Walking Together Part 21

Aug 16, 2012 21:36

Title: Walking Together
Characters: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Gregory Lestrade
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,100
Summary: AU where everyone has one soul mate that they usually meet early in life. Sherlock Holmes never had a soul mate and never wanted one... until he met John Watson.

This was created for a prompt on the Sherlock BBC Kink Meme.


The tramway was dark, lit by just enough light for Sherlock and Lestrade to be able to see where they were going. Lestrade had a gun tucked into his waistband and Sherlock had John’s, appropriated from where John normally kept it (poorly) hidden in his bedside table. Officially Lestrade wasn’t paying attention to the illegal firearm that had technically already been used in a murder. After all, if Sherlock had his way about things, it would be used in another before the night was through.

“I’ll go in first,” Sherlock muttered.

“Sherlock, if you think I’m letting you face those nutters alone... They’ve killed several people already, you know.”

“And they have John. If they realize I’ve brought the police into this, John might become one of them,” Sherlock hissed back.

Lestrade opened his mouth and then paused, looking astonished. “Sherlock, are you...?”

“What?” There was a lot of pent-up ire in that single word. Lestrade seemed to think better of whatever he was about to say and just shook his head, waving his hand as an indication for Sherlock to go ahead. He had his other hand in his pocket, no doubt already sending a text to Mycroft. Sherlock just rolled his eyes and swept into the entrance to the tramway, dark coat flaring out behind him.

“Ah, our guest of honor has arrived.”

It was a woman’s voice, old, slightly accented, Chinese no doubt. Sherlock stopped and took in the scene quickly. John and Soo Lin Yao were both present, though only Soo Lin was conscious. She had been tied to a chair that was placed off to the side. A man was standing next to her. Zhi Zhu. John had also been tied to a chair, but he was still unconscious, his head lolling weakly against his chest. Dark blood had streaked through his blond and gray hair and formed an ugly trail down his cheek, where it had stained his jumper. The woman who had spoken was standing in front of him holding a gun to John’s head.

“Sherlock Holmes,” the woman said. “I’ve been waiting to meet you.”

“You need have only asked me to come,” Sherlock replied, scanning John’s unmoving form with a quick, experienced eye. As far as he could tell, John was otherwise unharmed. “General Shan.”

Shan looked pleased. “You are as wise as they say,” she observed. “Most people do not realize who I am.”

“Most people are stupid.”

“Indeed.” She let out a wicked laugh and pressed her finger to the trigger, pushing it down ever so slightly. Noticing the tension in Sherlock’s frame, she smirked. “I had wondered how we were going to deal with you, Mr Holmes, after you failed to heed the two warnings we gave you. Then I found out about your fondness for your little friend here and I realized that we had the perfect way to get you here after all. If I pull the trigger, he will die instantly, and not even you will be able to save him.”

“I am aware.”

“Then let me make you aware of this. Tell me where the jade pin is and I will let your friend go free.”

The jade pin, of course. Sherlock regarded her calmly, knowing that none of the anxiety he was feeling would be visible on his face. “I haven’t got your pin,” he said, “and I don’t know where it is.”

“You expect me to believe that the great Mr Holmes does not know everything? After your fan assured me that you would?”

At that he couldn’t help stiffening. His fan. Moriarty. “I only just found out that the item stolen was a pin,” he said coldly. “I was rather more focused on the fact that you had taken what doesn’t belong to you. But then, I suppose you know just how that feels, considering that one of your so-called underlings was smart enough to do the same thing. You were surprised when you found out about the betrayal, weren’t you? Or at least you pretended to be. You were expecting something like that to happen eventually. Your age concerns you; you believe you’re no longer suited to being the leader of the Black Lotus and you worry that those under your power are going to start feeling similarly.” He let his eyes flick towards Zhi Zhu was standing.

Shan’s face reddened. “How dare you,” she said ominously. “Tell me where the pin is! Or I will shoot your friend!” She pressed the tip of the gun against John’s forehead and John moaned softly at the contact.

Boiling anger flooded through Sherlock and he had to fight to be able to breathe through the constriction that wrapped itself around his chest. He wanted nothing more than to put a bullet between the old woman’s eyes. Instead, he forced himself to smile cockily. “Even if you knew you wouldn’t be able to retrieve it. The police have become involved with this case. They’ll find it soon and once it’s in their custody you’re out of luck.”

“The police,” Shan scoffed. “What have they ever - ”

Her sentence was cut off, quite abruptly, by a gun shot. Shan’s eyes widened slightly, her lips parting, face growing vacant. A thin trickle of blood began to run down the back of her head as she collapsed bonelessly, revealing Lestrade, who was standing right behind her. Sherlock took a deep breath, relieved; he’d seen Lestrade sneaking closer but he hadn’t been certain the sound of his voice echoing off of the walls would be enough to cover it.

Zhi Zhu took one look at Lestrade and the gun in his hand and bolted. Lestrade watched him go and made no move to follow. Sherlock glanced at him questioningly and then sighed. “Mycroft is outside.”

It wasn’t a question but Lestrade nodded. “He’s been on standby all evening,” he said without a hint of apology.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and strode over to John. He set to work on the tight knots, unravelling them with skill. John’s skin was cold to the touch and he was shivering slightly: shock, maybe, or possibly drugged. He stood up and cupped John’s cheek, gently tilting his head up so that he could inspect the damage done. John stirred again at the touch and looked up at him with unfocused eyes.

“Sh’lock?” he mumbled.

“It’s me, John. Just relax. I’m going to get you out of here,” Sherlock whispered. John nodded and his eyes fluttered closed, his body relaxing as he lasped back into sleep. Sherlock leaned down and picked him up, cradling John close to his body, and followed Lestrade and Soo Lin out of the tramway.

Part 22

mystrade, fanfiction, soulmate au, rating: t, johnlock, walking together, sherlock bbc

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