Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Rating: R
Wordcount: 14000
Summary: Post canon: Harry Potter and the Egg Collectors. Written for
perverse_idyll for
Notes: Many thanks to betas
bethia_cathrain and
You're not going to be surprised to hear that this
help_japan story is also late. For a long time, I thought about writing something political for
perverse_idyll, something which looked at the politics of the post-war Wizarding world, something sharp and ironic and full of doomed angst. But it didn't work. In the end, I wanted a story where people were happy, where these characters had come to terms with their past and moved on.
In retrospect it should have been another bookshop AU. It's not. But it does have dragons.
Dragonwatch This story is part of the Ten Stories zine, and can be downloaded as a .pdf
here from 22nd July 2012. Please right click and download.
Ten Stories