Title: A Night's Rest
Pairing: Kara/Lee/Zak
Rating: R
Author's Note: I wrote this as comment fic for
taragel. Changed the last line because it occured to me that it would make more sense like that.
This is apparently what I write at 3 in the morning. Huh.
Kara woke up abruptly, fist clutching the blanket, chest heaving. She didn’t even bother trying to orient herself, still caught up in the wake of the dream -- hands touching the inside of her thigh, others brushing past the underside of her breasts -- satin sliding over skin...
Holy frak. Her breath calming down slowly, she tilted her head to have a look at Zak - still out cold. The evening had proven that both brothers were lightweights.
According to her dream, they were also equally hot, especially together.
Kara grinned and curled up again, her hand already moving deeper.