Stop Ruining My Potential Sam-hagness

Jan 09, 2009 09:59

If you haven't seen the pictures of Jensen, find them now. He's so pretty and dapper and such a leading man. His serious interview voice and real guys guy stories and smile, well lets just say I haven't forgotten why I love him so much. Jared is new and fresh, but Jensen never lets me down. Its a battle really ( Read more... )

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truelyesoteric January 9 2009, 17:33:31 UTC
Sigh. I feel like such a tool that I can't decide. Its like Jared's hair versus Jensen's freckles. Jared's legs versus Jensen's everything, Jensen's ernestness versus Jared's playfulness. How do you pick between Sparklyness and Snarkiness (Yes those two do need to be made into My Little Ponies). Its like picking between my children.

You are probably better for ignoring the wank. I have a good f-list and they usually steer clear of insanity. Hence why they are friends. I'm just addicted to knowing what is going on. Then I hate myself afterwards.

What can you do?


mashimero January 9 2009, 18:05:44 UTC
GUH. I might just have to do that My Little Pony manip! I can't get the picture out of my head. But yes, I feel bad when I can be swayed so easily between the two.


truelyesoteric January 10 2009, 15:24:51 UTC
That sound AWESOME. Do it.


mashimero January 12 2009, 17:52:15 UTC

... )


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