Title: Dillinger's Got Nothing on Us: The Short Life and Interesting Times of the Jay Gang
Genre/Pairing: J2 RPS AU
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~28,900
Warnings: Potentially anachronistic language. Misuse and abuse of actual historical events. Non-CW actors. Chad Michael Murray.
Disclaimer: These things did not happen this way with these people. Not even close. I claim nothing except maybe the disgruntled scottie dog in the plaid coat.
Summary: It's 1932. Jensen is broke, unemployed, and living with his friend Chris in Chris' sister's house in San Antonio. It's the depths of the Depression and their prospects are slim. Then Jensen meets Jared and Jared's friend Chad at a block party, and one night the four boys hit on an immediate way to make money - hold up a bank. They think they have a plan, but what actually happens is something none of them were remotely prepared for.
Everyone's heard of John Dillinger and Bonnie and Clyde and Pretty Boy Floyd. No one has ever heard of the Jay Gang. This is their story.
I could never have done this myself. I owe a bunch of people big sloppy thanks:
annkiri for excitable, helpful beta duties
nuka_winch for her fabulous, fabulous graphics and soundtrack, and for having the foresight to start working on them while I fucked off to Texas on vacation and couldn't send her my draft or anything for a week >.<
ephemera, and
Katy for being very patient, interested (and occasionally enabling) audiences and letting me babble all over myself. The fact I couldn't freely babble on LJ KILLED ME, so it was good to be able to talk about it with someone.
neecerie for the info about Pearl Brewery and Alamo Foods
bleedtoblue for pics of the landscape outside Abilene
wendy and
thehighwaywoman, mods supreme, for running
spn_j2_bigbang in the first place and thus giving me a reason and an opportunity to write the damn fic
And my dad, for educating me on gunshot wounds
December 1932: San Antonio January-February 1933: Texas, Oklahoma Summer 1933: Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Arkansas Winter 1933-1934: Texas, Kentucky Spring 1934: Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana Author's notes and hysterical historical babble Extras Art and soundtrack