Soldiers (Working Title)

Sep 19, 2010 05:42

-Shrugs- I haven't been posting fic much lately it seems, and this is something I've been working on off and on that I finally got enough of an idea to finish the first chapter. I figured I'd go ahead and post the *very* rough draft, in hopes it might give me something to stare at later long enough to figure out what I'm gonna do with it.

Or get someone else to give me suggestions on what to do with it. Whichever.

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Pairing/: Currently Undecided, hints of Rocky/Adam
Rating/: K+
Summary/: When Astronema called for the Rangers to come forward to save the people of Angel Grove, she forgot that the ones she was looking for weren't the only Rangers on Earth.
Warning/: None yet. (I stress *yet*.)
Disclaimer/: Seeing as this isn't cannon, it's probably not mine. Can't say I wouldn't have written it as a fanfic anyway if I *were* secretly one of the writers, but I assure you I have nothing to do with whoever the hell owns whatever part of the PR universe now, other than possibly frightening/annoying the crap out of them.
Author's Note/: I know someone has tried this idea before, but I can't remember who it was or the title off the top of my head. This isn't meant to be a rip off of that; just a bunny that's been bouncing around in my head for ages. I'm not sure how dramatic it may end up turning yet, but I'm leaning toward a fairly dark AU with massive angst (as usual). Feel free to offer suggestions, requests, and encouragement to continue.

It was amazing how fast the foot soldiers came out of nowhere. One moment the skies were clear, the next there was fire raining down from above. Within moments there were Piranhatrons on motorcycles, and Quantrons waving strange triangular blades around threateningly at everyone they saw.

It was also amazing to realize just how hard it was for old instincts to die. In five minutes of being spotted by a group of Quantrons, Jason and Rocky had them on the ground and twitching, one missing an arm. They exchanged barely a glance before ducking into the bushes before they could be spotted again.

"You think they'll replace our books?" Rocky asked, silently mourning the loss. They were only second-hand, but his family wasn't rich, and they'd been hard to come by.

"I think that's the least of our problems," Jason returned mildly, absently studying the Quantron arm he'd been carrying. "Hey, help me pry the fingers open. I don't like the idea of going around without a weapon."

Rocky instinctively made a face, but he nodded. "Good point."

It took some work, and a sharp rock applied in just the right way, but finally the arm was free, and Jason the proud owner of a weapon he'd never used before. He studied it for several moments, trying to test the weight and movement of it. Eventually he sighed. "I've never liked two-handed weapons," he admitted, adjusting his grip to make it easier to carry.

"Any port in a storm," Rocky reminded him, hefting the severed arm over a shoulder. He paused, frowning. "It's mid-December, right?"

Jason nodded. "Right timing," he remarked, shading his eyes to look up at the sky. "So they're Astro Rangers now."

"That's right," Rocky confirmed, even though it wasn't quite a question. "Something space-themed. With rainbows. Not sure who the Silver guy is, though."

"Maybe he's from another planet, like Trey."

Silence fell between them. In the last year that they'd been going to college together and sharing an apartment, Jason and Rocky had gotten to be close. Once, in a fit of depression, Jason had finally told Rocky the truth about why he couldn't hold the Gold Ranger Powers any longer. About Triforians, and Trey, and just how long Triforians lived.

It had been an unpleasant conversation, but Jason had found that he couldn't regret it later. Now there someone else who understood just what he was mourning: not the Gold Power, but the friend that was Lord Trey of Triforia. Trey, he knew, was long gone now. He wouldn't have lived much beyond returning to his home planet at last.

"Who's still in Angel Grove?" Jason asked finally, sweeping his gaze across the landscape as they moved further into the shadows of a building.

"Tanya," Rocky returned immediately. He paused, his eyes darkening for a moment. "Adam."

Jason paused, reaching over to squeeze Rocky's shoulder. "Hey," he said softly. "You know Adam. He's - "

"Neck-deep in trouble," Rocky returned, giving him a wry smile. His eyes remained worried. "Let's just hope we can get to them and bail him out before it gets too bad."

"That would be the goal," Jason agreed with a nod as they moved on.


Adam was, for once, *not* neck-deep in trouble.

At least, not any more than anyone else was.

"This is the *last* time I borrow Tommy's car," he muttered darkly, rolling to his feet behind the bed of the red truck. It was an old joke among the Rangers that Tommy never kept the same car for very long - one of the hazards of living in Angel Grove - but this was ridiculous. The second day since Tommy had agreed to loan it to him while Adam's own was in the shop, and it was already in the middle of an attack. How did Tommy explain stuff like that to his parents, anyway?

He groaned, even as he peered around the tailgate at the pack of Piranhatrons heading toward him on motorcycles. How was *he* supposed to explain this to Tommy's parents?

First thing was first, though. He needed another mode of transportation. Preferably one that didn't scream 'target' to the world.

He eyed the nearest Piranhatron speculatively. Not as sturdy as the Shark Cycles or as fast as the Zeo Jet Cycles, but it'd do in a pinch. He moved in.


"I hate December," Kimberly growled to herself as she steered carefully through traffic. "Stupid, useless, good-for-nothing month of *doom*."

December was the month when Tommy had lost the Green Ranger Powers for good. It was the month Rita sent her stupid fake Rangers to replace them. December was when Rita nearly came back because Bulk and Skull found her dumpster and were trying to crack it open. It was when Master Vile turned back time and she had to go to back to elementary school pretending she didn't know the 'Alien Rangers' weren't something Earth had never seen before, pretending that she couldn't see Billy staring wistfully across the playground at her, Zack, and Trini, but avoiding them just the same. December was the last Christmas she was able to spend with her friends, with Tommy. December was Jason losing the Gold Ranger Powers.

December was a month that had her nerves on edge so badly she'd sent e-mails to her professors and taken a vacation from school, suddenly desperate to go home to Angel Grove and make sure her friends were okay. It was silly and pointless, but December Nerves had hit her hard and fast, and she couldn't fight them. So instead, she'd packed her saddlebacks with enough clothes to get by for a week and an extra pair of shoes, put on her favorite jeans and leather jacket, and headed to California on her prized possession: a hot pink Kawasaki Ninja.

She'd never admit it to the guys, but the name was what had sold her almost as much as the color.

She let out a sigh when the sign 'Angel Grove Next 3 Exits' flashed on the edge of her vision. The feeling of worry hadn't faded though, and she knew it wouldn't until she saw her friends and knew they were all safe. Whether she'd actually approach them or not she hadn't decided; she knew Jason, Rocky, and Adam were in Angel Grove, but she wasn't entirely certain they'd want to see her. Things had been awkward when she'd seen Rocky and Adam last, and while she was less worried about seeing Jason, that would mean seeing Rocky as well ... and she wasn't quite sure if she was ready for that.

That was when she realized everyone she passed was looking up at the sky. She spared a brief glance upward and swore. Loudly.


"Don't worry. It'll be okay. The Power Rangers will be here soon," Tanya promised, rubbing the woman's shoulder soothingly.

She sobbed in response, clutching her arm. The wound was only a graze, but the speed and organization the Quantrons had used to round up the citizens of Angel Grove was frightening. In all the months since Astronema had first arrived on Earth, she had never had such a massive, coordinated attack.

Tanya looked up, eyeing the Quantrons surrounding the group warily. She wasn't completely helpless: she still had her Zeonizers. They were weaker than they should have been, since the Zeo Power had gone into the Turbo Zords, and losing the Zords had weakened the Zeo Crystal as a whole. But they were something. If she could only -

But Zordon's rules still lingered in her mind. You must never reveal your identity to anyone.

She swallowed hard, clenching a fist. But she couldn't just sit here and watch. Would Zordon understand that?

She hesitated.

And then she saw a streak of black zoom by overhead, followed by four other brilliant flashes of color.

"It's the Power Rangers!" someone screamed, sounding both terrified and desperately hopeful.

Tanya let out a slow breath and smiled, the tension fading from her shoulders. "You see? Everything will be all right now," she promised the woman beside her.

That's when she heard an explosion, followed by a sharp cry of pain.


It figured.

Really, it did.

Three months of 'I'm sorry Justin, but I really need to get some extra work done this weekend. Can I get a rain check?' A month and a half of finally, *finally* getting time with his dad. Just weekends, but there were still fishing trips, sparring, even the zoo. It was sort of disappointing that his dad didn't know he'd never been one for fishing (Tommy had killed that experience to the point it wasn't worth remembering the horror, and even now he had to fight not to shudder at the memory) sparring was something he did all the time (when he had anyone to spar *with*), and the last time he'd been to the zoo, he was seven. He'd kind of out grown it years ago.

And after close to a year of separation and awkwardness, his dad really didn't know him anymore. Didn't know how to talk to him. It still hurt to remember the look on his face when he'd finally realized he was attending *high school* now ... three months after he'd been enrolled as a freshman by the shelter.

So when his dad had finally began to realize it wasn't going to be all sunshine and fishing to bond with his son again, he'd started getting distant and 'busy' again. He hadn't left yet - although to be honest, he was expecting the news - but it was in evitable. When his dad didn't know how to handle something, he avoided it. He'd always been that way, but things had only gotten worse after his mom died.

Which is why, when the world was ending - again - Justin was alone, at Adele’s, fighting off Quantrons.

The urge to morph was strong. He could practically feel the power burning his wrists, *screaming* at him to use it.

But there were people around him. Some of them could fight, but not all, and more than one was in his way more than anything. Originally they'd been behind, but something about watching a twelve-year-old kid doing all the fighting seemed to offend their sensibilities for some reason.

He'd never understand adults.

He ducked, swiftly punching another Quantron in the gut and turning to face another as it doubled over. Instead he found himself rolling out of the way before someone brought a chair down on his head. "Hey, watch it!" he snapped without thinking.

"Kid, get back to the shelter!" the gangly-looking man behind it shot back unapologetically. "You could get hurt out here!"

"Tell me something I don't know," he muttered, sweep-kicking another Quantron instead. Only this time, it's gonna be the humans that do me in!

power rangers, fanfiction, inspace

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