Title: Shadow...traces of you
Genre: Friendship, Supernatural, Horror, Angst.
Rating: PG-15
Type: One-Shot (with parts)
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction, my characters are based on two of my favorite Idols and it has nothing to do with them other than that. The plot though, is mine and so "Copyright Protected". So is the poster for the fic.
Warning: Angst, violence and Character Deaths,
Summary : Everything had once been picturesque...until the day you left...
Arioka is a young crime photographer in training who finds himself involved with a team investigating a series of gruesome murders. Things start getting out of hand when the core of the crime starts connecting Arioka to a piece of his past that he would rather forget, and a certain someone...he could not.
Part One
A click and a flash bore through the darkness of the room. The lacy curtains blew in the breeze of the night, the full moon spilling it's magnificence into the confines of the darkness beneath and onto the figure on the floor.
She lay in her eternal slumber....with all the glory of her beauty...
... and her flawless face bearing the suprise of betrayal.
Her auburn hair lay beneath and around her head, like a silky splash of colours on a gray canvas, while her white nightdress was stained crimson by the liquid that bathed her body in it's mortifying shade.
They moved around her silently, like shadows in the night. They talked in low murmers, using flashlights to check on reports, examining every inch of the hotel room, being careful not to disturb the chamber's original condition...the scene of the crime.
He held his camera to his face and looked through the lens and clicked, making sure to capture every angle of the fallen beauty.
Irony, for a face that was so used to the camera, she no longer had any control of how her pictures would turn out. No raw emotions to mask, no blemish to be concealed, no flaw to be covered.
He clicked again, for the last time that night, before taking in a deep sigh...immune to the smell of death lingering in the room.
Tragedy...a painful reality.
He finds it relatively easy to tear his eyes from his 'subject' before landing it upon his collegue who beckons him towards himself.
"You alright?"
The young man cocks an eyebrow.
"It's our 5th case together Yoko-senpai, and every new case had been worse than the previous...,"
His senior lets out a low chuckle.
"You really are something Arioka, it took me exactly 29 cases before I stopped waking up in the middle of the night because of weird dreams,"
Arioka shrugs, throwing a backward glance at the girl.
"She was a model right?"
"Hmm, yes,"
Yokoyama lifts the file to his face, turning to the first page and clicking on his pen torch.
"Yue, real name Aoi Akiko, age 23, model for Aki & Co, cause of death is by stabbing, weapon of assault yet to be discovered,"
"You two,"
The men direct their attention to the detective standing by the main door. The look on his face serves as a display for his patience...which was clearly running out.
"If you're done with the documentation, please clear the vicinity, we need to clean up and trasnport the victim to the hospital,"
"Ru-ude," Arioka mutters under his breath.
"Behave kid, they hired us," Yoko replies with a warning to his tone. He then shakes his head as Arioka makes a face.
"Let's go,"
They leave the room; the darkness, the strange silence with it's whispers and clicks and the sound of feet shuffling to and fro and Arioka Daiki looks back one more time.
Death...was the tragedy of life.
Note: It was turning out a little longer than expected, so i divided into parts...sort of like Shattered Reflection. Feedback appreciated!!
>>>>Part 2>>>>>>>