OK.... i'm bored guys. Devlin's power is going on and off and i'm just... well, bored.
So.... me + boredome = really bad results
like.... me teasing you guys and saying I'M WRITING A NEW FIC, AND YOU CANT READ IT NAH!!! :P
But seriously, i am writing again. over 20000 words so far written, and only 3 chapters. ya, another monster. and NO!!! i'
Read more... )
You are such a horrible tease indeed... But I still looooooove yoooouuuu! :D :D :D :D (Especially because I get to read it all anyway! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Three times over, too, since you keepo revising! :D)
And I'll be hyper with you, if you feel so inclined?
LOL ya, and i think i revised it AGAIN after that too
And I can delete if you want? :P It just makes me feel all proud and special that you thrust me with it, 's all.
no, i trust you.... *glares and makes threatening gestures*
(I do love that icon ^____^)
DAMN!! you gave it all away... now what do i have to surprise them with *pouts*
*tries desperately to keep a straight face*
Oh and I won't tell anyone that the headless Zoro runs off with a mermaid either and they get married and live ever after. I swear!
you told!!! oh no!! now what will the readers have to look forward to? Maybe i'll just have to scrap the whole thing and go with the idea of Luffy, Zoro and Sanji as PowerPuff girls....
i hope you know now that all i can think of is how buttercup and zoro are similar... and bubbles is blonde just like sanji.... and i cant. stop. LAUGHING!!!
Oh bother, now I did it again, didn't I? I could always ducktape my mounth shut?
BubbleSanji makes emo look GOOD! (and if you disagree she'll beat you with the frying pan)
and you'll get no fiction from me if you keep spoiling the plots!!!
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