so i rewatched the last few minutes of Supernatural's "Swan Song" too. Chuck says nothing really ever ends, and then *poof*s off the screen.
then we see Dean, Ben and Lisa inside... then from outside looking in. we pan up to the street light, which buzzes and then pops out. we see someone standing there, go down to his shoulder, over the shoulder to look at ... Sam. is it Sam? upon rewatching, he doesn't really have an expression on his face, a blank look. i think it was Aphrodite who mentioned that, and she thinks it was Sam, not Lucifer, and i'm inclined to believe that. there was no cocky grin, no trace of "Lucifer" in there.
BUT - how much time has passed? how much time has it really been for Dean since that day at Stull Cemetery? time has passed, but how much? and how much for Sam, since we know time moves differently in Hell.
also - is the equation "Chuck=God" because he poofed at the end? because he knows all about Dean and Sam and the impala, and Bobby not seeing Dean for a good long while, and hunting a rugaru next week, and Dean going to Lisa? as J said when i mentioned people saying Chuck was God, "Chuck is a prophet!" it it because Chuck is Eric's Gary Stu (and NOT Dean), and Eric is the God of Supernatural? (which y'know, makes a LOT of sense to me. heh.)
one more thing, i've seen it said that S6 will deal more with the relationship between Dean and Sam, kinda like a "back to S1" kinda thing. i was under the impression that S1 though 5 already WAS about the Dean and Sam dynamic, and how influences on their world affect that relationship. guess that must have been a weird impression.
it IS all about Sam. and it IS all about Dean.