In honor of the show finally being back on, this week you are going to make icons from the 1st episode of Season 6. So you can make anything you want as long as it is from Season 6's debut, Who are You, Really?
Questions? Feel free to ask. =)
If you are looking for caps, you can find some here:
Who are You, Really? rules.
★ You may submit up to 3 icons
★ You can use any pictures you want
★ Be careful with important spoilers from the current season airing and wait at least 5 days after the episode to submit your icons.
★ All effects are allowed
★ Your icons must fit LJ standarts: no larger than 40kB, 100x100px
★ Icons must be made especially for this challenge and by yourself
★ Submit entries in a new separate post
★ Provide img src and urls on your entry
★ Tag you entries with your usename
★ Icons are due Sunday, July 7th by 3 pm EST
★ Any question? just ask! :)