Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #80: Star, T)

Oct 24, 2008 14:05

So, hopefully now LiveJournal is feeling better and will cooperate so I can post things. -Stares at it-

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #80: Star
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: When I re-watched Missing for this prompt, I realized how perfectly it fits in with Lunch. I also noticed the way Sky completely *freaks* over Bridge's disappearance. -Fangirl squee- And the comment about Bridge contending for Sky’s title is made from my own observations; Bridge is a *much* better fighter than he lets on when you pay attention.

Wes didn't bother to wait for an invitation to join his son; he just sat down beside him in the grass. Sky was staring up at the stars, a loudly purring Sheep cuddled to his chest, while Jen whined plaintively at his side. He said nothing, but the look on his face was painfully blank.

"Sky?" he asked softly, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder.

There was a long silence.

"Sorry you had to cut your honeymoon short," Sky murmured at last.

"I'm not," he returned, watching his son worriedly. "I always want to know when something's happening to you guys. You know that. It would have killed me if we came back and no one had bothered to tell us something was wrong."

Sky didn't answer.

He frowned. "Sky?"


Something in his chest felt like it was being squeezed. "Sky, look at me," he commanded softly.

Slowly, Sky turned. His eyes were agony, and now Wes could see the tear-streaked side of the teen's face that had been turned away from him. He swallowed. "Yeah?" His voice cracked.

Wes hugged him, pulling his head down against his shoulder. He winced as he felt his shirt getting wet, but he continued to rub Sky's back, letting him cry. Sky didn't like to show his emotions around other people, so when he finally let go, things tended to hit him hard.

Like nearly loosing a teammate.

Wes could emphasize. He'd thought he was going to lose Jen against Steelix. Eric to Conwing. Countless other times when he wasn't sure one of them would make it.

And then Dax, Tori, and Chip.

Being a Power Ranger was an incredible experience. You saw, did, and learned things you never would have experienced without the Power. You met people you never would have imagined existed. And you formed bonds with your team, bonds that never faded no matter how great the distance - or the time. Your team became your Family. And when your Family was in danger, it was personal.

They'd nearly lost Bridge today.

He'd gotten the call from Justin while enjoying the sight of Eric beachside in a swimsuit, and they'd headed back for S.P.D. in a heartbeat. There he found Rocky climbing the walls, Adam frantically assisting Kat, Vanessa, and Nerina in their search for Bridge while Aisha paced a hole in the Command Center floor. Zack was conducting a search on foot with several other Grunts and some former Rangers who'd volunteered their services. Eric had gone out to meet up with them.

Wes had been about to join them when he saw Heart sitting curled up in a corner of Command, wedged back out of everyone's way. Ecliptor had been with her, giving a helpless look when he saw him approaching. Heart had looked up at him, tears in her eyes, and asked him softly if Bridgey was going to okay.

He hadn't left her side until B Squad returned, a pale and shaken Bridge wedged between Jack and Sky.

They were lucky that day. If so many people hadn't been pooling their efforts to help Jack narrow down Bridge's location ... If Dustin and Taylor hadn't had the foresight to send R.I.C. to Bridge with the tools he would need if his morpher was damaged. If Bridge wasn't so good with technology, and hadn't been able to fix it as quickly as he had ...

He could still remember Cruger praising them all. The way that Jack's smile hadn't been the smug look it usually was. The way Sky and Bridge hadn't smiled at all; the first staring ahead blankly, while the second had been obviously distracted. Only the girls had managed to smile, and by then he wasn't sure if it was for Cruger's words or the fact that he was blatantly scrounging for compliments by then. Sam, well ... who could tell if he ever smiled under that helmet?

"Did you know him?"

He glanced down. "Who?"


"No. He wasn't part of Grumm's forces on Aquitar."

"He kept calling himself the 'ultimate master'," Sky mumbled. "It was *seriously* annoying."

"Explains why he took Bridge, then." While he never bragged about it, Bridge was easily Sky's best contender for the title of strongest fighter on B Squad. His personality tended to make everyone forget that he *was* the son of four black belt martial artists. Most people didn't notice unless they actually bothered to take the time to monitor the Ranger's fights.

"I'm worried about him," Sky whispered. "Did you hear him? When we went to contain Bork, he said 'lucky for you we do have laws'."

Wes winced. That was ... a rather bloodthirsty statement. And not like Bridge at all.

"He didn't even protest when his parents said they wanted him to come home tonight," he continued. He shuddered slightly, and Wes squeezed him tighter.

"You guys can have him back tomorrow night, once they've all calmed down," he reminded him.

There was a long silence.

"Bridge is still in love with me."

Wes froze. Oh, *no*.

"He told me so," Sky went on, staring dismally at the ground. "When he yelled at us all the other day. I thought he just needed to get away from everyone else's emotions around him. But - " He shuddered again. "He said that I was the one who broke up with him, and he never said he didn't love *me* anymore. And then he said to stop being harsher with him, and ... " Sky let out a shaky sigh. "I haven't been able to say anything about it to him. He acts like it never happened, and I don't know what to say."

Wes squeezed him again, searching desperately for something to tell him. This wasn't exactly something in his line of experience. What was he *supposed* to say to something like that?

"I think Jack knows something’s up," Sky added quietly. "He hasn't said anything, but he keeps looking at me funny. And today ... " He swallowed. "When he went out to look for Bridge, he stared at me before he left. I don't know what he was looking for, but all of a sudden, he just ... " He shrugged helplessly. "I don't know. Something about his face was like ... "

Like he found something he didn't want to see, Wes finished silently, heart aching for his son. Because Sky was dating Jack. But he'd known Bridge since he was born; they'd grown up together, played together. Sky had been his protector for years. Still was, when he let himself stop being afraid someone was going to read into it.

And deep down, on some level, Sky would always care for Bridge.

Just like he'd always care for Jen.

Eric had come to understand that. Respect it even, even if he didn't always like it. But Jen would always have a place in his heart because of the things she meant to him, the things she represented. And while he loved Eric, Jen was something special.

But could Jack understand that?

He kissed Sky's head, sighing quietly. In the end, he didn't say anything, because he didn't know *what* to say.

Eventually Sky pushed himself to his feet, not even bothering to set down Sheep. "I think I'm gonna stay home tonight, too," he murmured. "I ... "

"You know you never have to ask, Sky," Wes reminded him gently. He knew what Sky was thinking: going back to S.P.D. meant going back to an empty room, even if it was just for a night. He didn't blame him for wanting to avoid that. "R.J. made some pizza earlier - the mostly normal kind. It's still in the kitchen if you want some."

Sky just nodded, and Wes sighed as he watched him go.

When Sky was gone he glanced to the darker side of the porch where he knew Eric was watching. "You get all that?"

"Yeah." Eric hopped over the window sill, moving to join him with a sigh. "Poor kid."

"Which one?"

"I meant Sky, but all of them, I guess." There was a long pause. "I don't think what's between is strong enough."

Wes glanced at him. "Sky and Jack?" he guessed.

Eric nodded. "Maybe someday it could be, but right now ... " He shook his head.

"Darn," Wes murmured with feeling. He didn't want to see Sky get his heart broken again.

They sat in silence together, Wes eventually reaching out to pet Jen as she snuggled up to his side, looking up at the same stars Sky had just been watching. It was strange to look at them now, he reflected. Before he'd become a Ranger, they'd been something beautiful. Now he looked at them and wondered how many threats they housed. Where Grumm was hiding among them. If T.J. and Litania would ever return to Earth to meet their son.

"You still haven't told me," Eric said out the blue.

Wes blinked. Told him ... ? Oh! He flushed a little, glancing down at the ground. "You mean what Nes meant about our gift."

"And why it's got you so up in knots," Eric agreed, eyeing him.

He bit his lip. "We were talking, while you guys were off making calls. I said something about how this wasn't quite the way I pictured my life happening, and we sort of ... got into talking about kids." He swallowed, then shook his head, forcing a laugh as if it didn't matter. "She tried to tell me we're not too old to have more. And that if we wanted to, she'd be our surrogate mother. She said that'd be her wedding gift to us. Crazy, huh?" He turned to look at Eric with a smile that he hoped didn't look completely fake.

Eric wasn't smiling.

Wes swallowed. "Like I said, it's silly," he tried. Eric's silence was creeping him out. "She was probably just pulling my leg. Don't worry about it." He moved to stand, unable to bear it any longer.

Eric's hand caught his.

"What if I said it wasn't silly?"

He paused, closing his eyes. "Are you sure?" he whispered. "I mean ... we don't have to do this. Again, I mean."

" ... You don't want to?"

"That's not what I meant!" And then he winced at the frantic note to his voice. Sighing, he reached up to pinch his nose.

A hand caught his, and he glanced up to see Eric watching him with an expression he couldn't completely read. "Picking up my habits?"

He blinked, and then sighed. "Apparently."

"Wes," Eric interrupted. His eyes were intense. "Do you want to have kids with me? Again?"

He hesitated. At last he sighed, nodding slowly. "I think so."

There was another long silence as Eric just watched him. "Do we have a time limit to think about it?" he asked at last.

Wes stared at him. "Are you ... are you seriously thinking about this?"

Eric shrugged, but his eyes were nervous now. "I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't."

He kissed him.

He grinned when they came up for air, his nose touching Eric's. "I can't believe we're actually thinking about doing this again," he laughed breathlessly.

"Hey, I said I wanted to *think* about it," Eric cautioned, but there was a faint, almost shy smile on his face.

"We're just thinking about it," he agreed, but the idea that they were even contemplating it sent excitement surging through him. He grinned wickedly, eyes dancing. "And hey - just think. This time *you'll* get to enjoy diaper duty!"

bright skies

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