SN Ep! ~ "All Dogs Go to Heaven" (6x08)

Nov 12, 2010 23:58

cool beginning from the creatures point of view. i know it's a dog, it's also black and white. i'll say up front that i know what the MotW is from a blurb i'd been read, so this review might read a little weird...

dude, Dean, don't talk about the King of Hell like that, he'll just pop up and be there. heh.

btw, Crowley can be my boss. he's cuter.

boo on Crowley for burning Sam's hand, but neat trick healing it.

so, Weres don't need the full moon to turn... and yes, things have been out of whack for a while - since Sam came back is my guess.

maybe it was better when they didn't know who their boss was.....

heee... now Sam's he's RoboCop!

Dean can stay in bed a little longer... i'll join him. =)

very weird procedure to follow when it's an animal attack....but it's not like they can say they think it's a werewolf right?

uh oh... Lucky attacked his human... and now looks like his human! Lucky looks like a wolfhound to me. pretty doggie.

(borrowing from the blurb i'd heard - up until now, i think Supernatural was using "skinwalker" ("Skin") and "shapeshifter") ("Night Shifter") interchangeably. but that's not the case.

Sam thinks it's Mandy, but we know better.

turns out she has an alibi, but Sam watches her anyway.... and sees ... human!Lucky! who smells - quite literally - that he's being watched/followed. he senses Sam, and as he runs away he shifts into Lucky - and gets hit by a car! oopsie. the driver of the car gets Lucky into it, to take him to a vet, and Sam calls after (on deaf ears) that's his dog. did Sam trip over Lucky's clothes where Lucky shifted?

Dean wants to call Lisa again... but what's he going to say?

Sam calls Dean to tell them it's a skinwalker they're dealing with.

Sam: Roll over Lucky. Speak.
Lucky: Go to Hell.
Sam: Already been. Didn't agree with me.
Me: HEE!

Lucky says there's about 30 skinwalkers... they were recruited. they find families to take them in, until they get the signal - to turn on their families and change them all. sounds like another war is brewing - like with the vamps recruiting newbies, too.

turns out there's a pack leader - but Lucky thinks there's other pack leaders in other cities - his pack leader's probably not an Alpha. but with the way the episodes have been going i'm pretty sure it's an Alpha. heh. Sam figures they have the pack leader lead them to the Alpha, they get that Alpha for Crowley and Sam gets his soul back. dude, not at episode 8, you're not.

Sam: i'd double-cross us.
Dean: thanks, Dexter. that's reassuring.
Sam: i'm just making conversation.

Sam: so, Plan B?
Dean: We've got one??

the pack leader says to prove that Lucky's with them to turn Mandy and her son while they watch. looks like Dean and Sam have other plans....

wow, that warehouse is a *mess*....but... Lucky's gone!

human!Lucky goes to see Mandy to thank her for being nice, but she's having none of it. he shifts, and walks off, leaving Mandy to notice his clothes.

Sam comes clean and says he's not Sam - it sounds like to me that the soul that's missing is the part that makes Sam Sam. it was harder being "the other Sam," but he should go back to being that "other Sam." sounds like he's officially asking Dean to help him, and get Dean's brother back.

next week's promo ~ faeries. by Ben Edlund. be very afraid....

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supernatural, 6x08, sn s6, the roadhouse

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