
Feb 02, 2015 22:14

o my flist, we got some snow today. the roads were a mess this morning but the buses were running - altho my bus got stuck at a stop, like you could hear the wheels spinning and not getting any traction, but the driver got us moving again - so i sucked it up and went to work. at one point one of the admins and i counted how many people were there ( Read more... )

doggie love, sleepy hollow: still batshit, snow

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Comments 8

charisstoma February 3 2015, 04:20:30 UTC
So in the land where the snow doesn't or rarely, what is it that I found most interesting? The big fans on the roof units and that there's steam coming off the one that was currently active. *shrugs* I was raised in Wisconsin. I've seen snow but not for a long while. Now sleet and ice that turned highways into cobblestone roads is a whole other thing and they don't build roads here for freezing slush, nor do they have all that many plows. They try, bless their hearts, *snickers*
Still, have the feeling that I'd be going 'Oh Dear, the Apocalypse is Upon Us' under the circumstances you are in right now. Am glad you made it home okay. Stay safe,


tsuki_no_bara February 3 2015, 21:47:05 UTC
i always feel so bad for people who get snowed on in places that are just not equipped for that kind of weather. i mean, it sucks up here because there's so god damn much of the white stuff (and it's really fucking with the subway system), but at least we have a ton of plows and sand trucks and miscellaneous snow-moving equipment, and people own shovels and snowblowers and are prepared to use them.

>>Still, have the feeling that I'd be going 'Oh Dear, the Apocalypse is Upon Us' under the circumstances you are in right now<<

you would not be the only one!


giogio February 3 2015, 04:44:47 UTC
How can you leave the house with that much snow?


tsuki_no_bara February 3 2015, 21:48:17 UTC
with difficulty. and boots. :D and a prayer that the neighbors have at least started to shovel their part of the sidewalk.


dear_tiger February 3 2015, 06:29:14 UTC
Your car is super cute :D I love the color of it.

Did you guys also have this horrible thing where it rains and freezes instantly? ER was nothing but fall injuries today. All. Day. Long. My car was encased in solid ice, which I had to chisel off twice in a day. Then I got home and parked in the middle of the street in order to carve a parking spot out of a mountain of ice.


tsuki_no_bara February 3 2015, 22:07:17 UTC
aw, thank you. my dad calls it the rolling lime. :D (i call it eleanor.)

we did not get the freezing rain, thankfully. i heard you guys did, tho. it sucks a lot and i have great sympathy. and your poor car! :( but at least you didn't fall and need a trip to the er.... so was there no bagging or cathing this time?


dear_tiger February 3 2015, 22:17:43 UTC
She looks like an Eleanor :D

Well, you got the snow apocalypse last time; we got the freezing rain this time. We're even! I got assigned to the "fast track" ER yesterday, where they send all the small potatoes and the bullshit. I drew some blood (yaaaay!), gave a lot of IM injections (including one in the butt, of ceftriaxone for gonorrhea, which apparently hurts like a bitch), did some pelvics and caught one case of Strep throat in a kid, which apparently impressed my preceptor. So I learned all those skills on real patients and it was awesome. We had this one guy who was badly triaged, we shouldn't have gotten him: head trauma from slipping and whacking his head on a curb. Subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages, and and a fractured skull.


tsuki_no_bara February 4 2015, 04:05:35 UTC
oh jesus, that guy's head. but yay for the rest of it! stuff! things! actual procedures performed on actual patients! \o/


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