[PART NINE] & Some News

Nov 14, 2011 07:34

Okay, I'm a little new at this so sorry if I mess this up first go. Because it's been 5 months since the last round even though we haven't been busy. I figured I might as well earn my keep and try to get this place alive again...



kink meme

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Mark/Eduardo anonymous February 12 2012, 11:59:34 UTC
Mark loves sucking cock and getting his face fucked hard. I JUST WANT SOME FILTHY PORN OKAY


Points of Contact (1/4) anonymous March 17 2012, 08:04:03 UTC
Despite the recent influx of money-related bullshit in his life, Mark had not created Facebook in the hopes of making a billion dollars. That wasn't the goal, had never been and would never be the point of Facebook. Facebook was it for him, it was that ultimate stroke of genius, the title before his name.

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg.

But admittedly, there were upsides to not subsisting on ramen and energy drinks: the ability to skip out early on a boring function, the freedom to spontaneously travel, the funds to book last-minute flights to Singapore. The easy access to medical care if Eduardo punched him in the goddamn nose.

"Oh, fuck." Eduardo sounded panicked, which was gratifying because, shit, ow. Mark pinched the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb and immediately regretted it. "No, jesus, don't do that," ordered Eduardo as he rushed forward and grabbed Mark by the shoulders. He steered Mark into his apartment building, saluting the doorman awkwardly ( ... )


Points of Contact (2/4) anonymous March 17 2012, 08:05:49 UTC
"So what, then?" asked Eduardo, eyes heavenward. He crouched to place the glass on the coffee table amidst the files, and Mark nodded a bit to himself, watching, and stepped forward ( ... )


Points of Contact (3/4) anonymous March 17 2012, 08:09:53 UTC
Eduardo's right hand tightened into a fist, and for a tense second, Mark thought there'd be an instant replay of what had happened when Eduardo had found Mark sitting next to his apartment door fiddling with his iPhone, but he just took a breath and seemed to settle. His cock was still hard, a deep red now. Sharply, he took Mark by the back of the head and jerked him toward it. It was rough, made Mark's shoulders twinge.

Which, yes. He understood. Mark hadn't quite had faith he would, but sometimes he didn't give Eduardo enough credit. He whimpered, breathing through his nose. Eduardo's hands left his hair for a moment, and Mark let his eyebrows draw together, feeling bereft, but Eduardo just pried Mark's hands off the back of his thighs and then they were back, and they were better. Eduardo twined his fingers in Mark's curls and tugged, and the noises were ugly, wet and real, but that was perfect, that was what he'd wanted. Eduardo fucked his throat again and again, and he groaned and just let it happen ( ... )


Points of Contact (4/4) anonymous March 17 2012, 08:12:53 UTC
But it was amazing, and it was humiliating, and Mark tried to shut it all out, tried to rub himself off against Eduardo's body and feel nothing at all. "Pay attention, Mark," said Eduardo, like he knew. Mark nodded into his chest and brought himself back, let himself feel the burn of it, the ache. His breath hitched, and he whined high in his throat, and then he was coming in his pants, his cheeks burning, gasping, "Wardo."

At first, he felt outside his own body, high on the rush of it all. And then all at once he wasn't anymore. He tried to jerk back, but Eduardo held him, and they stood together without speaking at all, arms wrapped around each other, until Eduardo let him go again.

Eduardo fell back, hands smoothing the wrinkles out of his shirt. He cleared his throat, looking anywhere but at Mark. "Where's your stuff?" he asked. "Don't you have clothes?"

"This was-spontaneous," said Mark. That was an understatement. He wasn't even sure why he'd done it to begin, except that he'd thought, Wardo never had any idea what these ( ... )


Re: Points of Contact (4/4) oflights March 17 2012, 08:53:30 UTC
oh man, unffff. this is so damn hot. because, like:
"If you wanna get off," he said, and there was a challenge in his eyes now, "you can get off against my leg." nngh. I really can't. this was dirty and perfect and like, dangerous, and I loved it so so so much, especially that happier, hopeful bit at the end. totally amazing; whoever you are, anon, write porn forever and forever, because you're the best.


anonymous March 17 2012, 19:40:17 UTC
Looool, thank you, glad you liked it! This is nearly my one and only porn, but I will definitely give it another shot. (And thanks so much for posting that list of prompts, for I am easily overwhelmed and prefer choosing from fifteen things to choosing from all the things.)


Re: Points of Contact (4/4) slasher48 March 17 2012, 10:52:25 UTC

This is fucking MARVELOUS.

Every bit of it was SO FUCKING IN CHARACTER, which is what I love most, and so fucking HOT and so damn well written. I am dying of love here. DYING I TELL YOU. ♥


anonymous March 17 2012, 19:41:21 UTC
"In character" is pretty much the best compliment you could give me, so thank you so much! ♥


Re: Points of Contact (4/4) anonymous March 17 2012, 13:31:47 UTC
Oh my god, first of all, thank you so much for filling my prompt; that makes you super rad in my book. Secondly, well characterized porn that hits my emotional kinks? YES PLEASE. I mean, this was insanely hot, but what made it hotter was both the set-up and your stellar characterization of both of them. I've re-read this a few times already and I keep finding new things to love -- your phrasing, your details (Wardo never had any idea what these things were called. He called them baby hot dogs) EVERYTHING.

You are amazing! This is everything I wanted and so much more. THANK YOU ♥


anonymous March 17 2012, 19:43:05 UTC
No problem at all! And I'm so pleased you liked my characterisation because that's really important to me and I'm pretty new to writing this characters. I'm really happy you liked it so much!


Re: Points of Contact (4/4) seas0ul March 17 2012, 19:23:23 UTC
oh fuck me



anonymous March 17 2012, 19:43:36 UTC
Lolol. ♥


Writer Here! anonymous March 17 2012, 19:46:16 UTC
Just a note to say this has been cleaned up and posted to my journal and AO3, in case any of you would prefer to read it elsewhere.


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