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Comments 11

wrenlet May 15 2009, 02:43:12 UTC
Something tells me Castiel will be learning about familial love up close when they're all on the run from both sides. \o/

Also, I was wrong about Ruby. I never thought she was in LOVE with Sam (which is a reaction I read on LJ elsewhere a couple weeks ago, that mostly made me wonder what people were smoking) but for a while I thought she was on a redemption-arc. It would've made a nice bit of symmetry, wouldn't it, for Castiel to Fall and Ruby to Rise? Oh well. :D

(That notion of mine died back when they were doing the blood thing and Ruby that GRIN on her face. It was not a kind or loving smile, it had AHAHAHAHA SUCKER written all over it.)


tsuki_no_bara May 15 2009, 03:08:15 UTC
i always thought she had her own best interests at heart and was working her own agenda, but it got really obvious the end of this season. i didn't think she was really in love with sam, but i admit i was kind of worried the show was going to go there. i wasn't quite expecting to learn just how much she was playing sam, but it totally fit.


wrenlet May 15 2009, 03:49:34 UTC
Yeah, for a while I felt like she was helping not because she gave a shit about humanity or the apocalypse or anything, but because she was trying to get right with God (or whoever). Like she was an ally only as long as it was convenient to her.

But that first time we saw Sam drinking from her arm, the tone of the scene tripped all my "oh shit" meters.


tsuki_no_bara May 15 2009, 03:57:01 UTC
yeah, that was a big honkin' clue about what was really going on in rubyville. and she was still an ally only as long as it was convenient for her! so you were right about that. i mean, it was really convenient that sam had this power she could keep exploiting. :D


beckaandzac May 15 2009, 03:05:15 UTC
Yes! I love that this was the point this season took us to because, like you say, it's been the point of the series all along. Boneheadedness and love and humanity and trying to do good are all tied up together.


tsuki_no_bara May 15 2009, 03:11:01 UTC
and it makes people totally worth saving. :D which i think castiel might have kind of sort of maybe started to figure out. it's just that the love sometimes gets buried under all the crap....


knowthyself May 15 2009, 03:30:08 UTC
I almost feel like Castiel was spouting off the propaganda he was fed to get him on board with that awful plan; and the angels may have shown him some awful things to try and convince him it was true, even. But I think deep down he always knew it was a load of crap, he was just terrified of disobeying and doubting when that's exactly what he's NOT done, ever.


tsuki_no_bara May 15 2009, 03:51:55 UTC
well, when he repossessed jimmy at the end of the rapture, he seemed to have been, i dunno, deprogrammed or something, stripped of his sympathy for people and rededicated to the party line. because he was kind of falling a little bit before then. but i totally agree he was afraid of disobeying, and that's what kept him from helping dean sooner. he was basically afraid of what his dad would say. and then he learned dad wasn't actually paying attention, and wouldn't actually care....

(so it's a story about love and a story about sons and fathers.)


knowthyself May 15 2009, 03:53:03 UTC
"(so it's a story about love and a story about sons and fathers.)"

Surprise! :D Hehe.

Also, I'm totally stealing your icon. I've wanted one exactly like that since the premiere!


knowthyself May 15 2009, 03:55:22 UTC
Also--I kinda don't buy that God's left the building here, either. It goes back to that business with Uriel killing angels who wouldn't agree with him--we never really got closure on if that whole thing was actually taken care of. It didn't end with Uriel, but it wasn't addressed again. I think Zachariah's part of the circle of angels corrupting the 'orders' by giving their own orders instead.


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