so my "fake/didn't like it" review? i first thought i could do that for "A Very Supernatural Xmas"... but i just couldn't. i was all set to say how dare Kripke portray Pagan gods like that, being bloodthirsty and wanting human sacrifices... and then i realised - uh, no.... there are some not-nice Pagan gods - i mean, Kali is the Hindu Goddess of Death. so yeah, there went that bad review out the window... and besides, i would have totally sounded like a fluffy bunny. LOL
and then i was talking to
aphrodite33, and she
has said that something seemed "off" with Castiel. he told Dean that he was an "Angel of the Lord." someone posted that Kripke & Co. are probably borrowing angel lore from all over, but Aphrodite pointed out about how there's a Lord and Lady in Paganism... see my comment above about not all the Pagan gods are light and fluffy. there's some pretty nasty ones out there:
Kali and
The Morrigan are the first ones who come to mind.
so what if the Lord that Castiel is an angel for is a Dark Lord? (insert appropriate pop culture reference here) and from what everyone's said, Angels aren't all that light and fluffy either. and Castiel seems to be, well - to over-use a phrase again - a bad-ass, i'm going for a Lord that dark and maybe even sinister.
the only thing i have to base this on is because it's Supernatural, and Eric. but, since it's Eric, i'm probably wrong. heh.