[PART NINE] & Some News

Nov 14, 2011 07:34

Okay, I'm a little new at this so sorry if I mess this up first go. Because it's been 5 months since the last round even though we haven't been busy. I figured I might as well earn my keep and try to get this place alive again...



kink meme

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Eduardo/Mark - secret santa anonymous December 14 2011, 22:04:25 UTC
Post-depositions - Facebook (or the Facebook shareholders) have a secret santa (i have no clue why, just work with it!) - and Mark gets Eduardo (mebbe dustin rigged it).


Some Things Never Change, 1 anonymous December 20 2011, 01:16:01 UTC
It goes without saying that it was Dustin’s idea. Of course it was, and as much as Dustin points at the interns for the blame, waving his finger around, Mark believes the interns, who are shaking their heads, over him ( ... )


Some Things Never Change, 2 anonymous December 20 2011, 01:17:54 UTC
“Maybe this is a good thing!” Dustin nodded enthusiastically. “Maybe this is an opportunity for you to reconnect with him and rebuild ( ... )


Some Things Never Change, 3 anonymous December 20 2011, 01:20:15 UTC
Dustin schedules the secret Santa exchange to be held on the morning of Friday the 23rd so that everyone could go home early afterward and enjoy their week-long holiday vacation. Making sure he is on time for his secret Santa delivery, Mark flies out of San Francisco in the late afternoon of the 21st and lands in Singapore in the early morning of the 23rd. He didn’t sleep on the flight, already knowing from past experiences that it was impossible, and instead coded an entire brand new layout that he was quite proud of ( ... )


Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 20 2011, 01:21:12 UTC
With the left hand, Eduardo takes an umbrella that has the well-known Burberry plaid pattern and with the right, he releases the door handle to grab the 12-pack of beer, reading the box to learn it’s Samuel Adams Winter Lager ( ... )


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 20 2011, 03:06:36 UTC
awww. not enough naked happy time, but still adorable. great job!


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 22 2011, 17:18:30 UTC
there's never enough naked happy time (shouldiaddmore??)


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 20 2011, 09:50:25 UTC
Awwww, this is beyond sweet! (I do wonder though, at the beginning Mark is still so adamant on hating Eduardo and being hated, so what were the times, or rather the reasons, he visited before?)


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 22 2011, 17:21:47 UTC
i was more thinking, he visited during his pms-y days when he put aside how he felt about eduardo and visited him. then, when his pms-y days finished, he'd leave and go back to normal.

i have no idea why i'm relating pms and mark... :|


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 20 2011, 14:51:15 UTC
Aww, so sweet! I love how their relationship is still so similar despite everything. And Eduardo's dog <3<3

But really, Singapore is nice. It may be rainy but it's always warm and the rain is actually kinda nice like that and yeah most Singaporeans speak pretty good English.


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 22 2011, 17:26:14 UTC
i actually was going to google the shiznit out of singapore to make it more authentic but i got too involved in trying to make the story flow and, therefore, too lazy to do the extra research. i settled on wikipedia >.<

i love warm rain, it reminds me of florida. [mark/eduardo make out in warm singapore rain anyone?]

thanks for reading :)


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 yunsi December 20 2011, 21:06:18 UTC
The Mark/Dustin interactions in the beginning were hilarious. And then Mark's thoughtful gifts! Eduardo still taking care of Mark! I loved how the whole thing ended on such a hopeful note.


Re: Some Things Never Change, 4/4 anonymous December 22 2011, 17:27:30 UTC
there's always hope for them, that's why i like ending stories as such. never lose hope! *makes banner* thank you for commenting.


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