Been voting for a LONG time.
♥ You ♥
1. Name? Hime chan
2. Would you want to be paired with a male/female/whatever? A Man please!
3. Your meaning of love? So many's so simple and yet so complex. It's seeing someone as perfect, even when they aren't. It's going for each other despite anything else. A full surrendering of yourself to someone else
4. Pickup line most likely to work on you? It takes more than cheesey pick up lines to get me! Men can talk all they want, but do they walk the walk?
5. Favorite love song (may post lyrics)? Total Eclipse of the Heart, Fernando, Waterloo and 1000 Miles
♥ Your partner ♥
6. Which character do you think you're least compatible with and why? Pegasus he's a creepy closet-case and yet in my nightmares he's ALWAYS trying to make me his bride.
7. The man/woman of your dreams clearly is... (list 3 things):
1. Committed to me and only me.
2. Always there for me no matter what!
3. Kind, empathetic and thoughtful.
8. The man/woman of your dreams clearly isn't... (list 3 things):
1. An evil, powermad killer intent on destroying the earth, all of humanity, etc.
2. An ungrateful, unfeeling jerk.
3. A philandering ladies-man who thinks he's God's gift to women.
9. Shy or outgoing? Doesn't matter...if he's shy, I won't be shallow...if he's outgoing, I'll laugh and think about how cute he is(within limitations; there are somethings that are a little too extreme)
10. Calm or hyper? Calm when I freak out and hyper when it's time to play!
11. Fun or serious? Fun, I love men who make me laugh, but know when it's time to be serious.
12. Physically or mentally strong? Both within the right range of balance. I like a man to be physically strong, but not if he's a steriod injecting idiot...I like a man to be smart but not if he puts on the "I'm smarter than you" or the critic personna.
13. What kind of underwear you'd rather have them wear? COMMANDO!!! Actually it doesn't matter, because he isn't going to get a piece of what I've got until we're married.
♥ You and your partner ♥
14. What would you two do for fun? Dueling, playing (video games and with toys...a man who's too good for his inner child isn't good enough for me), dancing to any kind of music, walks on the beach, trips to amusement parks and, well, anything...
15. Who pays for dinner? He does, unless he is broke, in that case, I don't mind paying if it means I get to be with him.
16. In a video store you two would end up renting...: Episodes of The Sopranos. He knows that the Tony Soprano/Dr. Melfi forbidden love makes me hot!
17. Who makes the first move? That depends...I'm flattered by guys who make the first move, but sometimes...okay, alot of the time...the man is clueless so I make the first move just to get things started.
18. Who's the seme and who's the uke? Were both uke. Both he and I refuse to be anybody's b*tch.
19. Nickname-giving allowed? I used to be picky about this, but not so much anymore. However, there are a few unacceptable ones, like "yo B*tch" and anything having to do with Pooh Bear, Piglet and the Honey Pot.
20. Who would give The Talk? We don't need "the talk," we know each other so well that we don't have to ask or apollogise for anything in this matter. The unspoken agreement is "On the wedding night anything goes." And none of this "Am I pleasing you?" crap.
♥ What if questions ♥
21. What if your partner wanted to have a baby? Sure I want a family and to have his children, but I need a matrimonial commitment first.
22. What if your partner went into an emo fit for a while? I'd bear with him until it becomes a serious problem, then I'd insist that he get help and look to the light. I know that depression isn't something you can just snap out of, but you don't have to suffer when there are ways to treat it.
23. What if your partner bought something big you have no interest in? Well, I understand that we aren't going to agree on everything so I'd be cool with it as long as it doesn't become his new girlfriend.
24. What if your partner had to go away for business for a while? I'd insist on going with him! But if I absolutely can't I'll just wait for him knowing that his heart is mine and he'll be back.
25. What if your partner forgot your anniversary because he/she was too busy preparing for a Duel Monsters tournament? Depends on the circumstances...but deep down I'd still love him even if I was angry with him. I'd help him prepare and tell him that he owes me!
♥ Characters (for voters) ♥
Vivian :: Solomon :: Seigfried :: Rex :: Odion :: Mako :: Mahado :: Kisara :: Bobasa :: Weevil :: Mana :: Leon :: Ishizu :: Bandit Keith :: Ryou Bakura :: Mokuba :: Tristan :: Yami Marik :: Varon :: Raphael :: Pegasus :: Dartz :: Amelda :: Yami Yugi :: Mai Valentine :: Serenity :: Rebecca :: Noa Kaiba :: Duke :: Yugi :: Yami Bakura :: Tea :: Seto Kaiba :: Marik :: Joey Wheeler