POTC Fic: Walls Of The Thinest Wood (Jack/Elizabeth; PG13) [2/?]

May 06, 2012 22:48

Title: Walls Of The Thinest Wood [2/?]
Fandom: Pirates Of The Caribbean
Pairing: Elizabeth/Jack
Rating: PG13
Word count: 220
Summary: Somewhere off in the distance, or quite possibly, in the cabin next to his, Jack heard a scream.
Warnings/Triggers: Implied masturbation.

Part 1

Somewhere off in the distance, or quite possibly, in the cabin next to his, Jack heard a scream. Now, he was quite an expert on women screaming, because of the nature of piracy if nothing else. So when he heard this scream, Elizabeth’s scream to be exact, he knew it was mostly fake, with just the edge of something real. Not fear though, it was passion. Or at least watered down, I’ve already done this three times tonight passion. But Jack wasn’t aware of that; because even this time it had been the dull thump on his wall, right by his head, that had woken him. He was practically immune to women screaming. Especially Elizabeth, who screamed at him rather often.

His brain quickly caught up with the connection of events. Miss Elizabeth was putting on a show. She wanted t be heard. Jack considered his options. He was, after all awake now so there was no sense in ignoring her entirely. He could either a. go to her, give her what she wants and she’d probably never ask again or b. let her think she goes unheard therefore making her more determined to get what she wants.

The obvious answer to him was b.

He smiled to himself and whispered “Maybe tomorrow night, love.” into the wood beside him.

category: het, fandom: pirates of the caribbean, character: elizabeth swann (potc), rating: pg13, pairing: elizabeth/jack, !challenge (mmom), ~unposted, work: fic, character: jack sparrow (potc)

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