just pretend it's saturday when you read this

Nov 11, 2013 21:21

(because apparently i posted it as private. >.< )

happy late birthdays to ignipes (who i know is out there somewhere... follow the sea serpents) and shivering-lance (who was here on halloween...)! you're fabulous, i'm late. all that means is that you still deserve some cake. :D ( Read more... )

elementary, haven, tom hiddleston, nanowrimo, grimm, psa, superheroes, i'm worth more than that thanks, tiny houses, new job big office

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Comments 17

dear_tiger November 12 2013, 02:51:36 UTC
5600 words in on day is Serious Business, and I'm jealous of your productivity O.o Also keeping all fingers crossed for the favorable resolution of your job situation. Report back!


tsuki_no_bara November 13 2013, 02:53:26 UTC
it was srs bzns! the library is an excellent place to write - quiet and without distractions! (the bpl has free wifi, which i didn't figure out until i'd already been there two hours and had written about 3500 words.) but also it was saturday and i didn't have any other demands on my time. (no cadavers to torment. :D )

i had the shortest meeting ever with the office manager today, just for her to tell me she talked to hr and can i give her a couple more days so they can figure everything out. >.< which isn't a "no, really, we can't pay you what you want", but also isn't a "welcome to permanent employment!"


dear_tiger November 13 2013, 03:17:07 UTC
It's excellent that you've found a good place to write! I approve. Hehehe, I didn't realize that I talk to myself a lot until I tried studying in a library where I couldn't talk. Writing and studying - it all comes with a running commentary and interpretive dances, apparently :D

Ugh, the unknown :/ I hope they decide they can't live without you. You have been there for a long time.


tsuki_no_bara November 13 2013, 08:03:32 UTC
interpretive dance! hee. the library might actually benefit from a little boogieing between the tables.

i talk to myself when i write, but only if i'm alone. just knowing there's someone else in the same general space that i'm in will totally shut me up.


wendy November 12 2013, 13:43:12 UTC
Just had to comment to say...I'm still loving Elementary too! I especially love that you can watch it as a very simple crime of the week show, or as a very complex study on the species and human interaction. It's just...REALLY GOOD.


tsuki_no_bara November 13 2013, 02:55:17 UTC
that is such a good point! i do actually watch it for the cases - well, partly for the cases - and you can totally watch the straightforward procedural show, or you can watch the more complicated human interaction show. and they're both the same show!


bleedtoblue November 12 2013, 15:24:56 UTC
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the work thing happens for you!

I haven't seen Thor yet either, I'm hoping TSO will go with me on Thursday. It's hard to avoid the spoilers.

Congratulations on the word count!


tsuki_no_bara November 13 2013, 03:14:07 UTC
me too, man, me too. thank you. :D

i'm actually kind of surprised i haven't been spoiled for thor 2 yet, but i think it's because i don't spend a lot of time om tumblr, because that place is LOUSY with spoilers.

i have written nothing today. >.< no pirates, nothin'.


ignipes November 12 2013, 17:48:58 UTC
Thank you!


tsuki_no_bara November 13 2013, 03:14:33 UTC
you are most welcome! consider it a happy unbirthday. :D


deaver November 12 2013, 23:51:47 UTC
Hope the job stuff sorts out - it's amazing how often just asking for what you deserve gets you what you need. (Also amazing how few people every actually ask!)

No spoilers, but Thor2 is really quite good. Far better than I expected and at least 50% better than Thor1. As always, Tom Hiddleston/Loki is the best thing about it.

The tiny floating house is adorable (it says 390 square feet, so it really is impressively tiny).

And, finally, I really need to either stop talking about Tom Hiddleston or I need to finally get an icon of him!


tsuki_no_bara November 13 2013, 05:19:13 UTC
well, i have to ask - i really honestly cannot live on what i'm making now, if they were to pay me that as a salary.

i can't judge spaces at all, so i have no idea how small 390 sf really is. like, i don't know how big my apartment is, so i don't have a basis for comparison. it's such a cute place, tho.

dude. you never need to stop talking about tom hiddleston!


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