[OOC Meme] CR Guide aka Naoto's Social Links

Sep 17, 2009 12:49

★ - Someone whom Naoto cares about deeply. Either is in love with or has a crush on.
★ - Considered to be family. You've pretty much been adopted by her! Congrats!
★ - Considered a very close friend. Naoto would take a bullet for you. This is actually canon, folks.
★ - Considered a good friend. Naoto actively cares about you and will go to great lengths to help you.
★ - Considered a good acquaintance. You've garnered Naoto's curiosity. She probably likes you, too.
★ - Someone with whom Naoto has spoken to at least once. She doesn't know you well enough to form a strong opinion about you either way.
★ - Someone whom Naoto dislikes. You've obviously said or done something to rub Naoto the wrong way. Not impossible to get on her good side, but very difficult to do if you've ended up here.
★ - Someone whom Naoto hates with a passion. You have to have done something really bad for this to happen. You've hurt one of her friends. You're a psychotic criminal without any sense of morals. Either way, you're never going to get Naoto to like you. Ever.

So, there you go! Categorized by color, and alphabetized by last name. Because I'm organized like that. Expect this to get quite tl;dr for some characters. Will be updating frequently. Ping me if you think you should be on this list!

Saguru Hakuba: ★★ Referred to as "Hakuba".
A half-British, half-Japanese detective from Ekoda who has been chasing Kaitou Kid for years now (some would say he's obsessed with apprehending the infamous phantom thief). Assigned to Ginzo Nakamori's taskforce.

Hakuba is one of the few people around which Naoto can let down her guard. She can tell Hakuba anything, and he'll understand implicitly, because they've both shared so many past experiences. Naoto feels a strong admiration for Hakuba and deeply respects him, as he's solved a staggering number of cases during his relatively short career as a detective. She tries her best to emulate him and hopes that one day she'll reach his level of greatness.

After being rescued from the TV world, Naoto confessed her love to Hakuba, and he eventually told her he feels the same way. Her devotion is so deep that she took a bullet for him in the past, and would readily do so again, if the situation arose. With Akako no longer part of Hakuba's life, he's become far more fragile and distrusting of others. While Naoto remains relatively open with him, she can't help but feel as though there is still a wall between them, like there's a side to Hakuba that he refuses to show to her...

The only other person who rivals Naoto's love for Hakuba is Kanji. She can't bring herself to choose between them, but knows that she must, lest she lose them both...

Kaitou Kid: ★★ Referred to as "Kid".
An infamous phantom thief, he's also known as Kaitou 1412, the Moonlight Magician, and various other monikers. So far, no one has ever been able to apprehend him, and only Ginzo, Hakuba, and Conan have ever successfully thwarted his heists.

Kaitou Kid arouses Naoto's interest like no other criminal has done before. This is her first real encounter with a legendary phantom thief. They've had many heated debates about law and morality. Kid thinks of his heists are artful magic shows and disdains the detectives who are nothing more than ignorant critics who are unable to appreciate his work. When he stole the Crown of Themis, it was a direct challenge to Naoto's moral beliefs in the system of justice; a test for the newest detective to join the community.

He intrigues Naoto in ways she can't even possibly begin to articulate. Their relationship is very much like that of Lupin and Zenigata. He presents a challenging mystery that Naoto can't quite solve. She desperately wants to learn about the man behind the mask and to know of his motivations. Naoto wants to pick Kid's brain, figure out what makes him tick. She enjoys their intellectual debates and the challenge he presents during a heist. He pushes Naoto to her limits and beyond. Kid never hesitates to mention that he sees a great deal of potential in the latest scion of the Shirogane line.

Ever since Naoto was shot by Snake at one of Kid's heists, Naoto has learned quite a bit about Kid's motivations and his personality. She realizes that Kid possesses a selfless nature and hates seeing innocent people get hurt. For just a brief moment, she caught a glimpse of someone behind the mask. And now Naoto has begun to regard Kid as not just a rival, but as someone she genuinely cares about, too.

She confessed her feelings to the phantom thief, even though she knew what the outcome would be. Just goes to show that no woman alive is immune to Kid's charms, even if that woman thinks of herself in masculine terms... But that encounter caused Kid to drop his guard once again, and now Naoto realizes that there is something very familuar about the phantom thief. She's convinced that he's none other than Kaito Kuroba and ended up confronting him about that possibility. Of course, he denied it, but that only served to fuel Naoto's theory. Even so, she has mixed feelings about apprehending him and would rather he not end up in jail. As of now, her desire to prolong the chase overrides her desire to learn of his true identity. For the time being...

Souji Seta: ★★ Referred to as "Souji-san" or "Souji-senpai" or just Senpai. [Canon Mate]
A boy who recently moved to the city of Inaba. Nephew of Ryotaro Dojima and older cousin to Nanako Dojima. Leader of the Investigation Team.

Naoto thinks Souji is quiet and polite, a bit distant at times, but not wholly unlikable. His attitude resembles Minato's, but with less melancholy. Born with a magnetic personality, he has a way of drawing people from all walks of life to him effortlessly. Naoto is deeply impressed with his intelligence and courage, and looks up to him like an older brother at times, though her feelings are a bit more complex... While it's true that she's attracted to him, Naoto knows that Rise has even stronger feelings for their senpai, and is currently trying to play matchmaker between the both of them.

The Detective Prince owes her life to Souji, and would willingly follow him to Hell and back (which they already did, in Magatsu Inaba). She trusts his judgment completely and has never once questioned a decision he's made.

Right now, he is currently aiding Naoto with her investigation of the phantom thief that broke into the Shirogane estate and stole several “detective's tools” which Naoto made as a child.

Kanji Tatsumi: ★★ Referred to as "Kanji". [Canon Mate]
Son of the owner of Tatsumi Textiles. Kanji is a textbook case of "appearances can be deceiving". He's brash, abrasive, clumsy, and has a penchant for solving problems with his fists, He's a good kid and very devoted to his mother. Beneath Kanji's hard, crunchy exterior lies a warm and gooey center. He has a weakness for small, cute things and is a veritable genius at knitting and needlecraft. He's made Naoto various little stuffed animals and even a formal kimono for New Year's.

Naoto and Kanji share a special bond which has been forged in the crucible of battle. Facing countless Shadows and conquering their own inner fears and shortcomings, Naoto has come to regard Kanji as a mirror image of sorts. He was labeled as a boy who doesn't “act like a boy” just as Naoto was labeled as a girl who “doesn't act like a girl.” Both tried to present a hyper-masculine facade to the world, which ultimately ended up hurting them both. Once Kanji stopped trying to hide his more “feminine” hobbies from others did Naoto begin to understand that both men and women are composed of masculine and feminine traits. Looking to Kanji as an example of someone who has learned to balance their masculine and feminine traits, Naoto feels less awkward about indulging in her feminine side every now and again.

Kanji is one of the few individuals that Naoto can open up to completely and without reservation. There is the tacit understanding that he will never judge her, and that he will always accept her, no matter what (a feeling which is mutual). Kanji serves as a stabilizing force in Naoto's otherwise hectic life. He isn't afraid to call her out when she's about to make a stupid decision, yet he's willing to let her make her own mistakes and comfort her when she falls. Like the Emperor Arcana from which his Persona was born, Kanji offers gentle guidance to the ever-shifting energies born of Naoto's Fortune Arcana.

Naoto feels a very deep connection to Kanji, as if they were fated to meet, and perhaps that's true. It's a bond she shares with the entire Investigation Team, but she feels it most strongly with Kanji. Only Souji comes close to the strength of connection she shares with Kanji. The night before the final battle with Adachi and Ameno-sagiri, Naoto confessed her love to Kanji and they made love together for the first time. It was a frightening and awkward experience, but one which held a special significance for Naoto, because it was an experience shared with Kanji, of all people. Despite her logical and rather analytical views, Naoto would describe the act as something spiritual and transcendent.

The only other person who rivals Naoto's love for Kanji is Hakuba. She can't bring herself to choose between them, but knows that she must, lest she lose them both...

Minato Arisato: ★ Referred to as "Minato-kun". [Crossover Canon Mate]
He actually is family. A distant cousin. The last time Naoto saw him in real life before joining the community was at Naoto's parents' funeral. When Naoto joined the community, Minato recognized Naoto's family name, they made the connection. Minato was the first person to introduce Naoto to world-hopping.

Now, Naoto is trying to make up for lost time with his cousin. Aside from her Grampa, Minato is the only family she has left. While it saddens Naoto that Minato doesn't recall many of their childhood memories (which were few enough to begin with), she is determined to make new memories with her cousin.

Minato disappeared from the community once already and has returned with no memory of his time there, though he appears to still remember Naoto.

Conan Edogawa/Shinichi Kudo: ★ Referred to as "Conan-kun" or "Kudo-san".
An eight-year-old boy who is actually the missing high school detective, Shinichi Kudo. Conan revealed his true identity to Naoto after it was discovered that the Black Org had placed wiretaps in her flat in Inaba. Realizing that the Black Org may be spreading their influence to other worlds, Conan took it upon himself to let Naoto in on the special taskforce known as “The Anti-Org Brigade,” which includes Hakuba, Kaitou Kid, Hattori Heji, and Haibara. Suffice it to say, neither Hakuba nor Haibara were happy with Conan's decision, but Naoto is grateful for the chance to assist in any way possible.

Naoto is surprisingly adept at maintaining the masquerade that Conan has established. Publicly, she treats him as a child without looking down her nose at him, but in private she can speak freely to him as an adult. She deeply respects Shinichi and admites his strong sense of justice. Although in truth he's actually older than her, Naoto has unofficially adopted the shrunken detective as a little brother of sorts.

Naoto wants to help Shinichi find the antidote that will restore him to his proper age. She's promised to do what she can to aid the Brigade in taking down Vermouth and the Black Org once and for all.

Ai Haibara: ★ Referred to as "Ai-kun".
Younger cousin to Saguru Hakuba. Mature, intelligent, and extremely devoted to her cousin. She doesn't always see eye to eye with Conan. Haibara is a crack shot with a pistol and works alongside Dr. Agasa to aid Conan with his casework.

They share a lot of the same interests, and they both care for Hakuba a great deal. Haibara seems to disdain Sir Arther Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes on principle, due to Hakuba and Conan's obsession. Luckily, Haibara and Naoto are a bit more well-read when it comes to detective literature. They both enjoy sci-fi literature, as well. Naoto has unofficially adopted Haibara as a little sister of sorts, and would gladly do anything in her power to protect her from harm.

As of now, Naoto has no idea that Haibara is actually Shiho Miyano, a chemist and former member of the Black Organization who created the toxin that shrank both Shinichi and herself. But after being accepted into The Anti-Org Brigade, Conan let slip that there were two people who survived the mysterious toxin that ended up shrinking him. With this bit of information, Naoto strongly suspects that Haibara was the other person that Conan mentioned, though she'd never confront Haibara about it. Naoto knows firsthand about keeping secrets. She's content to wait until Haibara is ready to tell her the truth... if that day should ever come.

Kaito Kuroba: ★ Referred to as "Kaito".
Son of the famous stage magician, Toichi Kuroba, who died under mysterious circumstances. Kaito is also a renowned magician in his own right who frequently performs with a local troupe in Ekoda.

Kaito is definitely one of those people who proves that "you can't judge a book by its cover". At first glance, he appeared to be one of those clownish slackers who just skates by though life, until Naoto learned of his level of intelligence. Then she just labeled him as a lazy genius. But the more they talked with one another, the more Naoto learned about Kaito and his motivations. His father trained him in the magical arts-so well, in fact, that Naoto was convinced that his magic might be "real," like Akako's. But Kaito is simply an ordinary human with no magical powers, just extraordinary talent in the art of illusions and sleight-of-hand. Naoto is thoroughly impressed with Kaito's dedication to his dream of becoming a world famous magician. She understands the idea of wanting to maintain a "family tradition" and the desire to prove one's father proud. What she can't understand is Kaito's obsession with panties and his disdain for Hakuba. Certainly, a mystery for the ages...

Kaito is like that annoying older brother that always plays pranks on you, but wouldn't hestitate to beat the crap out of any bullies that might be stupid enough to pick on his little sister. He's able to bring out a more cheerful side to Naoto, and is one of the few people she feels comfortable enough around to drop her serious facade. Despite Kaito's generally upbeat attitude, Naoto can't help but feel that sometimes Kaito is simply putting up a front. She's getting better at reading his Poker face, but often times she lets him take care of himself. Even so, it feels a bit awkward that she always relies on Kaito to cheer her up when she's down, and yet he rarely allows her the opportunity to return the favor. Although he presents an openness about himself, Naoto feels like he's keeping many secrets. She's torn between the temptation to pry, and the need to let Kaito keep his secrets to himself.

Mello: ★ Referred to as "Mello".
A boy around Naoto's age who was trained as a detective to bring down a famous criminal in his world. Intelligent, ruthless, and headstrong, he'll go to any lengths to take down Kira and prove himself better than Near, a rival detective. Because Kira can kill people as long as he knows their name and face, Mello can never allow his image to be recorded and always goes by an alias. Naoto has never seen any photos of him, nor does she know his true name.

Despite his cool and collected facade, Mello hides a warm and gentle side that few people are privileged to see. They became rather intimate during a virus in which both believed they had been married for two months. What began as a marriage of convenience soon began to blossom into real affection and possibly something even more. Naoto was able to experience for a short time what it would be like to share her life with another person, and she's come to realize how much she craves closeness and acceptance from others. Even after the virus wore off, Naoto still thinks of Mello as someone special to her, though she'd feel a bit awkward engaging in any intimate behaviors with him.

Mello is a bit protective of Naoto, and she now considers him to be an older brother of sorts. Knowing that he is an orphan, she has opened her home to him as a place of refuge. Even knowing of moral ambiguity in his quest to bring Kira to justice, Naoto has hope that Mello will be able to leave that sort of life behind once the case is finally closed.

Aoko Nakamori: ★ Referred to as "Aoko-chan".
Daughter of Ginzo Nakamori. A cute, spunky tomboy who is Kaito's childhood friend and sweetheart. She's cheerful and always smiling, but skirt-flippers beware! The girl's armed with a mop, and she knows how to use it. Naoto finds endless amusement in their antics, and believes their relationship is quite endearing.

Naoto feels comfortable Aoko because she doesn't act super girly. She's come to realize that the girl has a bit of a complex regarding her appearances and worries whether Kaito finds her attractive or not. It's apparent that she's a bit jealous of Naoto's good looks (not to mention her bust size), especially after Naoto won the Miss Yasogami High Beauty Pageant. Naoto finds herself constantly reminding Aoko that she's a very pretty girl and that she should have a little more confidence in herself.

Naoto is a bit protective of Aoko and thinks of her as a sister. Aoko is the kind of girl who can kick ass and take names, all while wearing a skirt! She definitely serves as a positive example of a strong, independent-minded girl who acts tough but also has a soft side. Aoko often vents to Naoto about Kaito's stupidity, and the Detective Prince is only too happy to listen. Perhaps Aoko will help to cultivate a bit more femininity in Naoto and convince her to wear a dress at least once...

Yukiko Amagi: ★ Referred to as "Yukiko-san" or "Yukiko-senpai". [Canon Mate]
Daughter of the owners of the Amagi Inn, a famous tourist spot in Inaba due to its radium-rich hot springs. Polite and genial. She seems to be under a lot of pressure to inherit the inn from her family. Like Issei and Minato, Yukiko is low-key and easy to be around because she doesn't get overly excited about things. The polar opposite of Rise.

Yukiko possesses many social graces which the others lack. Being raised in an traditional inn and having to work in a position of customer service has taught her how to be sensitive to other's feelings. While she possesses an air of aloofness, she's actually a very sweet and approachable girl who is prone to fits of raucous laughter when something funny happens. Naoto thinks she's a very pretty and refined young girl who is both intelligent and domestic. Although, her cooking leaves something to be desired...

Naoto would enjoy spending time with Yukiko more often and learning about the inn's traditions. She would especially like to learn more about kimonos and traditional Japanese cuisine.

Yosuke Hanamura: ★ Referred to as "Yosuke-san" or "Yosuke-senpai". [Canon Mate]
Son of the branch manager of Junes. Energetic and outspoken, and a bit immature. Typical teenage boy. But he can be surprisingly intelligent and analytical... when he's not too busy thinking up schemes to get the girls into swimsuits. Naoto is never going to forget about the Beauty Pageant and the hot springs incident, ever!

Despite the easy-going and carefree attitude, he can get serious when the situation calls for it. And while he sometimes goes too far with his teasing, he's not really a cruel person. He just doesn't always know when to stop. Part of it is probably an attempt to cover up his own pain. Losing Saki-senpai has left a huge hole in his heart, and Naoto can sympathize with Yosuke's pain. Naoto appreciates his dedication to solving the case and respects his desire to apprehend the suspect so that Saki-senpai's spirit can finally be put to rest.

He's comfortable in pretty much any type of social situation, and Naoto looks to him for cues, especially in informal settings. While there are times when Yosuke really gets on her nerves, Naoto sees him as a fun-loving and happy-go-lucky friend. Like with Kaito, Naoto feels that she can relax and be a little less serious when she's around him. She also thinks he has good taste in music and fashion.

Rise Kujikawa: ★ Referred to as "Rise-chan". [Canon Mate]
She's a famous pop idol that's making a name for herself. Rise is that sort of bubbly, energetic, and overly optimistic sort that can easily get on the nerves of some people. Naoto is not one of those people, luckily, though Rise's upbeat attitude can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. She can be a bit nosy and overly chatty, but Naoto genuinely likes her, despite those flaws. And, if you pressed Naoto, she'd probably admit that she thinks Rise is kinda cute.

Rise has taken it upon herself to play matchmaker between Naoto and Kanji. She's constantly foisting them together, but Naoto doesn't really mind all that much. While a bit more girly than Aoko, Naoto wouldn't mind hanging out more often and seeing what it's like to socialize as a girl from time to time.

Issei Ryudo: ★ Referred to as "Issei-kun".
Issei is the very first person who talked to Naoto over the comm, and they've been on good terms ever since. He's a Buddhist monk who is devoted both his faith and his friends (perhaps he's even more devoted to certain friends). Naoto can relate to him quite well because they were both very socially awkward when they were younger and lacked any real significant friendships for a large portion of their lives. They both find it easier to communicate with others through the Internet. Issei has been slowly guiding Naoto along and helping her to open up to people through example (if Issei can do it, then Naoto certainly can!). Just because they don't get to hang out a lot and go do exciting things together doesn't mean that Naoto appreciates Issei any less than her other friends.

Issei is the sort of guy that you know you can rely on in a pinch. He's always been like a cheerleader to Naoto: offering encouraging words and such. He's kind, friendly, compassionate, and doesn't push Naoto's buttons. He's soft-spoken and low-key, qualities which Naoto can appreciate. Issei's shy demeanor only endears him to Naoto. And he's kinda cute when he blushes, too. Despite being acutely gynophobic, he seems okay around Naoto (as long as she's binding her chest, that is).

The two of them share a number of similarities: Both have blue hair. Both got turned into animals by Akako in a fit of jealousy. Both suffer from moments of self-doubt from time to time, and each supports and encourages the other when this happens. Both also harbor a huge crush on the community's resident phantom thief, Kaitou Kid... In fact, his heartfelt confession to Kid over the community inspired Naoto to confess her own feelings in person.

Issei's that one friend you can pretty much call up anytime for a favor (within reason) and he'll help you out, no questions asked! Naoto hopes that Issei will come to rely on her in the same way, as well. Naoto just has to remember not to take Issei for granted and tell him how much she appreciates the monk's help every now and then.

Akihiko Sanada: ★ Referred to as "Akihiko-senpai". [Crossover Canon Mate]
A young man from Iwatodai. Currently training on Cardiff as a member of Torchwood. He seems like a pretty cool guy, really. He dreams of becoming a police officer and possesses a strong sense of justice. Extremely loyal to his friends, he's willing to come to their rescue, no matter what. In fact, he was involved in Naoto's rescue from the TV world.

Akihiko is a bit shy and awkward around girls. He seems okay around Naoto, though, since they got to know one another when he thought that Naoto was a boy. Even so, he gets a little flaily in her presence from time to time. Naoto finds it rather endearing and thinks Akihiko is cute when he blushes.

Tohru Adachi: ★★ Referred to as "Adachi". [Canon Mate]
A young detective at the Inaba Police Department. Partner to Ryotaro Dojima. It later was revealed that he was the true suspect behind the first two murder victims in Inaba.

Adachi was someone whom Naoto trusted, only to be betrayed. He was the only member of the police department that treated her like a human being and actually took the time to talk to her for more that a few minutes. Adachi was the low man on the totem pole, and longed for recognition, much like Naoto. She could sympathize with his desire to prove himself to the police department.

But that goofy smile hid a much more sinister side. Adachi is the sort of man who enjoys watching others suffer. He bears a strong hatred toward women and murdered both Ms. Yamano and Saki-senpai when he was unable to force himself upon them. He craves power and sees people only as tools to further his own ends. He despises the fact that he's weak and was unable to change his lot in life. In the end, he was manipulated by Ameno-sagiri, who fed upon the bitter despair within Adachi's heart and took his nihilistic thoughts as a representation mankind's collective state of mind.

Naoto hates Adachi for what he did by murdering those women, his manipulation of both Namatame and the Investigation Team, and his betrayal of both Naoto and Dojima. She wants to remain in Inaba until the case has been officially closed and Adachi receives his sentence.

Despite everything he's done, Naoto wants to believe that there's hope that the former detective will change. It's a foolish child's hope, but still... if someone like Tyki can reform, then why not Adachi? Of course, Naoto's rage and contempt will remain until Adachi shows some small shred of his humanity by demonstrating remorse for his crimes.

Ryotaro Dojima: ★ Referred to as "Dojima-san". [Canon Mate]
Uncle of Soji Seta. Father of Nanako. Well-known detective in the Inaba Police Department. Adachi's partner on the force. Currently leading the investigation into the serial kidnapping/murder case.

These two didn't see eye to eye when they first met. Dojima was just another adult who saw Naoto as nothing more than a "snot-nosed kid" trying to tell him how to do his job. But after Nanako was kidnapped and subsequently rescued, Dojima warmed up to Naoto considerably. Through his gruff demeanor, Naoto can see that he's a loving father who would do anything to protect his family. He's finally come to accept Naoto and respects her work on the case.

Suguru Kinniku: ★ Referred to as "Suguru-san".
They've spoken maybe three times, but Naoto can't help but like this oddball. Like Kaito, he's one of the few people that Naoto can cut loose and be a bit silly with. Not only that, but he appreciates Suguru's dedication to his work--being some kind of superhero or... something--and likes his easy-going nature. While he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, he's got heart, and that counts for a lot. Also, he somehow taps into that part of Naoto that never stopped watching sentai shows... Definitely someone that would be fun to hang around with at a party or something.

Asuka Soryu Langley: ★ Referred to as "Asuka-san".
One of Minato's roommates in Iwatodai. Also Kaworu Nagisa's girlfriend.

They spoke on the comm briefly, and Naoto learned that Asuka is a child prodigy who already graduated with a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. Not only that, she once piloted a giant robot, which Naoto thinks is totally awesome. Naoto has only briefly heard about Neon Genesis Evangelion but never actually watched the series himself. He only mentioned that fact once and has never brought it up again. He also knows that both Asuka and Kaworu came to live in Iwatodai, after their world was destroyed, but he doesn't know any of the events concerning that, and has felt it best not to ask.

After announcing that she's planning a trip to the US to scout for universities, Naoto offered to pay for both her and Kaworu. Naoto also met up with them on the beach, and they had a rather... interesting time.

Asuka is loud, brash, overly confident, and has no sense of decorum whatsoever. Sort of like a female version of Kanji, really... But she's definitely a good girl, and someone Naoto enjoys speaking with. They can have all kinds of intelligent conversations, but they can also talk about "normal teenager stuff," too. Though, Naoto is starting to wonder if all that bravado is really just a front to protect herself...

Naoto really counts on Asuka to look after Minato, since they share the same apartment, and is grateful to her in that regard. While he's a bit jealous that Asuka seems to know more about Minato than his own cousin, he wants to take the opportunity to get to know her better. Maybe Asuka can help draw Naoto out of his socially awkward shell...

Tyki Mikk-Marquise: ★ Referred to as "Tyki".

Naoto really got off on the wrong foot with Tyki when they first spoke on the community. He saw a video of him and Michael Trinity slaughtering a bunch of smugglers on Gaia in the most gruesome fashion possible. Suffice it to say, that gave Naoto nightmares for a few days afterward. Can't sleep... Pretty pink butterflies will EAT ME! D: Naoto later learned that Tyki's behavior was altered by a virus, and he publicly apologized to the comm for his actions.

Naoto knows that Tyki is possessed by Noah's Pleasure, and that he used to be what many would consider a "cold-blooded killer". of sorts. Naoto still doesn't know much about Tyki's sordid past, but it's obvious that he has turned over a new leaf. Naoto compared him to a recovering alcoholic struggling to stay sober, to which Tyki readily agreed was an apt metaphor. Since Naoto is a teenage alcoholic himself, he could certainly sympathize. Naoto decided to give Tyki a second chance, despite his misgivings, because the Noah has made every effort to make amends for his sins. Not only that, he's a close friend of Hakuba's and was responsible for giving him the tease which ended up saving his life.

The two grew even closer during the Halloween party when Naoto-who was both drunk and emotionally vulnerable at the time-nearly allowed himself to be seduced in order to deal with his inability to express his frustrated feelings for Hakuba. Surprisingly, Tyki demonstrated restraint and forced Naoto to think about what he was doing. Naoto was then able to confide to him about his feelings for Hakuba. That single gesture of goodwill did a lot to raise Naoto's opinion of Tyki.

While Naoto now counts the Noah among his ever growing list of friends, he realizes he needs to tread carefully and remain on his guard. Tyki is like a male version of the femme fatale (homme fatale, maybe?) and that he won't hesitate to make Naoto one of his many sexual conquests, should the young detective let himself be seduced. And while Naoto realizes how dangerous Tyki can be, he can't help but feel himself being ensnared by the Noah's captivating spell. Like a moth drawn to a flame. There's definitely some physical attraction there. Will Naoto will end up getting burned? Only time will tell...

Dark Mousy: ★ Referred to as "Dark".
Another infamous phantom thief on the community. Practically married to Rufus ShinRa.

After Kid's first heist in Inaba, Dark took an interest in Naoto and the boy detective promised she'd show up to the thief's next heist. Suffice it to say, she didn't stop him from making off with the target, but she did smack him in the face with her yo-yo. She still thinks of Dark as a bit arrogant. Naoto finds the rivalry between Kid and Dark to be rather amusing.

Now that Dark knows that Naoto is a girl, he constantly tries to flirt with her, which annoys both Naoto and Kid. They have a bit of a rivalry going on in an attempt to see which of them can keep the community's only female detective on her toes. Naoto appears to have a decided preference for Kid...

She knows a lot more about Dark and his connection to both Daisuke and Krad. Now that Krad has taken a dislike toward Naoto, Dark has promised to protect her from him.

Ginzo Nakamori: ★ Referred to as "Nakamori-keibu".
Father of Aoko Nakamori. Head of the Kaitou Kid taskforce.

He's become a sort of pseudo-father figure to Naoto. Ginzo gets along best with Naoto out of all the high school detective because she's "less annoying than the others." He's extremely supportive and understanding of the fact that Naoto is a female detective struggling to make a name for herself in a man's world. Naoto views Ginzo as a more open version of Dojima. Being good friends with his daughter probably helped with that.

As the head of the taskforce, Ginzo tends to view all the members as a family of sorts. Working underneath him, Naoto has experienced for the first time what it's like to truly be accepted by her co-workers. Everyone has been so nice and friendly with her, and truth be told, she loves their enthusiasm and gusto. She's made a decision to finally "come out" at work because she's confident that everyone will still accept her, even though she's a girl. In fact, they'll probably respect her even more. Ginzo knows a few female detectives who are just as capable as any man, if not more, so he feels that Naoto's sex isn't something she should worry about.

Shinjiro Aragaki: ★ Referred to as "Shinjiro". [Crossover Canon Mate]

Antonio Fernandez Carriedo [Spain]: ★ Referred to as "Antonio".

Maraich: ★ Referred to as "Maraich".
Another one of those people who seems to know everyone on the community. He's been here for quite a long time, too.

Karen Minazuki: ★ Referred to as "Minazuki-san".
She's one of those people who seems to know everyone. She's been on the comm for quite a while, so he's a useful source of information about the comings and goings. Karen also appears to come from a wealthy family, much like Naoto. While Naoto may not know much about her, he likes her well enough, and would like to become closer friends with her. His Detective's Intuition pinged a bit when Naoto declared that he was going to apprehend Kid, so he figures she's another one of the phantom thief's many "fangirls". She also appears to be good friends with Kaito and Hakuba.

There's a strong indication that Karen may harbor a crush toward Naoto, especially now that she knows the Detective Prince is really a girl...

Kaworu Nagisa: ★ Referred to as "Nagisa-san".
Heard about him through Asuka and Minato. First met him at the beach party. It was both awe-inspiring and unnerving. To Naoto, Kaworu is like some piece of art brought to life, but he has this way of looking a little too deeply into your soul... Naoto's afraid that somehow, Kaworu knows he secret now.

Naoto is both fascinated and a little frightened by Kaworu's quietude. His demeanor actually reminds him a bit like Minato. He would like to get to know Kaworu better, not necessarily as a friend, but to satisfy his own curiosity. Of course, he certainly seems pleasant enough, regardless...

A video of Kaworu's death was posted to the comm, and Naoto questioned Asuka about it. He now knows that Kaworu is an Angel, and that he belongs to the same race of creatures that tried to wipe out humanity in Asuka's world. Of course, Naoto doesn't see Kaworu as anything less than human (quite the contrary, really). The whole conversation seemed to put Asuka on edge, though, and Naoto apologized profusely afterward.

Dr. Franken Stein: ★ Reffered to as "Dr. Stein", or simply "Doctor".

The Tenth Doctor: ★ Referred to as "Ten".
While Naoto is more familiar with the Fifth Doctor (having watched those seasons of Doctor Who with his Grampa a long time ago) he's actually spoken more to the Tenth Doctor. Ten is a lot like Issei--the kinda guy who will offer words of encouragement and is just generally nice to be around.

Kazuha Toyama: ★ Referred to as "Kazuha-san".

Phoenix Wright: ★ Referred to as "Mr. Wright".

Dante: ★ Referred to as "Dante".
First spoke to him when he decided to put up a "Public Service Announcement" warning the community about Wesker and Birkin. Naoto, being the concerned detective that he is, read it and thus became informed of the two very dangerous psychopaths.

Something about Dante's attitude reminds Naoto of a "true" hard-boiled detective. This is the sort of "cool" and "manly" guy that Naoto could really come to idolize, if given the chance. He's an adult who treats Naoto with respect, and he appreciates that. And he's also not entirely human...

He fights demons. Demons! How cool is that?

Arther Kirkland [England]: ★ Referred to as "Mr. Kirkland".
First met and spoke to him while Hakuba was being hospitalized. Blond and British. Another one of Hakuba's newest acquaintainces. Naoto could definitely get along with this guy.

Itsuki Koizumi: ★ Referred to as "Itsuki-san".
He's an intelligent sort of person and Naoto enjoys speaking with him well enough, but something about him just pings Naoto's Detective Sense. Especially during Kid's last heist. The conversation they shared about games and Poker led Naoto to the clue he needed to determine the place of Kid's heist. So far, no more pinging of his detective's intuition, but Naoto's going to be keeping an eye on Itsuki from now on...

Daisuke Niwa: ★ Referred to as "Niwa-san".
They've only spoken once, when Naoto was organizing the massive group visitation for Hakuba while he was being hospitalized. He's got Naoto's Detective Sense pinging pretty good. Apparently, the boy claims to be "friends" with Kaitou Kid, and is trying very hard to convince Naoto that he could be friends, too. He also thinks it'd be easier if Naoto just out-right asked Kid what motivates him to steal. Naoto is a bit dismissive of Daisuke's naivete, but he's only a kid, so...

Simon the Digger: ★ Referred to as "Simon".
A close friend of Kaito's, he considers him like an older brother, actually. Though Naoto and Simon disagree over the matter of Kid (whom Simon is trying to protect) they appear to have gotten off on the right foot. Naoto is suggesting that they team up and prank Kaito on Halloween.

Azula: ★ Referred to as "Azula".

Krad: ★ Referred to as "Krad".

Rufus ShinRa: ★ Referred to as "Rufus".

Sonoko Suzuki: ★ Referred to as "Suzuki-san".
Apparently a whining fanbrat of Kaito Kid who runs a message board dedicated to his exploits. Naoto first spoke to her before Kid's scheduled appearance for the heist in Inaba. Took an immediate disliking to her fangirlish enthusiasm.

William Birkin: ★ Referred to as "Dr. Birkin".
First spoke during Dante's little PSA about him and Wesker. Naoto took an immediate dislike to his amorality.

This guy is one sick, twisted mofo. He used his own wife and child in his experiments without one shred of remorse. And what's worse? It's not the fact that he's doing it to prove he's "evil" or anything; he just really, genuinely does not care. Human lives hold no more value to him than those of your typical lab rat, and Naoto cannot endorse that sort of thinking. If there's one thing Naoto believes in more than anything, it's that life is precious and should not be taken under any circumstances.

Birkin embodies all the worst traits of the amoral scientist. He's creepy as all get-out (especially with that comment about how he prefers "pretty" guinea pigs) and his generally "holier-than-thou" attitude toward his own intellectual pursuits just really rubs Naoto the wrong way.

He'll be keeping an eye out on this one. And will warn anyone and everyone about his misdeeds.

Albert Wesker: ★ Referred to as "Mr. Wesker".
First spoke during Dante's little PSA about him and Birkin. You know that feeling you get when there's a truly dangerous beast lurking in the woods, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end? That's the feeling Naoto gets from this guy.

While Birkin is creepy as all get-out and slightly unhinged, Wesker is cool and calculated. And that's what makes him dangerous. He's not "for the evulz" like Birkin: he's a perfectly rational sort of guy. That willingly exchanged his humanity for power. He's so confident in his abilities that he doesn't need to advertise. "The sly eagle hides it's claws," after all.

Naoto does not want to run into this guy in a dark alley. Ever. He'll be keeping an eye on Wesker, but unless he's really pressed, he'd rather not pick a fight with this guy. At least, not without back up...

Vermouth: ★ Referred to as "Vermouth"
A member of the Black Org. Vermouth is extremely dangerous and not to be trifled with. She's very mysterious and tends to answer questions with: “Secrets are what makes a woman a woman.”

Dropped Characters

Akako Koizumi: ★ Referred to as "Akako-san".
Akako actually frightened Naoto a bit the first time the spoke on the comm (which happened to be during the planning for Hakuba's surprise birthday party). She seemed to become a bit hostile when she learned that Naoto wanted to become closer to Hakuba and work with him on the Kaitou Kid case. They met at the party, and Naoto attempted to win her over with a small peace offering (some fine vintage wine) in an attempt to assuage any feelings of jealousy that might arise. Sadly, it didn't work. Akako definitely sensed some sparks between Hakuba and Naoto as the boy presented his gift to the older detective.

To teach Naoto a lesson, Akako transformed him into a frog (the one critter Hakuba can't stand to be around) and the spell would be broken only if someone kissed Naoto. Though Hakuba tried time and time again to convince Naoto to let him break the curse, Naoto knew that it would only serve to further enrage Akako, and thus declined the offer. Not only that, Naoto knew that Hakuba was offering out of a sense of guilt, and he'd never be able to receive a kiss from Hakuba under duress.

After the curse was broken, it came to light that Akako, Hakuba, and Issei were all under the effects of the "Three's Company Virus," and Issei was punished in a similar, if less severe manner. Naoto could tell that this was hard for Akako to handle, having her relationship with Hakuba invaded because of the malicious effects of the community. And while Naoto wanted to comfort her in someway, he knew that the gesture would not be appreciated.

Naoto can tell that despite her outwardly menacing demeanor, Akako has a soft side that she reveals only to Hakuba. He's never seen it firsthand, but he's heard from others, and he caught a glimpse of that tenderness when Hakuba was hospitalized. He sympathizes for her, and yet he knows that she will never treat him with anything other than disdain.

While Naoto would like to be friends with Akako, he knows that such a relationship is impossible, and so tries to just stay out of her way as best he can. Despite his own feelings, Naoto would never want to do anything that might put a strain on Hakuba and Akako's relationship.

Last Updated: 01/24/10

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