and we're borrowing. get your feet off the dash.

Apr 20, 2014 19:14

happy easter to them what celebrate it, and to them what don't, a very lovely sunday. hopefully a very lovely spring-like sunday.

today i went to see catws again - well, after i locked myself out of my apartment, which i discovered when i couldn't get my car door open >.< - i don't think i caught anything this time that i missed the first time - ( except a thing that might not actually be spoilery )

movie review, captain america, bigbang 2014, peeps, weekend wrapup, fun with my sister, comics

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Comments 12

donutsweeper April 20 2014, 23:55:14 UTC
I finally saw Cap2 yesterday! The burned guy was Frank Grillo's character- the strike team leader guy who fought Sam and was with them in that assault on the ship and everything. He's a comic book character I believe ( ... )


tsuki_no_bara April 21 2014, 00:38:21 UTC
yeah, that's rumlow. the first time i saw the movie i thought it might be bucky, but that doesn't make any sense, altho i'm surprised rumlow survived the building being rammed by that helicarrier. i wonder if this means he'll be back in a future movie. (i didn't know he was in the comics but that would make sense.)

>>but overall he just seemed like someone who's disconnected with the world around him and hasn't found his footing/a real place and he was using the job/SHIELD for that<<

yes! that! i think he's adjusting - he's definitely trying - but he hasn't quite gotten there yet, and working for shield and being captain america gave him a purpose and a place in the world. and then he finds out that actually, no, he's been working for hydra pretending to be shield, at which point his anger grows to this organization-destroying thing. but before that? he was really pissed off at fury, and i think he was mad at natasha for not coming clean about her mission on the ship, but that seemed to be kind of it ( ... )


donutsweeper April 21 2014, 00:46:00 UTC
Yeah, I thought they did a good job of Sam being slightly awed by Steve (because CAPTAIN AMERICA) but being able to still see past that and see the guy behind the shield and stars and stripes and whatnot. I really liked the scene at the VA for that. Sam opening up because he knew Steve needed to see other people hurting too and all that.


azewewish April 21 2014, 01:05:36 UTC
Well, I definitely posted about Steve's anger issues, so maybe it was me? At any rate, I saw it. I mean, yes, he's lost and adrift and has no idea what to do with himself or what even makes him happy, but he is (imo) super pissed off at, um, everyone, at a certain point in this film. Except Bucky and Peggy. He also spends a fair amount of time in the first Cap film being pissed. Which is why I noticed it so much.

Also, that's Rumlow, who later becomes Crossbones, who is HUGE in the Cap/Bucky storyline, so it makes sense that they didn't kill him off.

(And yes, I caught the Newman's Own sauce, too, and just figured it was Redford's way of honoring his BFF.)


tsuki_no_bara April 21 2014, 02:54:14 UTC
it might've been you! i thought it was an interesting post, in any case, which was why i was trying to pay close attention to steve's anger the second time around. and especially after the reveal about hydra, he was clearly pretty fucking angry at pretty much everyone. i didn't remember him being so pissed off in the first one, tho. i might have to watch that again too. oh, the hardship.

>>Also, that's Rumlow, who later becomes Crossbones, who is HUGE in the Cap/Bucky storyline, so it makes sense that they didn't kill him off.<<

aha! this is what happens when you watch comic book movies made from comics you've never read. (the first time i saw cap 2, the whole time frank grillo was on screen i kept thinking of him in warrior.)


azewewish April 21 2014, 03:00:07 UTC
Well, everyone sees Steve differently. I saw a lot of anger at the injustices of the world and a deep desire to fix all of them, and a lot of anger at the way he was being treated & used by everyone around him. :D

You'd really like Brubaker's Cap run, I think. Aside form the deux ex machina that gets Bucky his memories back (seriously, one of THE lamest plot devices ever), it's really really really good.


embroiderama April 21 2014, 01:35:24 UTC
I'm shaking my pompoms for your bigbang!


tsuki_no_bara April 21 2014, 02:54:40 UTC
thank you! i'm going to need it!


hyndara71 April 21 2014, 18:20:13 UTC
Yay! For making progress with the writing. And don't remind me! I still have some research to do to which I'm NOT looking forward to (why oh why was Eric a fan of the opera? Why oh why I came up with this silly plan for starting the escape? *headdesk*).
And wish you had a Happy Easter (or Sunday) yourself!


tsuki_no_bara April 22 2014, 02:23:21 UTC
opera! i hate it when you come up with something that you think is a great idea, and then it turns out to require a lot of research. good luck!

my sunday was lovely, thank you. i spent the nice part of the afternoon in a movie theater, but whatever, i make allowances for marvel movies. :D


ephemera April 21 2014, 19:17:26 UTC
*shakes pompoms in support of your bigbag story*


tsuki_no_bara April 22 2014, 02:02:25 UTC
thank you! i worked on it some at work (thank god for google drive) so i'm slightly less panicked than i was. but i can still use all the help i can get.


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