Jul 20, 2009 13:43

I want to watch it again RIGHT NOW. I swear, I'm losing my touch at watching shows from week to week, rather than all at once. I can't wait to see what happens next.

WOOT! I've been sick the past couple of days, so this is exactly the pick me up I need!

Meanwhile, back at the orgy...

Um, Sam, why would you follow the strange woman who says she knows what you are into the woods? Okay, that's a dumb question, but right now I'M ASKEERT!

HA! I was totally right! Awwwww! She's a deer! I told you! Of course... I said werewolf, but that's because sometimes I lack imagination.

Hee. The look on Sam's face is just precious!

Bad things... dadada! I'm too tired to sing. You guys sing it.

Okay, yeah, it's great... what's the catch?

Hahahaha. Terry. "Gooood party." He's so cute!

Awww, Sookie. She just wants to be friends.

"You didn't say I couldn't order off the menu!"

"Sookie, there's dirty movies on TV!" "Eww, yuck." LOL Jessica rules, and Sookie's a hypocrite.

Awwww. They get to stay in bed together all night. And Sookie's such a horny girl, isn't she?

"You're talking to the man!" Awww, Hoyt. He's totally reading a comic book. They are so freaking CUTE!

Meanwhile, back at Creepy Camp...

Rise and shine for God! Why does that drill sergeant look so familiar? Oh, goody, the Lukinator's here. They're so in love, they're totally having a push up contest.

Mmmm, pretty Eggs and Tara.

Poor Barry. He's totally Sookie a couple of years ago, only way less cheerful and well-adjusted.

"You're walking in my shoes, and they're giving you blisters."

Aw, poor Terry. LOL.

LAFAYETTE! He's so subdued, man, it's sad.

Sorry, I got distracted at Camp Creepy there.

See, Tara, I told you that you weren't free just because you left Maryann's. And you're hair looks really beautiful this morning.

Man, Lukinator's a wuss! Can't even climb a fence. I wonder if something really did happen to his family. The way he's reacting is a bit over the top... although I guess abject humiliation can do that to you, especially right on top of physical exhaustion. And Jason may be dumb, but he's sweet. Okay, is it just me? I'm finding that a bunch of vigilante Jesus people are even scarier than the standard brand. When Jason cried "Praise his name!" really loud like that, it reminded me of those creepy cult guys in the Buffy episode "Reptile Boy."

HI ERIC! Oh, he's not in a good mood tonight. Bill is sure right about him being really intense.

Uh oh... conflict in the Creepy Castle. The King and the Queen aren't exactly presenting a united front, are they? Of course they have an armory. What kind of vigilante army would they be if they didn't?

And Uh oh again... conflict at Merlotte's. Courtesy of Maryann, of course.

Mrs. Creepy continues her seduction. And you KNOW Jason's not going to be able to say no for long. Heh. Ryan Kwanten has those idiot expressions down to a science.

Aw, poor dumb, sweet Jason. "No!" "You don't mean it." "No... but I oughta." This is just not going to end well. I mean, right this MOMENT it's ending really well for Jason. But it's going to come back to bite him on the ass. Maybe literally. *rimshot*

OMG VIKING FLASHBACK! VIKING FLASHBACK! "Wherever I am, there will always be women." "I'm not afraid. I'm pissed off." Oh, hi, Godric! Eric is THE AWESOMEST. This guy offers him all this poetic stuff, and he asks, "What's in it for me?" Hee. That is so Eric.

Wow, that was some scene, man. Vulnerable Eric? Wow.

And with all this, Sam STILL doesn't ask about the scars on her back?

Oh, shit, Maryann's totally playing Gran? WTF? She creeps me out, man. Maryann is like, the manipulator of manipulators.

Yeah, Sookie, Bill has a heart, but what he's not telling you is that Eric apparently has one too. I haven't seen enough to feel any hoyay, but there is definitely a deep relationship there.

Hee. Sookie's such a horny bugger. Well, I guess she does have a lot of time to make up for.

OH SHIT. Lorena! She's gonna be trouble. I'm so glad I'm not spoiled for this show!

Questions? Comments? Vague misgivings? ;)

season 2: episode 5, episode commentary

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