Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #77: Snow, T)

Sep 24, 2008 02:37

It's official: Sam is a pain in the ass.

And the length of time this prompt took to write proves it. >.<
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #77: Snow
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: This prompt has achieved the new Worst Prompt Ever status, because it is evil. -Kicks Sam-

Much love for challon86 , who read this over for me when I fussed about it.

"So. Mind explaining to me one more time why we're hiding Sam from S - I mean, Omega?" Rocky asked.

"Because people who know their future tend to do stupid things," Eric retorted.

Wes shot him an irritated glare, which was ignored. "Yes, *Jen*," he muttered under his breath, wincing at the elbow that was promptly jabbed into his ribs. "We don't know how or why Sam joins S.P.D. If he runs into himself from the future, it might change the way things are supposed to happen," he explained to Rocky. "Younger Sam might find out something he wasn't supposed to know yet, or older Sam might prevent something that's supposed to happen in his own past that he doesn't like."

"So we don't trust Sam not to do anything stupid no matter how old he is," Rocky summarized.

"Yup," Eric agreed.

Wes gave them both dirty looks. "That's *not* what it means."

Rocky flinched slightly as he stared at something ahead of them. "So, uh ... Is that why Vanessa just shoved Sa - I mean, Omega, down a flight of stairs?"

"What?" Wes demanded in alarm, whirling to see.

They raced forward as Omega twisted in mid-air, managing to land on his feet just in time. He dropped to one knee from the momentum, looking up warily as they approached. "Can I help you, Sergeants?" he asked suspiciously.

"Are you okay, Sam?" Wes asked, putting a hand lightly on the young Ranger's shoulder.

"I'm fine," Omega returned briskly, standing up and brushing himself off.

"Are you sure?" Rocky asked suspiciously. "I mean, that kinda came out of nowhere - "

"I'm fine," Omega repeated. "My younger self just came around the corner and surprised us is all. Nothing to worry about. If you'll excuse me Sergeants, I need to get back to my duties." He snapped off a casual salute that was just shy of being disrespectful before walking away without another word.

The three of them stared after him.

"Okay, that kid seriously needs some butt kicking," Eric informed them.

"Are we *sure* that's really Sam?" Rocky asked, tilting his head as he watched the Ranger head off. "I mean, what proof do we have other than his own word?"

Eric nodded, glancing at him. "And that arrogant little snot is nothing like Sam Thorn."

Wes sighed, rubbing his forehead. "First of all, what proof do we have that he *isn't* Sam? And second, people change when they grow up. Maybe there's something in Sam's future we haven't see yet that made him this way."

Eric humphed. "Maybe," he muttered.

Wes shook his head. "Look, let's just worry about keeping him away from Sam for now, okay?"

"Sir, yes Sir," Rocky snorted, exchanging glances with Eric as they both saluted.

He swatted them, trying not to grin. "Oh, shut up."

It was an eventful day, to say the least.

"Omega, would you - "

"Sam Alert!"

"Wha - hey!"

"Excuse me, but - "

"Sam's coming!"


"It's Sam! Sam, duck!"

"Huh - ow!"

"Look out!"

"Wo - ah! "


"Wait a - "

"Oh, no ... "

"In here!"

"Not again!"

"Hey ... Time?"

Wes glanced at Chip, smiling brightly as he pretended not to notice Sky shoving a flailing Omega into some bushes. "What's up?"

Chip looked at him for a minute. "Sammy's playing outside with the twins," he said abruptly. "So you can tell me the truth about what you're hiding."

For a moment, Wes considered lying. But this was Mystic, and he could never lie to his teammate. "You trust the Russell twins with him?" he asked instead.

Chip smiled faintly. "No. But it's better than leaving any of them alone." He raised an eyebrow at him. "And even they've noticed that Ranger you're trying to hide."

Wes started. "They have?"

"Who did you think shoved him in the fountain this morning?"

"That was them? I thought it was Sky."

"Technically, it was Hex. But Jinx was glaring at him for it, so he was probably planning on doing the same thing." Chip tilted his head. "So who is he?"

Wes was silent for a moment. "Sam," he said finally. "He's Sam, from the year 2043. He said he came back because S.P.D. was supposed to fall, and he was sent to stop it."

Chip nodded slowly. "So everyone's been beating him up so he won't run into Sammy?"

"Beating him up?" Wes echoed in surprise.

"There was the staircase, the balcony, the console in Command, the mud, the closet, the fountain, and the bushes just now," Chip counted off on his fingers. "And that's just what I noticed."

"Sam didn't see anything, did he?" Wes asked in alarm.

Chip shook his head, grinning. "He keeps asking if it always snows this early in Newtech."

"Snowing?" But he grinned back even as he repeated it. Omega's uniform was a pretty bright white, and with the way they'd been shoving him around all over the place ...

Then he winced, because they'd been shoving him around all over the place.

"I guess we'd better apologize," he murmured, more to himself than Chip. "I was so busy trying to keep them from running into each other, I didn't really think much about what we were doing to Omega."

"Can I meet him?"

Wes blinked, hesitating for just a moment. "Well ... I guess ... It shouldn't be a big deal."

Chip smiled, but whatever he was about to say was cut off by the sound of Wes' morpher going off.

"Time," he answered.

"We've got a status report meeting from the Rescue Teams in half an hour. They said they have news," Karone responded.

"Can I come?"

He and Chip both glanced down at Sam before glancing at each other. Wes hesitated. "Well, um ... "

"B Squad can handle it," Karone informed them. "Bring him along; it's about family, after all."

"Yes!" Sam cheered.

Chip raised an eyebrow at Wes. He shrugged in response.

"Can we get something to eat, Dad?" Sam asked, tugging at Chip's sleeve.

"We'll take him, Uncle Chip," Jinx offered.

Hex brightened. "I'll keep them out of trouble," he promised with an odd glean in his eye.

Chip hesitated; Wes couldn't blame him. The Russell twins were notorious for leaving chaos and destruction in their wake, something everyone mutually agreed had been inherrited from Nick. He couldn't exactly blame Maddie for sending them with Chip and Sam on their visit to S.P.D. Newtech when she had the chance.

"Okay," Chip agreed at last, sounding somewhat reluctant.

The twins raced for the door, grinning, while Sam looked up at his father. "Don't worry, Dad. I'll keep an an eye on them," he whispered in assurance before running after the teens.

There was a long pause as everyone watched them leave, before Wes and Chip finally exchanged amused glances.

"So ... " Chip said finally, shifting a little. He sounded oddly hopeful.

Wes blinked. "Oh! Right." He grinned sheepishly, glancing at B Squad. "Where'd you guys stash Sam? Chip wants to meet him."

"Is that okay?" Jack asked warily.

Wes shrugged. "Honestly? No idea. I've been screwing up the future for years. This wouldn't be the first time."

There was a muffled snort from Z, and what sounded suspiciously like giggling from Bridge and Syd, while he noticed Sky throwing his hands up out of the corner of his eye.

"Wasn't keeping Sam and Sam away from each other *your* idea to begin with?" Eric demanded.

"That's because Sam meeting himself isn't the same thing as Chip meeting Sam," Wes pointed out. "So where is Sam, anyway?"

"A little help up here .... ?"

The words made everyone start, looking up at the ceiling. The adults stared.

"Sorry, Sam. Just a sec," Jack said smoothly, reaching for his blaster.

Wes stiffened. "Jack, that's not - "

Four shots fired, there was a ripping sound, and the duct tape that had been holding the Omega Ranger gave way, dumping him face-first on the ground.

There was a long silence.

" ... a good idea," he finished with a sigh.

"You okay, Sam?" Chip asked, moving to help Omega up without so much as a second thought.

"Yeah, I'm fine," the young Ranger said briskly, dusting him self off. "My cadets have done worse." He eyed the rest of B Squad for a moment, and Wes could have sworn he looked like he was looking straight at Sky.

"The commander allows that?" Eric asked skeptically.

Omega snorted. "Are you kidding? I think he's encouraging them behind my back."

"Why would Cruger do that?" Syd wondered.

"Don't ask me; I wouldn't know," Omega shrugged, turning his attention to Chip. "Hi, Dad."

Chip smiled. "Hey, Sammy. How are you?"

"Stranded sixteen years in the past with my superior officers beating me up. I could be better," Omega returned dryly. "What about you?"

"Babysitting Jinx and Hex."

There was a long silence.

"You win," Omega said finally.

bright skies

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