Back in November, i posted my
Kripkeology I post, about how Eric takes well-known myths and stories and gives them that extra-special Kripke-twist.
this time, however, he's gone what i call "off-book." i know "off-book" is an acting term once the actors have the script memorized and they don't have to read it from "the book" anymore, but in this case, i'm using it to mean he's not even following "the book" anymore. Example - what i remember of the movie and book "The Firm" (which isn't much), they follow very close for about halfway. then the book goes one way, and the movie goes in a totally different direction - "off-book."
In this case, waaaay off-book. i had a chance to ask my UU Minister something i'd been thinking about since the most recent episode aired, and after i'd read a few comments in various places around LJ.
if you believe it, the short version is this: we don't know if Abel was killed before he had kids or not. we do know Cain had kids, however. But that information doesn't really matter ~ many kids after Cain, Adam and Eve had a son named Seth. and several generations after Seth, a man named Noah was born.
and therefore, biblically speaking, there are no decendents of Cain or Abel - they were all washed away in the flood.
which makes Kripke completely "off book" on this one.
of course, if someone wants to deride and bash Kripke for doing it wrong/lame/cheesy, my suggestion still stands if you think you can do it better: submit your own show to the CW to compete with Supernatural ~or~ write and submit to Kripke an episode for the show (cause your idea is better than those lame writers' anyway, right?). course there's always fanfic.
that's how i see it, and your mileage WILL vary.
ALSO, please read the comments. there will be additional information in them. do not just "shed some light." check out the comments first, then comment. and you don't have to comment to me. but remember - no bashing.
Genesis 4:1-16*
Genesis 5-