(no subject)

Oct 20, 2007 18:48


HOLDS (if you have it, though, do offer -- or something I can trade them)
hueg19 (ryuuseistar)
jellopy37 (kaurin)
jellopy47 (mmrobitussin)
jellopy72+92 (rashiea)
jellopy100 (taynis)
jellopy96 (sumeragi_sei)

PRIZES/OTHER (though if you have it, OFFER IT: prizes can be changed)


[Name] Jazzy
[Level] 8
[Cards] 643
[Jellopy] 27/100


just ask! i like people!



i might trade for current decks, other future deck cards, or if you're close to mastering. just ask!


might be a future deck, might not. make an offer!


Certs can be traded if I like the deal -- same goes for event cards~



if you don't think you have anything i want, just link me to your trading post and i'll look around.

Special cards (worth two normal cards):




Activity Log (180)

03.25.08 - easter event!
03.25.08 - mastered 10 decks
03.25.08 - modpay!
03.25.08 - modpay! [backdated]
03.15.08 - voted at sesshy_icontest; got dragon04.
03.15.08 - voted at sesshy_icontest; got splat08.
03.15.08 - submitted at kingdom_chorus; got logic19, inferno19.
03.15.08 - voted at faicontest; got unwanted15, nya15.
03.15.08 - voted at kingdom_chorus; got seal18.
03.15.08 - placed at la_corda_hush; got splat02
03.15.08 - voted at kingdom_chorus; got dreams05.
03.15.08 - voted at la_corda_hush; got splat02
03.15.08 - submitted x2 at kingdom_chorus; got crossover05, jellopy32, producer18, and howl05.
03.15.08 - voted at la_corda_hush; got bang19.
03.15.08 - voted at kouga_stills; got lost15
03.15.08 - voted at kkm_itest; got right12.
03.04.08 - modpay
03.04.08 - voted at hc_icontest; got coffee01.
03.04.08 - voted at videogames_lims; got author19, jellopy67, noa01.
03.04.08 - voted at game_abc; got scientist20.
03.04.08 - voted at kouga_still; got wolf19.
03.04.08 - voted at talesof_awards; got doujin06.
03.04.08 - voted at kouga_still; got loveless20.
03.04.08 - voted at ouranlims; got bite07, gay08, queen19.
03.04.08 - voted at xxxholic_still; got hachi09.
03.04.08 - voted at icon_tournament; got deceit02, wishes20, pervert06

earlier activity logs are here.

Trade Log (453)

03.27.08 - traded digivice for jellopy39 with stuffedpanda
03.27.08 - traded eeyore for persocom13+albhed20+heart14 with azurial
03.27.08 - traded eeyore+kanga for jellopy45+95 with azurial
03.27.08 - given willow18 by mmrobitussen
03.27.08 - traded silver19 for jellopy52 with hitomik
03.27.08 - traded chopin17 for jellopy73 with xx_lotus_xx
03.27.08 - traded unwanted15 for jellopy64 with azurial
03.17.08 - traded right12 for black14 with kaorien
03.17.08 - traded jewel16 for sky07 with xx_lotus_xx
03.17.08 - traded seal18 for hell05 with mobiuswolf
03.15.08 - traded producer18+dreams05 for deceit05+10 with rashiea
03.09.08 - traded colonel01 for jellopy61 with stuffedpanda
03.09.08 - traded megane08+writer15 for resist07+albhed15 with azurial
03.09.08 - traded hachi09 for empathy11 with losers_day
03.09.08 - traded bomb05 for jellopy05 with sumeragi_sei
03.09.08 - traded manager16 for beloved01 with princess_dexter
03.09.08 - traded author19 for deceit15 with mmrobitussin
03.09.08 - traded kaiser05 for sky01 with kirikaito
03.09.08 - traded queen19+pervert05 for hueg16+pizza12 with illeistic
03.09.08 - traded hachi09 for empathy11 with losers_day
03.09.08 - traded bomb05 for jellopy05 with sumeragi_sei
03.09.08 - traded bomb05 for albhed15 with azurial
03.05.08 - traded loveless20 for ginryuu18 with ryuuseistar
03.05.08 - traded fanservice10 for sky18+magician07 with resonancy
03.05.08 - traded infocards+digivice for jellopy74+hueg20 with stuffedpanda
03.05.08 - traded wishes20 for jellopy11 with blowsquirt

earlier logs can be found here.


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