five things make a post!

Feb 22, 2011 13:37

happy birthday illian, future overlord! (hey, it could happen. the dogs would probably be cool with it as long as you still fed them and gave them love....) also i fully support this cake-having thing ( Read more... )

hawaii 5-0, doggie love, psa, funny, ao3

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Comments 15

minim_calibre February 22 2011, 19:00:58 UTC
I read on my phone. Comments are a non-trivial effort. Kudos mean I can leave feedback when I read, rather than try to remember to do it later.

I <3 Kudos.

This comment took me about 4 minutes to type. And I damned autocorrect the whole time.


tsuki_no_bara February 22 2011, 21:05:16 UTC
ok, that makes sense. i never think of people reading sites like ao3 (or lj :D ) on their phones, but obviously they do. and i'm actually not surprised it's kind of a pain to leave an actual comment, and it's much easier to leave a kudo. and knowing that, it's pretty nifty of the ao3 folks to make it an option.

and now i'm wondering if the person who left me one was reading on their phone, and that's why they did it.... (and to be honest, i think reading fic on one's phone is really cool. portafic!)


minim_calibre February 23 2011, 01:22:00 UTC
My phone IS my work-life balance!


minim_calibre February 23 2011, 01:28:07 UTC
(I mean, I sometimes feel like I'm using technology for evil, but wow, the ability to surf the net and read fic at work without touching a work machine is PRICELESS! And it helps the commute, when I'm not the driver.)

Honestly, I'd love an AO3 iPhone app that would make it easier to leave actual comments.


halfshellvenus February 22 2011, 19:03:58 UTC
i got a kudo on one of my fics on ao3, and i'm kind of torn - on one hand, it means someone actually read and liked the story, which is good to know now that i turned off the option that shows you how many hits your fics get. but on the other, is it so hard to leave an actual "i liked this" comment? it takes like five seconds, maybe ten if you have to sign in first. i don't even care if you make a typo.

I know the feeling. Sometimes, the kudo is from a guest, and I'm not sure you CAN leave a review without an account. But if you have an account, how hard is it to say, "I really liked this!"

Though some people leave both kudos and reviews, so yay to them! \o/


tsuki_no_bara February 22 2011, 21:12:28 UTC
i don't know if you can leave a comment without an account either! i'd guess you can, but i've never tried so i don't know. and apparently it can be kind of a pain to leave an actual comment if you're reading on your phone, which is kind of frustrating and annoying, but in that case it sounds like it makes a lot more sense and is easier to leave a kudo. which is cool from a getting-acknowledgement-that-people-are-reading standpoint.


halfshellvenus February 22 2011, 21:21:49 UTC
I saw the phone-thing from the poster above, and that didn't even occur to me.

Ah, technology. I'm always slightly behind the curve... :)


tsuki_no_bara February 22 2011, 21:47:03 UTC
yeah, me too. my phone doesn't auto correct (which means other people's auto correct weirdness cracks me right the fuck up) and i can't surf the web on it, and because i can't i always forget that other people can. so it's good to be reminded occasionally, even if it does make me feel vaguely like a phone luddite....


illian February 22 2011, 22:07:58 UTC


tsuki_no_bara February 22 2011, 22:16:13 UTC
you're very welcome!


gestaltrose February 23 2011, 01:50:50 UTC
I just posted my stuff on ao3 (I didn't know I had written quite so many stories) and It seems to me that they don't leave comments that often. At least compared to my read ratio. But then the read to comment ratio on lj is huge too. *loves* I think some people are just lazy.



tsuki_no_bara February 23 2011, 02:18:03 UTC
this is what i've been told too, that there isn't the same kind of commenting culture over on ao3 as there is on lj. (which actually made me think "lj has a commenting culture?" because i thought the reading-but-not-commenting happened a lot over here too. the only difference is on ao3 it's easier to see how many people theoretically read your fic.) i agree that some of it is laziness. a lot of it, maybe. at least it's really easy to click the kudos button.


carta February 23 2011, 02:43:17 UTC
My favorite DYAC goes like this:

Girl: Do you need anything from the store?
Mom: Yes! Cogs.
Mom: Cogs.
Mom: Cogs.
Mom: Cogs.
Girl: cogs?
Mom: cigarettes!
Girl: oh, you mean cigs!
Mom: yes. cogs.

I was trying so hard to stifle my laughter that I almost passed out. :D

I have kudo'd in the past, which works for ME in the sense that if I liked a story enough to finish it, but not enough to say more than "I read this to the end and it was pretty good", I have a quick-hit option. I used to be a major hardass when it came to feedback, but lately, I've become most apathetic.


tsuki_no_bara February 23 2011, 04:20:23 UTC
"oh, you mean cigs!" "yes. cogs." HEEEE. i love that site.

given the choice between a kudo and nothing, i'll totally take a kudo, and i think it's kind of cool that ao3 gives readers the option. but at the same time, i want an actual comment! because i am whiny and needy, dammit! *ahem*


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