SPN Fic: The Cold Night Air [1/2] (Castiel/Meg; R)

Jun 03, 2012 00:24

Title: The Cold Night Air [1/2]
Author: agirlnamedtruth
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Castiel/Meg
Claim: Castiel/Meg
Theme: Theme 01: Elemental
Prompt(s): #21: Air
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox.
Summary: Meg leaves the hospital with no underwear on and finds it makes the rest of the night more interesting.
Warnings/Author Notes: Originally this was going to be one fic but I got carried away and it ceased to be a snapshot, so I've made it into two interrelated pieces. I'll be posting the next part tomorrow. Also written for the trope "Vaporwear" at 10tropes

Getting changed in the middle of what could be the end of the world was a bitch. She pulled off her scrubs and looked at the sports bra she wore for ‘work’ with distain. She certainly wasn’t going down wearing that. She pulled it over her head and replaced it with the top she’d worn that morning. It was low cut and ran the risk of danger but it was loose enough that she wasn’t really worried.

She kicked herself for not having the hindsight (because when one spends any amount of time with the Winchesters, the world is likely to end sooner or later) to have brought any spare panties either. She took a moment to evaluate her situation. She could always buy some at a later date and she’d been in her current ones all day, God knows when her next chance to change them would be. She shrugged, she’d gone commando more than once in her life. What was the worst that could happen? (Apocalypse and death notwithstanding.)

She left her scrubs in her locker. She knew she’d never need them again after today. Castiel had woken up. She didn’t need to be his nursery nurse anymore.


The atmosphere in the cabin was killing her. Dean wouldn’t look at Castiel, Castiel was oblivious and Sam wasn’t helping by trying to act like he wasn’t. The kid was making her uneasy. He practically oozed ‘heaven’s influence’ and whenever she came across someone like that, it didn’t end well.

She checked her watch. She had half an hour until those gullible dicks of Crowley’s were expecting her. She looked around her. Everyone was pretending to be asleep except her. Sam and Dean were both too well trained to really sleep at a time like this. The kid was too scared to close his eyes. And Castiel needed sleep as much as she did. Which was not at all. He was the one she could feel across the room, watching her. She shifted in her seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable, and then wishing she hadn’t as the tight, stiff material of her jeans pressed against her in a new angle, one she wasn’t used to.

Somewhere between that and knowing she was being watched, she felt frustration rise up in her like impatience often did. It made her stomach flip and made her want to press up against something, anything, that could give her relief.

She got up and made for the door, hoping the cold night air would distract her. She could feel his eyes follow her as she moved.

She let the night air hit her like a truck but did it nothing to calm her down. Her nipples hardened in defence against the change in temperature and brushed against the fabric of her top. Where she’d become wet turned cold and almost more enticing. She sighed and leaned against the wall of the cabin, wishing she smoked or something like that so that she had something to do.

She looked up when the cabin door opened, almost jumping until she saw that it was just Cas.

“You seem restless.” He said by way of explanation.

“Yeah, well, us non-human folk don’t sleep.”Meg said waving a hand between them. He leaned against the wall, mere centimetres from her. Even without all of his marbles, he still didn’t observe the custom of personal space.

“No, it’s not that.” He looked her up and down, eyes lingering at certain points. “Your vessel craves carnality and for some reason that’s causing you stress.”

Meg turned to look at him, almost stunned. “You’ve become awfully aware since...” She caught his eye and he looked confused. She couldn’t bring herself to call him crazy, not when he didn’t want to see it. She paused before her curiosity took over. “Does you vessel ever crave anything?”

“It has a disturbing fondness for eating red meat. Something I have discovered while unnecessary, is nice to indulge in.”

“I meant anything sexual?” Meg clarified.

“Heaven has told me I’m above that.”

“But are you though?” She countered.

Castiel leaned into her, his body managing to feel intensely close while not quite touching her. His hand brushed over her face, closing her eyes. “So He doesn’t see and won’t cry.” Castiel whispered as his justification.

“Ok?” She answered, not knowing what he was on about but going with it anyway.

“While you sat in there, you looked deep in thought. It’s an amazing thing to see a creature of your sort deep in thought.” He picked up her hand and trailed it over the bare skin above her breasts, then over her barely covered nipples. “And what you were thinking about seemed appealing to your vessel,” He lowered the hand so that it brushed over her stomach, down to where denim pressed so close to her clit, him making it push closer. “Enough so that I could smell you from across the room and you felt the need to excuse yourself and I felt the need to follow you.” He let her hand drop and was suddenly far enough away that she couldn’t feel him anymore. “Does that answer your question?”

“Fuck, Cas, you coulda just said yes.” She said, opening her eyes and finding herself slightly breathless. She looked him over, taking in the blown pupils and way his heartbeat made the vein in his neck jump. She realised that was what he’d been doing a second ago with her, checking for the obvious signs.

“May I ask you a question?” He said, making her look back up at his face.

“Go ahead.”

“What were you thinking about?”

This time she leaned into him, not bothering to hold back the last few millimetres like he had done. She didn’t bother to close his eyes either, she wanted him to look. She took his hand and placed it on her hip, her fingers over his, to act as a guide.

“I was thinking about how everyone else in the room was pretending to be asleep.” She made his hand slip under her top, over her abs, making them jump at the foreign touch. “But not you and me. We don’t need to bend to what they do. We know we don’t sleep.” She brought his hand up to her breast, it unbelievably warm compared to the cool night air. She watched as his eyes left hers to stare in fascination at the definition of their hands on her chest. He didn’t know what to with them but she squeezed his hand and he found himself repeating the action. “We sit in the dark and know that we’re different.” His other hand came to rest on her waist, of its own accord. “Then I felt your eyes on me.” She moved his hand back down until it was stopped by the waistband of her jeans. “I could feel you watching me.” She took her hand off his so that she could unzip her jeans, his eyes following her hands. She pushed the denim away from her skin before putting her hand back on one of his. “And that turned me on.” She brought his hand within an inch of where she wanted it to be and then dropped it like he had done with hers. “Does that answer your question? Because it certainly answered mine.”

category: het, rating: r, character: meg masters (spn), fandom: supernatural, !challenge (misc), character: castiel (spn), pairing: castiel/meg, ~unposted, work: fic

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