Title: Just a Name
Author: truelyesoteric
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Jensen/Jared implied others. Hey they’re hookers, but it’s all off screen. I think that Tom and Mike have something going on, but you don’t really see much of that either
Warnings: This is AU RPS. Actually this could be read as AU Sam and Dean. Actually if you tilt your head and squint your eyes this could be AU Gilmore Girls Dean too. Also this is hooker!fic. Also underage Jared having sex, implied and explicit. I’m sure that hooking isn’t as nice as I make it seem, don’t have sex for money, even if it looks like you could make way more money than working at Staples.
ETA: Also drug use, nothing graphic. A really inaccurate withdrawl. And Russian Novels. I also do not own Tolstoy.
Spoilers: Its just AU
Disclaimer: Lies, all Lies. I’m fairly sure that Jensen and Jared weren’t hookers at one point. Sam and Dean, probably not either. And if GG Dean was a hooker then I really never paid enough attention to that show.
Word Count: 9000
Summary: The first time Jared rented out some body part he was 15 and he was paid in pizza. But he learned the most important lesson. You don't get anything for free. He was a little cash poor. The only thing he had worth payment was the body he had been born with.
A/N: Not Beta-ed. Just me in my head.
ProlougeOneTwoEpilouge The world needs a little hooker!fic