STOP! Give me at least 3 links of other surveys you voted for here (unless basically everyone's stamped, of course). If you’re re-applying, tell who you got last time, and tell us why you are. ♥ You ♥
1. Name? Hiro
2. Would you want to be paired with a male/female/whatever? I'd like a male.
3. Your meaning of love? Something that makes you do crazy things you wouldn't normally do all for the sake of someone else.
4. Pickup line most likely to work on you? They don't. Plain and simple.
5. Favorite love song (may post lyrics)?
Live - Forever May Not Be Long Enough ♥ Your partner ♥
6. Which character do you think you're least compatible with and why? Yugi. I can't stand hero types. I don't like Yami Yugi for the same reason. Rex and Weevil are just annoying, and Yugi's grandpa is too old. Ew.
7. The man/woman of your dreams clearly is... (list 3 things):
- Patient
- Affectionate
- Open minded
8. The man/woman of your dreams clearly isn't... (list 3 things):
- Clingy
- Controlling
- Whiny
9. Shy or outgoing? Too much of either would get on my nerves. I'd prefer someone who leans slightly more towards shy. That way they won't be dragging me off to meet all of their friends who I most likely would have absolutely no interest in, and would probably want to beat with a baseball bat by the end of the day.
10. Calm or hyper? Calm. I can't stand people who bounce off of the walls constantly. Stop putting pixie sticks in your coffee, damn it!
11. Fun or serious? Someone fun. They do need to know when not to goof off, but people who are too serious bore me.
12. Physically or mentally strong? Brains are more attractive then brawn. I don't want a wimp but muscleheads disgust me. How can anyone find bulk attractive? Those people look like they'd deflate if you poked them with a needle.
13. What kind of underwear you'd rather have them wear? Boxers.
♥ You and your partner ♥
14. What would you two do for fun? Go see a movie or something. If I don't feel like going out I suppose we'd stay in and watch Mythbusters.
15. Who pays for dinner? He'd pay, we'd split the bill, or alternate. I'm not shelling out my cash for a cheapskate. Pay up or leave.
16. In a video store you two would end up renting...: An action movie, sci-fi, or something funny. I hate sappy romantic chick flicks.
17. Who makes the first move? If I really like someone, I will, but I'm not fond of having to do it. I'd rather have him say that he likes me.
18. Who's the seme and who's the uke? ...Give me a minute to stop laughing, will you? The way this question is worded is just too...hilarious. *an hour later* If you must know, I tend to be the dominant one.
19. Nickname-giving allowed? Yes, but nothing too cutesy. Call me "smooshy bear" and I'm going to deck you.
20. Who would give The Talk? The wha? What talk? *clueless blink*
♥ What if questions ♥
21. What if your partner wanted to have a baby? I'd spaz and run away. No kids, no, no, no, NO! I hate children!
22. What if your partner went into an emo fit for a while? How long is "a while"? I'd try and help if I could. Eventually though I'd get annoyed and just backhand them for being stupid. I don't want to hear you mope for the rest of eternity. Shut up already!
23. What if your partner bought something big you have no interest in? As long as it doesn't get in my way or otherwise become annoying, I'm not going to care a whole lot.
24. What if your partner had to go away for business for a while? I wouldn't be that happy about it but I'd let them go. If I thought it was too long to be away I'd talk them into not staying for so long. Or just tie them to a chair.
25. What if your partner forgot your anniversary because he/she was too busy preparing for a Duel Monsters tournament? In all honesty, I probably wouldn't remember myself. I'm horrible with dates. I don't make a big deal out of that sort of thing anyway.
♥ Characters (for voters) ♥
Vivian :: Solomon :: Seigfried :: Rex :: Odion :: Mako :: Mahado :: Kisara :: Bobasa :: Weevil :: Mana :: Leon :: Ishizu :: Bandit Keith :: Ryou Bakura :: Mokuba :: Tristan :: Yami Marik :: Varon :: Raphael :: Pegasus :: Dartz :: Amelda :: Yami Yugi :: Mai Valentine :: Serenity :: Rebecca :: Noa Kaiba :: Duke :: Yugi :: Yami Bakura :: Tea :: Seto Kaiba :: Marik :: Joey Wheeler