You know, this e-petition thing has generated enough discussion that it's made me think that for simple either/or questions (for example, GOOD or BAD) setting up two opposing petitions might be a more inclusive way of resolving disputes than an LJ poll, which can only be used by people on LJ
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There's been quite a noise in the press about a petition to scrap a road pricing scheme that doesn't even exist yet; (see for example). This is a shame, as I think that a road pricing scheme is a very sensible plan to try
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Somewhat after I started feeling very ill indeed, and thinking that I must have drunken rather more than my share of wine than I thought I had, Ruth mentioned that the Winter Vomiting Virus has been going round her school.
A few weeks ago, I was introduced to 24 in 24 by a bunch of like-mided crazy lunatics. It was awesome. In lieu of a review, I kept a running total of kills by our hero, Jack Bauer.
Well, some of these date back to May, so it's about time I posted them. Some of the questions did make me think, and I may revisit them in a longer post in the future.
EDITED: Oops, missed one question and made a factual error...