Paris in the Early Days Master Post (J2 RPS AU, NC-17)

Jul 01, 2014 11:15

Title: Paris in the Early Days
Genre/Pairing: J2 RPS AU
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~35,200
Warnings: Anachronistic dialogue. Non-CW cameos. Occasional French.
Disclaimer: Lies and falsehoods and stuff I made up
Summary: Paris, 1896. The glittery, glorious Belle Epoque. Jane Avril is dancing the can-can at the Moulin Rouge, Toulouse-Lautrec is producing the posters of cabarets and dancing girls that have made him famous, Alphons Mucha has started producing the art nouveau posters that are making him famous, the white basilica of Sacré-Coeur is rising at the top of the hill overlooking Montmartre, and Jared Padalecki, twenty-three and Texan, has settled in that bohemian neighborhood with his writer boyfriend to be a painter. They hang out with fellow artists, dancing girls, a café owner, a nanny working for an Englishman and his American wife. Like many artists in that time and place, they're poor as church mice, but as happy as two boys in love in Paris can be.

The Luxembourg Gardens
Spring in the Bois de Boulogne
Backstage at the Green Door
The Salon of Nine
Madame B
The Four Seasons
The Bed
PDF with handwriting | PDF without | AO3
Author's Note | Extras | Stunning Art

I must thank some people! Because after five years I still can't do this by myself.

locknkey for being my fabulous beta for a third year, despite real life and her own bang (and, uh, me arguing some of her suggestions >.< )
petite-madame for her stunning art ( go see!), for correcting my French, and for being a total sweetheart to work with and being super accommodating when I said "Actually, it only kind of looks like that..."
dear-tiger for encouragement, helpful info about Russians, practical info about selling art, and Misha's hedgehog
beadslut for encouragement, Monsieur Dupuis the art reviewer, Chris the painter from Massachusetts, and the American sculptor and his two friends
gnomi for listening to me babble and for bringing Glee into the conversation
amnisias for trying to help me with the ending and also with the French
the mods (paleogymnast and slightlysatanic) and fellow bigbangers of omgspnbigbang for encouragement, panic, flail, and camaraderie
wendy for all her much-appreciated hard work in modding this fabulous challenge
and Ernest Hemingway, who went to Paris in 1921 with his wife Hadley, lived well and cheaply, and wrote A Moveable Feast, which I've never read except for the one line that stuck in my head for seven years until I could exorcise it with this fic

paris in the early days, fanfic, parisbang

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