
Aug 10, 2008 15:53

I feel extremely bad. I haven't updated anything in months. The fact that I'm too busy with schoolwork and trying to get better ranks at TCSO and TCNB on Hard mode just makes me even sadder ('s not that bad, I guess). I do have a few chapters stored in my thumb drive but...that's it. I haven't really written anything in a few weeks. ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

seasonelements August 10 2008, 15:01:39 UTC
I am afraid that when I enter my next grade I will be in your shoes, drowning in homework. I'm trying to finish all my multi chapter stories (I finished writing one, and haven't published the other on yet, but will very soon, my beta reader is giving me trouble). I need to finish at least writing them before school starts (Sep 2). I see it pretty damn possible, I only three chapters to go if I finish the 6th tonight but that may not happen because of the fact that I have a math test tomorrow for summer math class that I don't understand and I need to study >_< Plus, next year is when all my scores go to high schools, and I WILL get good scores on my ISATS (a state test), and regular grades. The regular grades may be hard because of the teachers, they are experienced and strict ( ... )


tsugi_no_touji August 10 2008, 15:24:41 UTC
Actually I've already had the experience of being flooded by homework last year. It's just that...moving up one more grade means almost double the stress and homework because we notably get more tests and assignments than last year -_-** We're pretty much on the brink of spitting blood.

Ouch. Experienced and strict teachers. Experienced is okay, but strict? o.O Ganbatte ne.

Summer vacation (which is probably the one month June holiday here??) is long over... *sobs* I missed that one whole month and the next upcoming hol is just one week long >_< Of course, we have two months long holiday from Nov-Dec, but that's after finals. And...yeah, mpreg xDD though not's IchiHitsuKusa. Lol. I'm revealing so much. My friend gave me the silent treatment for fifteen minutes when she heard that xp


seasonelements August 10 2008, 16:43:08 UTC
You're so lucky you have a friend that is interested in your fanfics and understand...

IchiHitsuKusa? *Faints*


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