there was supposed to be more to this post than links but i forgot everything

Jun 30, 2015 23:59

100 years of hair goes to russia - the 80s hair is very fluffy and blow-dried, but not as aquanetty as i was expecting. i like the switch from 40s glamour to 40s military, too, and the little bow in the model's 50s hair is adorable.

stunningly gorgeous solar system watch - anyone have £153k i can borrow ( Read more... )

it's basically city planning, historical hair, girl scouts, music, architectural nifty, outer space, rizzoli & isles, jewelry

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Comments 11

dear_tiger July 1 2015, 16:31:54 UTC
That is very cool historical hair :D And I loved the 40s model wiping her lipstick and taking off her earrings to put on the military hat. I remember the 90s hair! :D All the girls at my school had it. The 80s hair wilderness, hehe! This is the kind of hair my dad got in trouble for, nearly giving his career navy dad a heart attack.

Also, go western WA! Way to make the news for something other than being on fire. People are fucking ridiculous with their religion.


tsuki_no_bara July 1 2015, 16:54:35 UTC
i thought about you while i was watching the russian hair! i wondered how accurate it was. and i am now trying to picture your dad with all that fluffy 80s hair. which, hee.

the girl scouts seem to be fairly universally excellent when it comes to genuinely inclusive youth organizations. they're definitely better than the boy scouts, anyway.

wait. western washington is on fire?? isn't that, you know, the damp ocean side of the state?


dear_tiger July 1 2015, 17:15:57 UTC
:D Well, seeing how this is women's hair, my dad's wasn't quite that wild, but apparently it was enough to scandalize his dad and whatever officials. Hehe, he once told me a story about his friend who was stationed in Germany in the army, and who was mopping the floor one day and saw a glam rock band perform on TV and was instantly lovestruck, standing there with his mop and his jaw on the floor. All the hair and the costumes and the makeup! It cracks me up to no end, picturing my dad and his friends as fanboys in the 80s, secretly passing around illegal music and styling their hair all wild.

Yes, technically it's central Washington that's on fire. The western part probably is too damp :D


tsuki_no_bara July 1 2015, 20:33:12 UTC
the image of one's parents as fanboys/fangirls in their younger years is so much fun. does it make you imagine your dad in really ugly skin-tight leopard-print pants, with lots of hairspray in his hair, lip-syncing to glam bands? :D i bet your career navy grandfather freaked out.

apparently my dad had a batman sticker on his car when he met my mom, and the idea of my dad as a batfan cracks me right up.


crickets July 1 2015, 17:46:56 UTC
Wow that Girl Scouts story is AMAZING! Thanks for sharing it!


tsuki_no_bara July 1 2015, 20:24:05 UTC
isn't it cool? i love that when the girl scouts say "please help us help girls, and yes that means trans girls too", people basically throw money at them. their indiegogo campaign is at $268k right now.


halfshellvenus July 1 2015, 20:02:55 UTC
Yay for the Girl Scouts' crowdfunding results!

You know, I think I want that Planetarium watch in half-assembled state as some sort of wall art. Wow.


tsuki_no_bara July 1 2015, 20:26:10 UTC
it's such a testatment to the power of the organization. i mean, they say "we want to help all girls, including trans girls", and people line up to give them money. it's really cool. and now a lot of girls get to be girl scouts!

that watch would make fabulous wall art, wouldn't it. imagine a time-keeping solar system hanging on your wall.


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