Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #64: Time Warp, T)

Aug 03, 2008 04:21

-Yawning- Bed ...

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #64: Time Warp
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: -Frowning- I'm not quite sure if this is how I meant this chapter to come out but ... Plot Twists abound!

Cue slight crossover with A Darker Shade of Red.

"So ... *what* are you doing exactly?" Sky asked finally.

"Trying to get this stupid piece of futuristic junk to work," Eric muttered darkly, fussing over something as he tried to set the unit up on the kitchen table. They probably shouldn't have done it in such an open area, but Vanessa wouldn't be home for hours. And it wasn't like she didn't already know about it anyway; Wes had spilled that little secret long ago.

"It's not supposed to be that hard to set up," Wes argued. "I mean, it never was before."

"Yeah, and *you* set it up before - not me."

He sighed. "There *is* an instruction book, you know."

Eric's head came up with a glare. "I do *not* need instructions to do this. It's not that complicated."

"Then why isn't it working yet?" he returned, annoyed.

"Because I'm not done yet. Just be quiet for a minute and let me do this, okay?"

"Fine, fine. Whatever."

Sky gave him a skeptical look. He shook his head, silently raising a finger to his lips when Eric wasn't looking. It wasn't worth arguing about - at least not until Eric finally gave up.

"Hah! Got it!" Eric declared triumphantly, and Wes fought back a smile at the note of pride in his voice.

And then realized with a sinking feeling that he still wouldn't be able to operate the communicator. His SightMap couldn't see the details beyond that the stand was there. No screen. Which also meant that he wouldn't be able to see ...

He swallowed, and forced a smile as he gestured to the device. "Well, Eric. This is your show."

Eric looked at him oddly. "Are you - "

"Go ahead," he interrupted. "You know what you're doing."

At his side, Jen whined and nosed his hand reassuringly. He glanced down with a slightly warmer smile, scratching her ears reassuringly.

"Right. Well ... here goes."

There was a long moment of silence, and the screen seemed to flicker.

"Is it supposed to do that?" Sky asked warily.

"Shut it, Brat." Eric muttered, then started.

"This is Captain Scotts, head of Time Force Ranger Patrol. How can I - "

"Jen," interrupted a fainter, equally familiar voice. "That's not the main comm unit. That's the special one."

"The special ... ?" A confused pause, followed by a gasp. "Oh my ... Wes? Eric? What are you - what's going on?"

"Wow, you guys look old!"

Wes snorted in spite of himself, ducking his head to hide the tears were beginning to threaten. "Gee thanks, Trip. You always know how to make a guy feel good about himself."

"What's going on? Why are you guys calling us?"

Eric shrugged. "Actually, I was calling for Sky, so he could talk to Alex."

Wes and Sky both looked at him in surprise, Wes in slight admiration and Sky in growing horror. If there was anyone who could help knock down Sky's hero-worship of Alex, it was Alex himself. Five minutes into a conversation and they'd be at each other's throats.

"I think you may have dialed the wrong time period, Wes." Trip apologized. "Technically, you should have been able to reach us at the same age as you are now - how old are you guys, anyway?"

"Who's Sky?" Jen asked suspiciously.

"For the record, *I'm* the one who called," Eric snapped. "And if you *have* to know, I'm forty-seven."

There was a stunned silence. "That ... that's weird." Trip said finally.

"What is?" Wes asked.

"We just got back from visiting you in the past a week ago," came another voice. "In fact, the last time we saw you, you were barely a year older than Jen, Katie, and I."

"Speaking of weird, since when do you hang all over Trip, Lucas?" Eric retorted.

"Since I'm allowed to touch my boyfriend," Lucas returned.

"Lucas!" Trip hissed, in that embarrassed tone that meant he was blushing furiously.

Jen - the dog - whined beside Wes, and he knelt down to hug her, ruffling her fur. "It's okay, Jen," he murmured. "It's okay." He knew why she was upset; being in and out of S.P.D., the strange technology didn't bother her in the slightest. But on the other hand, she was extremely sensitive to his moods, and he was ... He wasn't sure if he could listen to this for much longer.

"What was that, Wes?" The human Jen sounded concerned.

"He's talking to Jen," Sky spoke up, and while he *sounded* confident and unaffected, Wes could read the undercurrent of nervousness in his son's voice.

"The dog," Eric clarified. "We call his dog Jen."

There was a sound that sounded suspiciously like a muffled snort.

"You have a dog, Wes?" Trip sounded fascinated. "I always wanted a dog ... "

"You have Circuit," Lucas reminded him.

"Well, yeah, but - "

"She was sort of ... necessary," Wes told them with what he hoped looked like a real smile.

"Why's that?"

There was an awkward silence at Trip's innocent question.

"Don't you know?" Sky demanded, sounding defensive. "I mean, you're in the future aren't you?"

"Sky," Wes interrupted quietly. "It's okay."

"No, it's not. These people are supposed to be your teammates, aren't they? How can they ask something like that?" Sky asked hotly.

He stood up again, keeping a hand on Jen's head to keep her calm as he moved to squeeze Sky's shoulder. "Sky. Don't worry about it. It's fine." He forced another smile. "It's not like they haven't had their own issues to deal with."

"Why are you calling us with a civilian in the room?" Jen interrupted, and Wes fought the urge to flinch at her 'drill sergeant' voice. "You both know better than to let just anyone see this technology."

"What civilian?" Eric demanded. "Sky's a Ranger, not a civilian. And hey, I thought maybe he might like to talk to his brother. Excuse me for being sensitive."

"His what?" Lucas sounded puzzled.

"His brother," Eric repeated impatiently. "Look, is Alex available or what?"

"Actually, he's in a meeting with Ca - I mean, Admiral Logan," Trip said apologetically.

"And why do you need Alex?" Lucas asked warily.

Eric sighed in annoyance. "Do you people actually listen, or do you just have selective hearing? I thought Sky might want to talk to his brother. So how long is Alex going to be?"

"What does Sky's brother have to do with anything?"

There was another long silence.

"Are you being deliberately dense?" Eric asked finally.

"Eric!" Wes snapped.

"What? I say I wanted Sky to be able to talk to his brother, they tell me Alex is busy, and then ask what Sky's brother has to do with anything. Is there some sort of secret code you're all using that I don't know or something?" He folded his arms like he was getting angry, but Wes knew that it was actually a defensive gesture; one he used when he tried to hide the fact that he was confused and a little hurt.

"What does Sky have to do with Alex?" Trip asked, sounding confused.

Wes, Eric, and Sky all froze.

"That's ... that's not funny, Trip," Wes managed at last.

"*Who* is Sky?" Jen demanded, sounding irritated.

"*I'm* Sky," the teen shot back, equally frustrated.

"We're talking about Sky," Wes clarified, hoping they were just confused. "My son."

Even though he couldn't see them, the resounding shock was audible in the sudden silence.

"Your what?" Jen whispered.

"My son," he repeated, the feeling that something was very wrong beginning to grow. "Sky Tate."

"S.P.D. Blue," Eric added, sounding slightly smug.

"But ... there are no records of - "

"Trip!" Jen cut in sharply. "I ... I don't understand. Wes, you ... you have a son?"

"Three, if you want to be specific," he returned. "But you already know that."

"No. No, Alex and Ben are - " She cut herself off abruptly. "I have to go."

He felt a pang of disappointment and faint hurt. "But - "

"Will you at least tell Alex that we called?" Eric asked, sounding aggravated now.

"We'll ... we'll be in touch." Jen told them distantly.

"Hey, wait a - "

Eric let out an angry huff. "So much for that."

"What were you trying to do, anyway?" Sky asked warily.

"You want to know so much about your brother, I figured you should be able to talk to him." Eric humphed again, glancing at the comm unit. "Didn't think it'd turn into another episode of the Time Force Weirdness Variety Hour."

Wes wanted to argue with him for insulting his friends, but he was suddenly very, very tired. He lifted a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose before rubbing his eyes.

"Wes?" Eric sounded concerned.

"Are you all right, Dad?"

"I'm fine," he said easily, waving them both off with a hand. "I just ... I think I'm gonna go lay down for awhile. I'm a little tired."

He was very aware of the two of them watching him as he went into his room, Jen trailing behind him.

It wasn't until they were both safely inside, door shut and locked as he lay on the bed with Jen curled up beside him before he allowed himself to relax. He buried his face against her neck, listening to her whine softly and lick at his shoulder while he tried to fight down the urge to cry.

All these years, and he couldn't even see their faces now. He tried to be upset that they hadn't known about Sky, or what else was going on in his life, but somehow it paled in comparison to that single thought. He tried desperately to bring them to mind, forcing himself to picture what they would have looked like. Jen all serious in her white Time Force uniform, Trip looking strangely perky and young for his position. Lucas, devastatingly handsome as ever, leaning over Trip's shoulder to see them just because it flustered the younger man.

And he realized with a sick, distant sort of feeling, that he *couldn't*. 

bright skies

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