an ankle hooked around Alex's leg. On his other side, Jen slept peacefully with her head resting lightly against his shoulder and Lucas's arm for a pillow.

It took effort to extract himself without waking them all up, but somehow he managed. Jen and Trip instinctively moved closer in his absence, and something about it was both cute and painful to see. He had to remind himself that it didn't really mean anything.

He used the restroom and stopped in front of the sink to wash his face. Patting himself dry, he looked up into the mirror and started in surprise. He sighed, running a hand over his new haircut Katie had insisted on. That was going to take some time to get used to. Before, his hair had parted in the center, falling around the sides until he slicked it back in the mornings. Now it was shorter and spiked up in the front. Strange, but ... he kind of liked it.

He glanced out to make sure the others were still asleep before quietly searching through one of the shopping bags they'd brought back with them last night for something to wear. Dinner with Jen's parents had gone from 'we need something to sleep in' to an extra night and a small shopping spree. Jen and Katie had somehow gotten it into their heads that he needed a 'new look', which apparently meant new clothes. Even Lucas had gotten into it for some reason, and Trip had been too busy laughing to rescue him. Brat.

He paused to look at himself in the mirror again after he finished his brief shower, looking over the short hair, jeans, and red polo. He looked ... different. Not bad. Just not ...

I don't look like Collins anymore.

The resemblance was still there - they did share DNA after all. But before the resemblance had been so nearly identical it was disturbing. It was why he'd started gelling his hair back after he'd first escaped the labs. It wasn't much, but it was *something* to make them separate.

But now he felt ... not himself, exactly. He still wasn't quite sure who that was. But not being a complete clone helped to make him feel less what he was: a replacement for what Time Force couldn't have.

Which had been the point, obviously. He wasn't completely blind to what the Rangers were doing. At least they weren't doing double-takes every time they glanced at him anymore. And something about how they'd actually cared enough to do something like this was ... reassuring.

He smiled a little at the mirror. It was odd to look at, being that he never really smiled that much. But he sort of liked the way it lightened his face.

He jumped as someone knocked loudly on the door. "Are you done in there yet?" Lucas demanded. "Other people need to use it too!"

"Which is why you're not using it next, or no one ever will!" Katie retorted.

He managed to duck out between them as Jen tried to separate them, looking cranky and barely awake herself. He was amused to see Trip slip in behind him, flashing a cheerful grin right before the door slid shut. Lucas and Katie whirled, both demanding access, and Jen threw her hands up in frustration.

"Are mornings always like this?" Alex asked quietly as Jen flopped back on her bed near where he was standing.

"Unfortunately," she grumbled. She sighed, groaning pitifully. "Coffee ... "

He gave her an amused smile. "Is that a request?"

She peeked out at him from under an arm, looking hopeful. "Please?"

He shook his head, chuckling. "Anything else?" he asked as he glanced over at Lucas and Katie.

"Orange Juice and a bathroom," Katie grumbled. Lucas was too busy yawning to reply.

He nodded, pausing in the doorway. Should he ... shouldn't he .... "You do remember there's a guest bathroom down the hallway, right?"

There was a pause, and he found himself scrambling back to get out of the way as they raced past him. Somewhere down the hall he heard a thud, a shout, and what sounded like Katie yelling indignantly about cheating.

He shook his head and made his way to the kitchen.

Keith greeted him pleasantly, while Peter sort of grunted over his own cup of coffee. It was easy to see where Jen got her dislike of mornings from, he noted with amusement.

Keith seemed to realize what he was thinking, shooting him a grin. "You here for coffee?"

"Coffee for Jen, orange juice for Katie and Trip," he answered. He frowned. "I'm not sure what Lucas likes."

"What about you?" Keith asked as he reached into the cabinet for cups.

He hesitated, then shook his head. "No, thank you."

He got an amused smile in return. "What would you like, Alex? Whatever it is, I'm sure we have it," he added dryly.

" ... Apple juice?" he asked after a pause, feeling awkward.

"Not a problem," Keith returned cheerfully, getting another glass.

"Thank you," he murmured, still uncomfortable.

"How can you live without caffeine?" Peter grumbled. It was either that, or "Hawkin live cantine."

"I'm, um ... I'm allergic," he said quickly. Could people have caffeine allergies? Maybe they wouldn't ask.

Peter looked like he was going to say something, but a look from Keith silenced him. "Did you want to bring these back for everyone, or do you think you can round up the troops?" Keith asked him with a smile.

He frowned. "I can try."

"Good morning!" Trip chirped from behind him, startling him. He turned to glare and got a bright smile before Trip leaned around him to see the cups on the table. "Ooh, orange juice! May I have some?" he asked politely.

"Feel free," Keith chuckled. "Do you know what Lucas will want, by any chance?"

Trip shrugged, already lifting his glass. "Don't give him a choice, or he'll complain he wants something else," he warned.

"What was that?"

"Lucas!" He snatched a glass off the table, turning to push it into Lucas' hands with a bright smile. "Here you go!"

Alex stared. "Hey, that's - " He sighed as Lucas chugged it without question. "Mine," he finished.

Trip winced. "Sorry, Alex ... "

"Problem solved," Keith assured them, passing Alex another glass. "Any idea of when the girls will be getting here?"

"Katie was trying to fix her hair, and Jen finally got the bathroom," Trip explained. "So ... I have no idea," he admitted sheepishly.

Keith laughed, and even Peter managed a slight grin. "Well, what does everyone want for breakfast?" Keith asked, still chuckling.

"Pizza!" Trip said brightly.

Lucas elbowed him with a roll of his eyes. "You can't have pizza for breakfast."

Trip frowned. "But ... we always did at the Clock Tower."

"That was different, silly," Katie said quickly, startling everyone as she moved around Trip to snag the last of the orange juice. "Pizza isn't really a breakfast food."

"But we ate it for breakfast."

"That was different," Lucas repeated firmly.

"But - "

"I'll explain it later," Katie promised.

Keith was looking at them warily now, and even Peter seemed to be waking up enough to seem suspicious. "Well, what would you all like then?" Keith asked after a long pause.

"Donuts," Jen yawned from behind them, flopping down in a chair and rubbing her eyes. She pulled her coffee mug close, holding it just under her nose with a long sigh of contentment.

"I second that," Peter said quickly.

"You are *not* having donuts for breakfast," Keith growled at them both. "Stop trying to turn our daughter into a cop stereotype."

Peter raised his eyebrows at him. "Coffee and donuts go together. How is that a stereotype?"

Keith threw up his hands. "Eggs and bacon it is. Anyone want toast?"

"Yes, please," Katie said quickly.

Why had he even asked? What did it matter if they had a choice or not? All food ended up the same as it was digested, so who cared what you were eating as long as it balanced the necessary nutrients?

He frowned to himself. Or was that Time Force Red talking again? The scientists had always just given them their food, and in the cafeteria he took what was available. But seeing everyone argue over what to eat ...

He really was a freak, wasn't he?


Trip's hand on his arm startled him, and he looked down at him. "Aren't you going to sit down?" Trip asked softly, looking worried.

He shook his head. "Sorry. I was ... distracted."

"You sure you don't want some coffee?" Peter offered, reaching to pour himself another cup.

Alex started to shake his head, but Trip was already answering for him. "Alex can't have caffeine. It causes an adverse reaction in his morpher," he explained. He paused when everyone stared at him. "Um ... It makes him sick?" he tried again.

"Well, why didn't you just say so?" Keith said absently, as though it didn't matter. Peter seemed confused, but he shrugged it off.
It was the other three staring at him that was making him nervous. They knew Trip well enough to understand what he was saying. And they knew what it would mean if his morpher was involved.

"No," Alex murmured to Jen as she frowned down at her coffee. "It's just me."

He was the only one they'd tested by ingesting and injecting as much caffeine as a small child and teenager could possible stand, trying to determine how much he could tolerate before it began to affect the morpher. To the point that his morpher had begun to react in order to protect him, causing him to be violently ill the moment more than half a cup of anything caffinated touched his stomach. He wasn't in a hurry to see if that was still true.

She glanced up, her eyes filled with compassion as she nodded once, slowly. He was grateful when she didn't ask.

Breakfast was surprisingly pleasant, if somewhat quieter than dinner had been. Keith and Peter bickered constantly, but Jen smiled when they did, so it must not be unusual. Katie teased Lucas about his hair and he argued back, while Trip giggled at them both and glanced over at Alex every so often to make sure he was all right. There were casual questions here and there: what did they plan to do today, was there anything they needed, how had everyone slept, was the food okay.

It was weird, to be asked and have someone actually seem to care what the answer was. To have people trying to involve him in their conversations. To watch his ... friends? And not feel completely left out.

He kind of liked it.

He tried to help with the dishes afterward, but was informed that Keith didn't trust anyone else to wash them after the messes Peter and Jen tended to make in the process. Jen exchanged a grin with her dad, which made Keith glare at them both and shoo everyone out of the kitchen. The Rangers headed back to Jen's room, and Peter went off somewhere in the direction of the backyard, so it was Alex who heard the doorbell as he trailed behind.

"I'll get it!" he called, just in case anyone else had heard. He went to the door, activating the transparency to see who it was.

Derek Logan was standing on the front porch.

He froze as his heart began to pound. It's just Logan, he tried to remind himself. It's just - just Time Force standing on your doorstep.

"Jen ... ?" he croaked. He swallowed, trying again. "Jen. *Jen*!"


Her hand touched his arm carefully, and he turned to stare at her, eyes wide. The moment his eyes settled on the other three standing behind her, on Trip, that forced calm that came with being Time Force Red came over him. "You have to go," he said quietly, firmly. "All of you. I'll deal with - "

"You will *not*," she retorted sharply. "If Time Force is here, *you're* the one we're keeping them away from."

He shook his head. "Jen - "

She cut him off with a raised hand and a shake of her head. "This isn't up for discussion." There was a pause as they stared at one another, and she reached up to touch his cheek, drawing him down toward her. "You're not a martyr, and you're not alone," she said softly. Her eyes searched his. "Don't make me watch, Alex," she whispered. "Please."

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. Did she have any idea what she was really asking of him? But when he looked at her again, he found himself nodding once, slowly. "Your team. Your decision," he murmured.

She managed a slight smile, but he could still see how worried she was. She let go of his cheek, reaching down to take one of his hands in both of hers and giving a slight squeeze. "Trust me, Alex."

I already do.

But he just gave her another nod.

Jen nodded back, and the moment she let him go and turned away, she was Captain Scotts, leader of the Time Force Rangers again. "Katie, I want you to take Alex and Trip back to my room. Don't come out until you hear from me or Lucas, and don't let *anyone* into that room - not even my parents. Lucas, you're with me."

"But Jen - " Trip tried to protest.

"Trip, you're a target right now, too," she interrupted. "And I'm not letting them get either of you. Keep Alex safe."

Trip subsided, looking annoyed, and Alex gave her a look.

"Let's *go* guys," she insisted, narrowing her eyes back at him.

Alex followed Trip as the other boy muttered darkly ahead of him. Something about his irritation made it hard not to smile, even with Katie behind him like some sort of bodyguard. It got even better when Jen's door closed behind them all, and Trip immediately burst out with "I can't believe this! I can fight, too!"

"Of course you can, Trip," Katie tried to soothe him. "That wasn't what Jen was - "

"Keep Alex safe? How stupid does she think I am?" he went on, scowling furiously at the bed. "I *know* what that means. It means I'm useless." He kicked the bed in frustration and promptly winced, clutching his foot.

"That wasn't your brightest idea," Alex informed him dryly, directing him to sit down.

"I thought we were past this," Trip muttered rebelliously, even as he leaned against Alex's shoulder and continued to rub his foot.

"Trip - " Katie protested.

"Trip, has it ever occurred to you that you're the strongest defensive fighter we have?" Alex asked him, ignoring Katie for the moment.

Trip frowned a little, glancing up at him. "What do you mean?"

He rolled his eyes, because Trip's lack of self-confidence had always driven him up the wall. "Who else on this team can hack a door lock in under a minute?"

"You can."

"Not that fast," he pointed out. "You're the best with electronics and you're good at tactics even though you always pretend you're not. Katie's here for muscle, you're here for brains." He shot Katie an apologetic glance for the analogy, but she just looked amused. He hesitated. "You're also here to keep me sane."

Trip looked at him for a long moment. "She'll be fine, you know," he said suddenly, squeezing Alex's hand. "And Lucas is with her."

He sighed, because Trip always saw right through him. "I *meant*, that if something happened to you, you know I'd surrender in a heartbeat."

"And I'd never forgive you for it," Trip returned promptly.

He shook his head, leaning to the side until it rested against Trip's. "Lias," he reminded him, reaching out to tap his finger against Trip's chest.

Predictably, it made Trip smile. "Lias aeo na'say'ah," he corrected.

"Let me be proud of the word I can pronounce."

"What does that mean?" Katie spoke up, watching them both as she leaned near the door. "What ... what you just said."

"Lias aeo na'say'ah?" Trip repeated. "It means brother of heart."

"Brother of heart ... " she mused. She smiled a little. "That sounds pretty."

"You're layos aeo na'say'ah, Katie," he told her eagerly. He paused, ducking his head shyly. "I mean, if you want to be."

"Layos?" Alex repeated.

"Sister," Trip murmured in embarrassment. "It means sister of heart."

A slow, warm smile crossed Katie's face, and she came to kneel down in front of them. She leaned forward to rest her head against Trip's. "So how do I say it? Lee az?"

"Lee us," Alex corrected.

"Lee us ay oh nah say ah." Trip repeated slowly.

"Lias aeo na'say'ah," she said carefully. Then she grinned. "So ... if you're my brother, and Alex's brother, does that make me and Alex related?"

Alex recoiled. Surprisingly, he realized he wasn't actually offended. "No," he said firmly.

Trip giggled. "I don't know, Alex. I mean, you're part of the team now. And the team is family, so ... "

"Oh, no it's not," he said sharply. He ignored their startled and hurt expressions as he scowled at Trip. "I do *not* think of Jen as my sister."

Katie burst out laughing.

He pause to raise his eyebrows at Trip. "So does that mean you think of Lucas as your brother?" he asked pointedly, well aware of Trip's crush.

"No - I mean yes," Trip said quickly, turning bright red as he looked flustered. "I mean .. of - of course."

Katie and Alex exchanged amused looks. "You realize we're going to have to fix this," Katie told him.

He nodded seriously. "Which means I get priority on the big brother speech."

She raised an eyebrow. "Since when?"

"Since I've known Trip longer," he reminded her. "And I'm older than you."

"Doesn't matter if I get to Lucas first," she retorted, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Trip asked plaintively.

"No," they said in unison. Alex blinked in surprise, but Katie just grinned at him.

Silence fell, and after a while Katie's smile faded. "They're taking a long time," she said eventually.

Alex gave a small shrug with the shoulder Trip wasn't leaning on. "We can't expect it to be over and done with in five minutes."

"I wish it was," Trip whispered. "I don't like waiting."

Alex swallowed, thinking of Jen and the look in her eyes earlier. "Me, either," he murmured.

-- "Don't make me watch, Alex. Please." --

Then don't make me lose you again, he pleaded silently. Please, Jen. I couldn't - I *can't* -

When Katie's morpher finally beeped after what seemed like hours, all three of them jumped.

"Th - this is Katie," she stammered.

A projection of Lucas appeared above her wrist, looking solemn. "It's me. It's safe to open the door."

Alex and Trip both stood when she went to unlock it, all three of them still wary and defensive. But Lucas' expression didn't change when they saw him, and the only person behind him was Jen. His eyes flickered over each of them for a moment, meeting Alex's briefly before glancing away.

Jen looked shaken when she entered.

Alex stepped forward, frowning at her. "Jen?"

Her eyes were pained when she looked up. "Alex ... " she whispered.

He was at her side in an instant, hovering worriedly. "What happened? Are you two all right?" He gave Lucas a cursory once-over before looking at Jen again.

She scrunched her eyes shut, letting out a short breath. "Logan found out the truth. He came here to tell us that he's on our side, and to warn that Blakemore kept his promise."

Alex went still. "He what?" he whispered in horror. His eyes darted between her, Lucas, and Katie. Which one? Which family had he gone after? This was all his fault! Why couldn't he just -

"No, Alex," she interrupted, catching his arm and forcing him to look at her. Her eyes were serious and full of pain. "His *first* promise." She swallowed. "They woke up Ben."

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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