in which derry (kind of) gets laid

Feb 14, 2009 17:34

(i don't think i've ever actually written a sex scene for this boy. well. no time like the present to fix that. :D )

For being a single boy from a single mother, Derry actually kind of likes Valentine's Day. Mike thinks he's just a big sap. Sil thinks he has a lot of love in his heart. Will thinks he's an idiot. Derry just thinks it's kind of nice that there's a day in the calendar set aside for expressions of love.

A friend of Sil and Koro's is having a party - not for Valentine's Day but just for the hell of it - and Derry has spent some time tonight demonstrating his feelings for this particular Hallmark holiday by drawing hearts on people's hands with a red pen. Today he's in love with the whole world and everything in it, and he feels like spreading that love around.

He's had a few beers and a few hits off someone's joint and he's in a very mellow, very expansive mood. He had to stop drawing hearts when someone stole his pen, and now he's sitting on the couch with Sil leaning against him, both his arms around her shoulders. If he were straight, and she didn't have a boyfriend, he'd go home with her and they'd fuck until they were exhausted and sore.

Because in addition to being a little high, a little drunk, and in love with the whole world and everything in it, Derry is also pretty damn horny.

But Will's here somewhere, and Will never says no.

"I'm gonna go," Derry tells Sil. He's not sure but he thinks she might have fallen asleep. How she can do that with party noise all around them, he has no idea. "I gotta find Will. Are you gonna be ok if I leave?"

"Porter said he'd come by after his shift," she says. She pushes against his chest to sit up and he lets his arms fall off her shoulders. "What time is it?"

"I don't know. Late?" Time to get off, he thinks. Time to get Will off.

"Why do you have to find Will?"

"Because I'm not straight and you have a boyfriend." He says it in all seriousness but she giggles.

"You're so cute," she says, patting his cheek. "You wanna get laid, huh? You're so cute when you blush." He just knows that only makes him blush harder, and he ducks his head, a little embarrassed. Sil is grinning hugely at him. "I love you so much," she says, sitting up straighter so she can give him a kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby."

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too." He kisses the top of her head and heaves himself off the couch. The room sways gently and he waits for it to stop moving before wandering off to find Will.

Will is in another room talking to a couple of guys and drinking a beer. Derry walks over, puts his hand on Will's back, and say "Hey."

"Hey," Will says. "Wanna beer?"

"Let's go."

"Go," Will repeats blankly.

"Go. Go home. Go fuck."

One of the guys Will was talking to snickers. Will tells him to shut up.

"I want you so bad," Derry says, lowering his voice. "I'm bad at this. I just wanna fuck you."

"Well, you're good at that." Will grins at him and chugs his beer. "I'm still mostly sober. This ain't right."

"We can go back to Mike's. He's got beer. I told him I'd replace 'em if I drank 'em."

"I'll drink 'em. Let's go."

The promise of beer and sex gets Will every time. Derry can't immediately remember if Mike or his housemates are likely to be home, but whatever, he and Will can always do it in the shower. He kind of likes shower sex.

Mike's house is either a long walk or a circuitous bus ride from the party, and either way, Derry figures he'll probably be almost sober by the time he and Will get there. The cold February air is already sharpening him up and clearing away his high.

Derry doesn't really like public sex, but he finds himself scanning the side of the road as they head towards the bus stop. Maybe there's an alleyway or somewhere he and Will can duck down for a quickie, just to take the edge off.

"There," he says, pointing, suddenly seeing a place, a dumpster in an alley that they can hide behind.

"There where?" Will asks.

"Come on." Derry grabs his arm and drags him down the alley and behind the dumpster and pushes him against the brick side of the building. "I can't wait until we get to Mike's," he explains, one hand holding Will's face and the other fumbling under his coat. "I want you now, I can't wait."

He leans in, pressing his whole body to Will's, pushing his leg between Will's thighs, covering Will's mouth with his own as he grinds down. He rubs hard against Will, wanting him so badly he doesn't actually care if anyone can see them. Will takes the hint and grabs Derry's ass with both hands, mouth opening to Derry's tongue and swallowing his moans.

They grind together against the wall until Derry is so hard he can't think, and the one sober, rational part of his brain comments in a dry voice in his head that he doesn't want to come in his pants, does he? Derry can't push away from Will - for one thing, Will is holding on tightly - but he manages to get a hand between them and fumbles around until he gets his zipper down and his hand around his freed erection. It's a little awkward trying to jerk himself off while he and Will are pressed this close together, but he's so hard and so desperate he doesn't care.

"Will," he pants, "Will, Will...."

Will takes this hint too and wraps his fingers around Derry's so that they're both jerking him off. Derry pulls away, leans his head against Will's shoulder and watches both their hands stroking his cock, until his climax grabs him and he comes hard and breathless over his and Will's twined fingers.

"Fuck," Derry breathes. He feels a little lightheaded but oddly enough more sober. And relieved, so very relieved to have taken the edge off his need. Now they can take their time getting back to Mike's, so that when they get there they'll both be good for a nice long leisurely fuck.

"My turn," Will says, guiding Derry's hand to his zipper.

"Wait, wait, just...." Derry wipes his hand on Will's coat, stuffs himself back in his pants, and zips up. "Thanks," he says, dropping a kiss on Will's lips.

"For what?"

Derry shrugs. "Not making me wait." He unzips Will's jacket, slides down to his knees, undoes Will's jeans, and frees Will's cock. The asphalt is cold under his knees and he's starting to get cold, but Will is hard and leaking already and Derry can be quick.

Will curls his hands in Derry's hair as Derry sucks him down, and in almost no time Will is groaning and coming down his throat. Derry licks him clean and tucks him back in and stands up.

"Better," he says.

"Not bad," Will concedes, grinning. Derry grins back. "We're gonna have some actual fucking later, though, right?"

"Yeah. As long as you can hold out."

"Should be all night, then. I hope you ate your Wheaties this morning."

"I think I can keep up." Derry plants a smacking kiss on Will's cheek before taking his hand and pulling him out of the alley and back onto the sidewalk.

The skies are clear, a few stars twinkling through the haze of the city lights, and Derry is so in love with the world he inhabits that it hurts to breathe. He sticks his hand in Will's coat pocket as they head down the street and thinks that maybe, possibly, for tonight at least, he might be a little bit in love with Will too.

derry belmont

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