Claiming Post!

Jan 20, 2012 21:41

Claiming Post:

Prompting is now officially closed! We wound up with 122 prompts to choose from, which is so totally wild. Thank you so much to everyone who left prompts! And now it’s time to get ready for claiming!

To keep claiming as simple as possible, we’re going to lay out the very easy steps right here!

1. Visit this page, which hosts the full list of all the Springfest prompts. They are numbered and anonymous. Go through the prompts and pick out the ones you’re interested in!

2. Come back to this entry at or after 12 AM EST on Sunday, January 22nd (so, Saturday night!) and comment with the following template:

LJ username:
E-mail address:
First choice prompt #:
Fic, art, or fanvid:
Second choice prompt #:
Fic, art, or fanvid
Third choice prompt #:
Fic, art, or fanvid**:

**Please keep in mind the prompter’s preference for fic, art, or fanvid when considering what you’re going to create for them.

An example claim comment will look like this:

LJ username: oflights
E-mail address:
First choice prompt #: 39
Fic, art, or fanvid: fic!
Second choice prompt #: 46
Fic, art, or fanvid art!
Third choice prompt #: 80
Fic, art, or fanvid: fic!

Make sure you leave an email address that you check regularly! Comments will be screened.

Also, please keep in mind that when you claim, you are committing to writing at least 1500 words, creating a substantial piece of artwork, or making a fanvid that is more than 60 seconds long. Keep an eye on the timeline as well; final drafts of fanworks will be due on April 1st.

Prompts cannot be claimed more than once; as prompts are claimed, we will be striking them out on the list (as quickly as possible, but there’s only two of us, which is why you guys are leaving three choices, in case a prompt is double-claimed before we can strike it out). Please only claim one prompt for this round. You’re welcome to claim more, but only after the official claiming period is over, so that everyone has a fair shot!

Comments aren’t open on this entry until claiming officially starts, so if you have any questions or concerns, head to the contact the mods post! Claiming will close on January 27th at 11:59 pm EST; a post about claiming more prompts will go up before then.

Happy claiming, everybody! <3

[guidelines], claims post!

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