they're ready for their close-up. :D i apparently didn't take a picture of all of them, so you'll have to imagine slightly less than seventy of those guys spread across a couple of cooling racks. (i ran out of icing before i ran out of cookies, so there were still some naked ones when i was done.) there are still a lot in my freezer.
yesterday was a tax deadline at work, which meant a slight amount of "holyshitgottadothisnow" right before i left, which meant i took my laptop home juuuust in case. which turned out to be a smart thing. i managed to jam two fingers into a piece of cardstock - one of the things i do is make what are called grey books, which i think are basically filing copies of a client's tax return(s), and which have gray cardstock covers, hence the name - and give myself some exciting and painful but thankfully not immediately bloody papercuts. >.< but i think everything went out and i didn't screw anything up (at least not too badly), and today was super quiet.
last night was the work holiday party, which i didn't go to, and trying to think of a good reason why was an exercise - i mean, how do you tell your supervisor that you'd rather go home and make dinner (baked potato - just call me mark watney :D ) and watch tv?
the december babble for dec 14 was my most unexpected fannish obsession, for
rubywisp, and i'd have to go with spn, because i was so not expecting that. i don't remember how long it took before a big black hole of fannishness and squee opened up before me and i walked right into it, but man, did i embrace it with both arms. i'd never really felt the compulsion to read fanfic before, let alone write it, but suddenly i had to read every gen fic that crossed my path, which at the time was everything on
spnnewsletter. i even wanted to read rps, which i never even understood before. and then i wanted to write it, and no one will ever understand how weird that is except me. i remained kind of rabidly obsessed (well, as far as "rabidly obsessed" goes when you're me and it's tv) for a couple seasons, then was just mildly obsessed for a couple seasons, then was just watching. but i'd never been that intensely involved with a fandom before - because i was that intensely interested in the source material - and haven't since.
(it was
wrenlet's fault. it will always be wrenlet's fault.)
how ballet dancers entertain themselves when they're stuck at the airport.
if you want to build your own death star,
nasa recommends starting with an asteroid.
and speaking of star wars, enjoy
the cast of the force awakens singing the theme music a capella. ten points for carrie fisher's entrance.
firefighters without borders releases a 2016 calendar full of hot french firefighters. proceeds go to humanitarian aid efforts around the world, but really, if "hot french firefighters" doesn't convince you i don't know what would.
hundred-year-old color photos of paris. it's paris, i must share.
and speaking of historical photos,
over ninety photos from ernest shackleton's disastrous trip to antarctica have been digitized and shown to the world. well, london, anyway. now you can see all kinds of detail that you couldn't see before.
helen holmes: one of the first female action stars. she produced, wrote, starred in, and did a lot of stunts for movie serials in the teens. pretty fabulous.
totally bugnuts proposed skyscraper design for nyc - "like the chrysler building went to burning man". as the chrysler building is my favorite building in new york, this is right up my alley. even better, it's called the khaleesi. :D
map of finland's bear population, drawn with... bears.