Fill: What are we worth when motionless (1/?)pr_scatterbrainFebruary 10 2011, 11:05:51 UTC
They find Eduardo in Singapore. They find him and spend an inordinate amount of time befriending him. They buy him dinner and talk to him about patriotism and about how valuable he is and how he can do so much
( ... )
Re: Fill: What are we worth when motionless (3/?)pr_scatterbrainFebruary 11 2011, 09:06:19 UTC
*gigglesnort* Alas, I had to, he couldn't be a faux!marine and have lion hair. But I promise it's all grown back by the time he and Mark run into each other.
Thank you.
(I know, he could have spent the last few years doing nothing and they still would have sent him back in investigate facebook - it's a real sticking point for Eduardo)
Re: Fill: What are we worth when motionless (3/?)fairy_tale_echoFebruary 11 2011, 07:02:57 UTC
I can't believe this is an actual thing that exists in the actual world because it is too amazing and beautiful and perfect. I love how Eduardo is so good at this because he's so hurt, that he can retreat into nothingness and get the job done and not feel any of it and OH GOD IT'S ALL GOING TO EXPLODE AND I CANNOT WAIT WAIT WAIT to see where you go with this. AMAZE-TASTIC!
Fantastic set-up. And how galling must it be that they're using him because Mark is the priority?
Thank you.
(I know, he could have spent the last few years doing nothing and they still would have sent him back in investigate facebook - it's a real sticking point for Eduardo)
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