True Blood Season 3 Finale - Fix or Delete?

Sep 14, 2010 00:07

So, last night was the True Blood Season 3 finale and while for the first time we actually got more than 5 minutes of Sookie, Eric, Bill, Russel, and Pam, there were several scenes that confused me and really had no place in the episode, IMHO.

First off was the scene with Tara and Sam. Did we really have to be subjected to this AB? Seriously, you’re taking time from the episode so we can marvel at  Sam’s culinary skills?

The only salvageable thing from this convo was Sam revealed to Tara that he was a shape shifter, but it was such a zzzzZZZ moment, I fought to keep awake. Here’s how this scene could’ve been done so that I actually cared about it. How about they are lying in bed, waking up to each other and while embracing and amidst some teasing, Sam tells her his secret? That would’ve lent the scene some intimacy and would have validated to me why Sam would give up his secret to Tara - to show they are getting serious about their relationship. Oh yea, that’s right! Now I know why they didn’t do the scene with intimacy - because Tara leaves town at the end of the episode. So much for spilling your secret Sam! Totally unnecessary scene. DELETE.

Then there was the Intervention Scene with Hoyt, his mom, Summer, and the school guidance counselor? LOL

This just went on too long! Here’s how this could’ve been handled better and SHORTER. Hoyt’s mom and Summer knock on Hoyt’s door in the morning as he’s getting ready to go to work. They see the fang marks on his neck and they try to tell him that’s he’s making a mistake, but he informs him that he loves Jessica and wishes Summer the best husband in the world, but that isn’t him. He then tells his mom to either accept Jessica or she can forget about him. His mom says she will never accept Jessica and Hoyt can tell his momma goodbye and SHUT THE DOOR. See? That was a simple FIX, and would’ve taken less than this scene which dragged on forever!

And what is it with AB and seeing icky men in underwear? Eww!

There’s no way to salvage or fix this unless he puts some pants on. LOL DELETE.

Moving on to the Terry crying scene. What was up with that? I was a bit confused on that one.

I just don’t understand why Terry was sitting on the porch crying. My heart was breaking, thinking Arlene had done something stupid to him, but his tears were due to him being so happy. Aww! I love him so! This scene should be fixed and there are several ways to do so. Show Terry cutting the grass, working on his truck, something of this manner, when Sam shows up, asking him if he’s seen his brother. This segues into Sam asking Terry how he’s doing and telling him sorry. Terry then tells him everything is great and they shake hands and part as friends, everything resolved between them. That was a nice FIX and no need to cry.

Next up, there was more Sam again. ZZZzzz! Wake up!

AB, did we really need to be subjected to endless minutes of Sam looking through his apartment, turning off the AC, turning off faucets, closing the refrigerator? ZZZzzz! No we did not! All it took was one QUICK glance to see that Tommy left. The rest was so unnecessary, BUT this whole scene could’ve been done away with if in the previous scene with Terry, Terry would tell Sam that he saw Tommy leave in the middle of the night. This scene didn’t need to happen as Sam could’ve asked Terry to do him a favor and check the apartment as he left to find Tommy. See what an easy fix that was? DELETE.

Moving on to Tara’s mom and the Reverend.

Why did we need to see this? I understand Tara had to part with everything tying her to the town so she could leave, but why do we need to see this? Couldn’t a phone call have sufficed? Or perhaps a note or a letter Tara mailed to her mom telling her she needed to leave and she wished her happiness? That would’ve been a better alternative. DELETE.

Okay, so if these scenes above were deleted or fixed we could’ve seen more of these scenes:

1) Pam killing the hired assassin, Ruben. How awesome would that have been? Instead we were given a scene where she’s washing cement out of her hair. *sighs*

2) Sophie Anne landing a few punches on Bill. LOL Now that would’ve been awesome! Didn’t need to see who won, just wanted the pleasure of someone hitting him. LOL

3) A nice nude shot of Eric in the shower washing off the cement and dreaming of his next move with Sookie. Then we would cut to his trademark smirk and he’d extend his fangs as he reminisced and reveled in how Sookie dumped Bill.  Now that scene alone would’ve held me over for the long wait until Season 4 starts.

Can’t wait to see how the next season unfolds and I’m so glad Bill finally showed his true colors!

Thanks for reading - what do think? Was there something I missed?

*tight Viking hugs*

!spoiler alert!, eric northman is my baby daddy, alan ball you bastard, tb_rant s3, caption this!, wet blanket bill, wtf moment

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