let me see if i can remember what all i wanted to say.
Bodge texted me that Sam had "sup-dar," but i'd call it "demon-dar" since he was able to tell that there was something "off" about Creepy Dude at the hospital. i liked the way the zoomed in on his face and then ears, since he could hear the demon.
Dean, Dean Dean.....gah! can Jensen kill me anymore? i knew something was up in the first clip they had circulating from the ep - Dean didn't want to go to a bar full of lonely single women? what? then he didn't want the burger? there was something wrong here. once we find out it's Famine, Dean explains to Castiel that he's "well fed." well that makes sense.... until Famine tells Dean he's dead inside and just going through the motions. oh Dean.....
as for Famine, he makes you hungry and craving something you really really really really want.... like Sam and his demon blood fix. the girls did like the multiple barf-a-demon though!
Sam has that drive, power, determination..... Eric is leading us down the path that Sam will say yes to Lucifer.
Dean is dead inside, going through the motions, punched Cupid when he was talking about John & Mary, locked Sam up again for drinking demon blood.... what else is left? Dean will say yes to Michael.
i don't know which order it will happen. the best way to do it is simultaneously. but since this isn't 24, i wonder which one we'll see first.
the next new episode is March 25. no hiatus whining either. thanks.