Title: Dreams and Drumsticks
Rating: PG
Genre : AU, Friendship, Angst,
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump (main)
Disclaimer: I Own the plot, title and the characterization. The Idols belong to themselves...and their careers to Johnny.
Summary : In a tiny studio at the heart of Tokyo, five aspiring musicians struggle to achieve their dreams against all odds.
A/N: Inspired by the song Dash! by Nakajima Yuto
Note: Jump are not an idol group in this story and for now they only have five members. The fic is mostly Yuto-centric but it involves all of Jump.
A/N II : Please pause the music until you reach the paragraph below the player. Thank u :)
Chapter 15 - Chaotic Overtones
“Are you serious? A real band?”
Inoo hummed quietly, nimble fingers testing the efficiency of his keyboard. He looked up and smiled slightly as Daiki scurried around the room, peeking under the cover of Yuto’s drums and gasping with amazement.
“Ne ne, Inoo-san, play something please!” he said rounding upon Inoo and staring at him with pleading eyes. Inoo raised an eyebrow at the request and fell into a momentary silence.
“What do you want me to play?” he asked softly.
Daiki smiled rather cheekily, startling him.
“Something from Utada,”
Inoo let out a little laugh before placing his fingers over the white keys. Daiki placed his hands in his pockets, eyes fixed on the older boy.
The room was peaceful, imbued with the golden honey glow of the late afternoon sun, flowing in from one solitary window high up on the wall.
The corner of Inoo’s lips tugged into a little smile as his fingers began their dance.
Daiki began nodding his head to the subtle tones, a little smile in place.
‘He’s good,’ he thought, enjoying the composition.
However, a few seconds into the song, and Daiki found himself gaping in complete disbelief.
Here he thought he had found a little group of amateur wannabes playing songs in a basement…and now he found himself stunned, heart
beat rapid, feet frozen in one place, mouth agape.
He was no amateur…he was no wannabe…
It was beautiful…his style, his grace, his music…the way his nimble fingers danced upon the ivory keys, the way his loose curls swayed around his face, the way his eyebrows were knotted in concentration…
The melody…his melody…
Unbeknownst to them, the door was slightly ajar, but the extent of talent displayed within the room had taken all who stood outside by surprise.
Yuto closed his eyes…and felt it. He knew they all felt it…Keito with his fake reassurances of his well being, Takaki with his unbreakable silence and Hikaru…Hikaru with his personal collection of emotions, locked up behind a silly grin.
Chaotic…the world is a mess, a great mass of confusion…a display of clashing emotions and actions…
Like a well written symphony, with no pitch too high or too low, no tempo too fast or two slow…
We try to live our lives within the lines drawn to keep us safe…
No risks taken, no chances attempted…
No smiles lost, no tears shed…
No blood spilt, no wound engraved…
No feelings revealed, no grudges dismissed,
No lies spoken, No truths realized,
It was nothing like what he had done in the past; kept ourselves safe from getting hurt, afraid to face the realities around us, in fear of not being able to handle the pain…
But what was this Inoo-chan? You’re music…the way you were playing…overflowing with chaos yet completely under your control…
It was something else, something new…something different…
It was bold, it was challenging…you were attempting the impossible, taking the chance, you were standing up against something powerful,
something you never told us…maybe finding us incapable of understanding your troubles…
I salute you my friend…for the courage in your music, for the courage in your heart…
Hopefully one day, we would be able to measure up to you…and live…beyond these borders.
Note: Media : Utada Hikaru's Passion, played by Yeng Cheng/Tannonev
Credits to aimini.net
Picture: Summary 2010 papapic...credits to AZN Ongaku